Why do leo men become cold, heartless and angry?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by luvmyleoman on Monday, January 9, 2012 and has 8 replies.
My leo man broke up with me and yes I want him back.
Right now he is being distant, cold heartless and angry with me. Which leads to arguements
I need to learn to remain quiet when he is like that but I get on the defensive because I dont like how he talks to me as its hurtful.
He says he is being honest when he says things to me but I dont know if he really means it.
Why do Leo males do this?
What should I be doing besides what I should be doing ignoring this behaviour.
Its just painful and upsetting to watch someone you love be like this to me :S
Is it worth trying to stroke the lion mane? If so how do u do that?
Thanks for your help
Posted by KittyKnitter
there is no excuse for being disrespectful.
don't stick with someone who walks over you.
a leo has pride but has to learn to tame it so that when he or she is in conflict with someone, they learn to bend and they learn to communicate effectively and listen effectively. if we get our way and can walk all over you, we lose respect for you. better to stand up to us by walking away so we earn your respect. very few arguments can be won when egos are involved. don't give up yours for his. no one is worth that.

So when you say that no one is worth that. The i pose the 'what if'scenario. I walk away. He finds himself in another relationship and he treats that person way better because he learnt the wrongs from our relationship?
To me that isnt fair. When he could just learn to see his mistakes and we can work on it?
Do you know what I mean?
Thanks for your replies thou Winking
Posted by splitnconfused
Luvmyleoman, after reading your posts I get the feeling that your Leo man wants his relationship with you to be strictly on his own terms without any regards to your feelings...
I'm now convinced he's doing YOU a favor by breaking up with you.....stop losing yourself and work on getting your self-esteem back..

I have been informed that he is following in his grand fathers footsteps, that things have to be his way or no way. Because he is a Leo too.
So I am getting told to learn to be Queen? (Whatever that means) Get advised to stick up for myself, which I have been. But then I see how its hurt his pride. I maybe a little fish but I have learnt to defend myself and not be walked over by anyone. So I adapted.
I thought I had some Leo traits in my astrological sign but it seems its more Aquarius, Cancer moon rising.
Hmm, if there is an element of fish in my leo man than that can be a good thing I suppose?
I am definetly working on getting my self esteem back thats for sure smile
Thank you
Posted by luvmyleoman
Posted by splitnconfused
Luvmyleoman, after reading your posts I get the feeling that your Leo man wants his relationship with you to be strictly on his own terms without any regards to your feelings...
I'm now convinced he's doing YOU a favor by breaking up with you.....stop losing yourself and work on getting your self-esteem back..

I have been informed that he is following in his grand fathers footsteps, that things have to be his way or no way. Because he is a Leo too.
So I am getting told to learn to be Queen? (Whatever that means) Get advised to stick up for myself, which I have been. But then I see how its hurt his pride. I maybe a little fish but I have learnt to defend myself and not be walked over by anyone. So I adapted.
I thought I had some Leo traits in my astrological sign but it seems its more Aquarius, Cancer moon rising.
Hmm, if there is an element of fish in my leo man than that can be a good thing I suppose?
I am definetly working on getting my self esteem back thats for sure smile
Thank you
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OH MY GOODNESS! Please do work on your self esteem! I BEG OF YOU!
NO! don't stroke his mane, stroking our manes is for when we are sad, upset, need a rub - that bounces us back into happy sappy land and you will reap the benefits. Roar right the treetrunk back at him when he is disrespecting you, let him know verbally and loudly that you will not put up with his tantrums, he'll respect you more for it - we do like a challenge and a strong equal partner is a must. And don't roar in a defensive way either, you have nothing to defend, don't talk about how hurt you are blah blah blah, just let him know loud and clear that his behaviour IS unacceptable and you won't put up with it, why its unacceptable will go over his head.
Posted by luvmyleoman
Posted by splitnconfused
Luvmyleoman, after reading your posts I get the feeling that your Leo man wants his relationship with you to be strictly on his own terms without any regards to your feelings...
I'm now convinced he's doing YOU a favor by breaking up with you.....stop losing yourself and work on getting your self-esteem back..

So I am getting told to learn to be Queen? (Whatever that means)
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So be a queen, all women are anyway smile Just think of Alice in Wonderland, the queen just said off with his head, no explanations, nothing - she way to regal to be giving explanations, let em work it out for themselves, you can't tell him what the problem is, just show him that there is one and he will work out what it is himself if he cares enouhg, and if he doesn't well Your Majesty you just dont need that fool smile.
To the OP,
Oh hunnie, i've been there and let me tell you.. the more you pine for him and try to let him know you want him, the angrier he will get and disrespect you. In his eyes, he is telling you something..and you are not paying heed and just doing what u wanna. thats how HE sees it. Yes, Leo men tell you very rudely, the truth. But he will definitely see the error of his ways, since they're not bad people to begin with. But you need to give him the sufficient thinking and breathing space for him to see his errors. So for the love of god, LEAVE HIM BE. show him you don't approve of his mean ways. THEN he will understand that not everything goes his way, and that he has hurt your feelings. by clinging to him, you are giving him the impression that you are needy and cannot get on with your life.
I think as a individual leo man as i'm one of them.

Sometimes we mentioned nobody understand us because we fear to lose someone's that so important to us when we fall deeply. However i'm not sure what's your relationship with your leo man but if you wanna debate or argument with a leo, i can you tell you. It will stomp it off but deep down they know whats going on however they do not wish to speak up unless you're someone's who is trustworthy to them.

When you remain quiet they assumed you ignoring them so when they ask you a question just reply asap as soon you hear finished what he had mentioned.

Being honest with you is because he might still love you however he doesn't know how to express anymore to you. He find no points on going about this topic, If you love him show him.

Show him that he mean a lot to you and start by communicate if this doesn't kick off then nothing will keep a leo man stay beside you.

When you find unfair that issue turned the table around that is because he's observing you however he doesn't want to respond to you either. If you wanna work with him to overcome the mistakes speak to him , let him know what's going on with your mind.

He said he loves you sometimes we really do but not to that extend of holding on anymore. We could be friend as we love making new friends & keeping good vibes friends around us even it's for an ex who we doesn't linger any feelings on it anymore. we didn't want to make you sad as we know it could be difficult for someone's we used to love for them to experience such painful events however we wanted to make peace not war.

When you wanted to get back a leo man is either he fall for you deeply like how i love my libra girl deeply, who i think libra is always the best out of all. Maybe i have not met others sign or character similar but i think over thinking is not healthy for a relationship.

He wanted the best for you by not hurting you again.

Hopefully this will help you through.

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