Why are people so jealous of Leos?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by enfant_terrible on Saturday, August 31, 2013 and has 17 replies.
Law of Jante
"The Law of Jante or the "Who-do-you-think-you-are" -law, is the idea that there is a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities that negatively portrays and criticises individual success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate.
Generally used colloquially as a sociological term to negatively describe an attitude towards individuality and success common in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic countries, the term refers to a mentality that de-emphasizes individual effort and places all emphasis on the collective, while discouraging those who stand out as achievers."


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I think this applies to how people generally react to Leos in here. Some hide their contempt, other spit in our faces. If we stand out the slightes, or say or do something than shocks others, we are simply labelled as "boastful" or "attention-seeking". I've been through it many times, but when a Virgo or a Cap or whatever, pulls the same shit, no one calls them attention-whores. It's all so predictible.
I don't think anyone is jealous of another sign.
But in saying that, I think only a Leo would post this type of post due to the fact they are pretty big headed.
This poster probably didnt get her daily dose of "praise" and resorted to this empty post.
Everyone's so serious and shit. Just because I'm a Leo, this thread is obviousely ALL ABOUT ME and I'm 100% serious because my ego is at stake!!!
And people, keep in mind I used quotation marks for "jealous". If you are illiterate your point is invalid. And this is just a reference to WL's deleted attempt to get to the bottom of this shit... Tongue
Anyway, I'm hitting the sheets now. Have a good one! Getting back here in the morning to see the havoc I've caused. I mean of course the havoc my big, scary ego has caused!
PS. I've had 10,241 visistor on my page so far. And oh yeah, I have a pic of my dick in my profile in case anyone's missed smile
Posted by Superseven
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by Jynja
They really think they have us all figured out.
Of course, this whole site is Scorpio-worshipping (I ??? me some Scorpees... but this site is in awe of them) and any collective in a sign that's not falling over for the sacrifice at the Scorpio tabernacle is put through hell because we're able to do 'us' without them.

WTF is this shit?
No one here is in awe of Scorpios LOL.
Especially not us Scorpios ourselves.

but i think she's talking about herself.
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Posted by LilliLou

Aww, my spine purrs Big Grin
Only a Scorp knows how to give it to me!
@Kris, I thought you were a Cancer? Tongue
(I'm STILL NOT a Sag)
And I personally am certainly NOT jealous of Leo's... I think I'd have to kill myself. Oh wait, haven't I already suggested that just in dealing with the men?
Posted by Superseven
I happen to like Leos, Love your loyalty more.
I like that you're standing up for woundedlion.

What happened?
*out of the loop*
Posted by Greyhame

as it stands now we are the joke of the zodaic and it is because we are too big hearted and the actually arrogant signs like capricorn and scorpios are getting off "scott free" from criticism simply because they are less open.
trust me in all of the elite type of clubs you find these power hungry Capricorn and Scorpio types who get no criticism. in a way these two signs are very cowardly but also wise. leos ends up getting bashed due to the type of open ego when in reality we are just big goofballs who really don't have much ego.
we actually have a weak ego but a big heart because we are trying to find a identity. remember we are the teenager of the zodaic.
you should be resentful that the actual egomaniacs who are being lusted after and admired while we are being hit by the target.
we are not cunning and they are. that is our curse. we are kind and they are ruthless. it is not jealousy but very very bad marketing leos have suffered due to all this ego being associated with us without understanding why and what our role is. notice how no one mentions pour good traits and even in astrology sites ego is always associated with leo. leo actually rules the heart which is conveniently brushed aside in favor of ego.

Yes, we sometimes get a bad rap.
However, I don't buy into the idea that we are pussycats 110% of the time.
I'm not; esp in the face of betrayal.
I fight back, I'm playing for keeps, and I don't even have to deal dirty; I still win.
I love that about myself.

And I'm not a "goofball". Winking
Posted by scorchedearth
i don't really feel like going to war with the leos on the board. so if anyone else quotes and responds to me and they're a leo i'm just going to ignore it. i said what i had to say. i don't particularly care what some leo thinks about my opinions.

Good thing you let us know so we wouldn't think you didn't have a proper reply (lest we stoop to respond to your silly insults).
Posted by enfant_terrible
Law of Jante
"The Law of Jante or the "Who-do-you-think-you-are" -law, is the idea that there is a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities that negatively portrays and criticises individual success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate.
Generally used colloquially as a sociological term to negatively describe an attitude towards individuality and success common in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic countries, the term refers to a mentality that de-emphasizes individual effort and places all emphasis on the collective, while discouraging those who stand out as achievers."


I'm sorry, but not all Leos are achievers in the "career" field. But yes, they are achievers in EVERY angle of life they choose. Whether that is a stay at home mother and wife, (my Leo lady neighbor has always achieved success as a caretaker and wife, now happily retired before she's even at a retirement age) And my husband's Leo aunty is a farmer's wife, very simple life, but very successful. Her success is that she has married happily and running a big household of just her and her husband and acres of land and two barnfuls of animals. She even takes care of all the baby animals and stuff. She is a success in any field she chooses to, even if it's a very VERY humble one. Which to outsiders in the fast lane don't appreciate.
^^ meaning you don't have to be this "in the box" niche of working a 9 to 5 job and being successful at it. Sure, they can do that. Anyone can. But success in marriage? (CHECKED BOX) Hell yeah. Do you know how many people in this world cannot achieve that? Or success in managing a big household, even if it's a HUGE farm? (CHECK BOX) Or if they want, living in the fast-lane, success like Madonna, always re-inventing herself.
Posted by lisabethur8
^^ meaning you don't have to be this "in the box" niche of working a 9 to 5 job and being successful at it. Sure, they can do that. Anyone can. But success in marriage? (CHECKED BOX) Hell yeah. Do you know how many people in this world cannot achieve that? Or success in managing a big household, even if it's a HUGE farm? (CHECK BOX) Or if they want, living in the fast-lane, success like Madonna, always re-inventing herself.

You're right, regarding success and how it is measured v. how it should be measured.
Both posts +1
Posted by Jynja
Posted by scorchedearth
you may not accept the faults of your sign, and have convinced yourself that you're super powerful (which i've seen you say plenty of times) and humble but look at your posts. it's all ego.

And I remember exactly where I've said Lionesses are Very dangerous not super powerful. What power is it, the ability to fly? lol
I can't find the article (Even though Linda Goodman alludes to this, I read an article on lionesses else where that is more concise), but think about it - there are only two signs that are hunters in the zodiac.
The Scorpio man is said to be the most dangerous hunter because he'll turn on his own children for
food. The lioness is the second most dangerous hunter. Scorpio women come in a close third because they are more compassionate than their male counterparts.
Humble and powerful all still sound like praises to me personally though..
Again, I love to be called Leo! Big Grin
*Winking @ BoomShaka*
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*looks up*
Nicely done, Jynja. Winking

*yawns stretches curls back up under shade tree*
Posted by Neurotoxin

Posted by Jynja
Posted by Neurotoxin
You've got it wrong.
I will SELL my own children for BOOZE.
Get it straight.

Which booze uh?
What's your poison, Toxin?

Depends on the mood.
Since its a holiday weekend and I'm outside with 10lbs of pig out on the smoker I'm already drinking Rolling Rock.
Yes I know it's not even 11 am.
Sue me.
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Drinking early does add a certain whimsy to the morning.

Big Grin
Posted by scorchedearth
i'm sure that there are leos out there with a shit ton of virgo placements that doubt themselves and that are humble. i'm sure they exist. i just have never met one and i've been around plenty of leos since i was a little kid. even when they're children and know nothing about astrology or how they're being perceived they have enormous egos and act like they're the center of the universe. i used to watch one in particular in horror because it seemed like she thought she was lost royalty or something.
they have a lot of positive qualities. loyal. loving. confident. expressive. big hearted. theatrical. charming. a million other things. but along with those positive things comes that thing where it seem like they think the whole worlds a stage and that they're performing/being watched and it makes them puff up and get arrogant.

One thing you are missing completely is that Leos are playful. We will do anything to make people around us happy. We will also protect those we love. And we are CAPABLE of handling things that many others cannot. So we stand up for others because we have strength and compassion. We also never tolerate disrespect. Not because we are royalty, it's because we have a lot to give and why give it to someone who doesn't give a shit? The humbleness that you haven't "seen" is an inner feeling. We will make any sacrafice for someone who is deserving and we never ask for repayment. And the ego you refer to is because we know how much we give. So if our intentions are ever questioned its hurtful. I think you honestly just don't understand Leos and what makes us thrive.
Plus, everyone loves us! (Haha sorry, too "leo")

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