Why does a leo man gets back in touch?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by LilliLou on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 and has 4 replies.
I've had two get in touch within 6 hours?
One is problematic; his life is super complicated to the point that he made an about turn a couple of weeks ago about our new relationship and decided he couldn't be in it. Typically it's been a drawn out break up and 2 weeks ago he had a minor meltdown and disappeared. Now he is back and tells me he needed a break to sort himself, that he had, and he's sorry and hoped he hadn't upset me too much...
Do I even bother to try and unravel that one? Is there an angle? Should I ask if this means he'd like to try a relationship again? Wait for him to spell it out? Or keep walking?
The other one is an old flame lives overseas and isn't really an option but he is such a lovely man, our friends think one of us should move and live happily ever after. There has never been anything serious, just holiday flings but he's always been the 'what if'. Was nice to hear from him, a pleasant surprise that he'd been thinking about me!
Posted by LilliLou
I've had two get in touch within 6 hours?
One is problematic; his life is super complicated to the point that he made an about turn a couple of weeks ago about our new relationship and decided he couldn't be in it. Typically it's been a drawn out break up and 2 weeks ago he had a minor meltdown and disappeared. Now he is back and tells me he needed a break to sort himself, that he had, and he's sorry and hoped he hadn't upset me too much...
Do I even bother to try and unravel that one? Is there an angle? Should I ask if this means he'd like to try a relationship again? Wait for him to spell it out? Or keep walking?
The other one is an old flame lives overseas and isn't really an option but he is such a lovely man, our friends think one of us should move and live happily ever after. There has never been anything serious, just holiday flings but he's always been the 'what if'. Was nice to hear from him, a pleasant surprise that he'd been thinking about me!

Wow smile
I doubt there is much of an angle with LEO 1, but if it were me, I would watch as a spectator for a bit to see if he remains grounded-- I just can't imagine that a "minor meltdown" isn't part of a larger struggle.
As for LEO 2-- sounds delightful.
You think it would still be as exciting if it was a full-time thing, instead of just holidays?
I ask that because sometimes, there are people whom I adore in small doses and I'm sure it is the same for them-- in other words, from my own experience.
You're popular in the world of LEOs, atm. Winking
Anyway-- I'm sure Seraph will chime in, and being an actual Leo man-- he may offer better insight to your dilemma.

Posted by Montgomery

Wow smile
I doubt there is much of an angle with LEO 1, but if it were me, I would watch as a spectator for a bit to see if he remains grounded-- I just can't imagine that a "minor meltdown" isn't part of a larger struggle.
As for LEO 2-- sounds delightful.
You think it would still be as exciting if it was a full-time thing, instead of just holidays?
I ask that because sometimes, there are people whom I adore in small doses and I'm sure it is the same for them-- in other words, from my own experience.
You're popular in the world of LEOs, atm. Winking
Anyway-- I'm sure Seraph will chime in, and being an actual Leo man-- he may offer better insight to your dilemma.

Exactly the tactic I was thinking to adopt with Leo 1... I still don't think he knows what he wants and has a lot going on so remains to be seen.
Leo 2... This man is just gorgeous. Don't know what it is, but I actually smile just thinking about him (my Scorp sun is aghast at this Libran venus mushy simpering!). It is just a daydream and probably wouldn't work in real life but we do have our friends mutual wedding in December which will be interesting!
Posted by seraph

A Leo man gets back in touch, in a nutshell, because he's a Fixed sign and likes to hang on . . . and on and on and on, and because he's naturally magnanimous, so bridge-burning is something he doesn't do with any regularity, save for certain exceptions.
Option 1 showed you how he handles difficulty. Breakdown + disappearance. It'll happen again. Additionally, you've admitted it's a drawn out break-up. He'll return for a little while, but do it all over again, the motivation being feelings mixed with possessiveness (but let's err on the side of the latter.) You're still his "territory", and even if he has no intention to involve you in anything long-term (he doesn't), he'll still come around once in a while to "reclaim" you. So that's what I'm getting from this particular type of Leo, and yes, there are types. This one doesn't seem to be the kind with whom to enjoy anything long-term, unless you can be super-flexible with your feelings and sexuality. There are other Leos who are beautifully set up for family life and parenting, but the fierce Leo streak of independence means that on average you might have to look a little harder.
Option 2 isn't really viable at the moment, but beware: flingy-Leos don't necessarily translate into relationshipy-Leos. Winking

I'm the same- super fixed sun/ moon/ ascendant, add in an ultra- tolerant Libra in Venus and I struggle to throw in the towel with someone I care for. And yes, that Venus does allow for super flexible feelings and sexuality but I'm going to ask my Aqua ascendant to help me disengage!!!
Funnily enough I had the strangest a dream about Leo 1 last night; we were playing around in an adult size (totally amazing!) tree house when his sister turned up and he introduced me to her and his son (has a daughter in RL)- I guess that is the result of a very stubborn Taurus asking me what I wanted. My bullish friend thinks I should try to push his buttons and see what happens, but I really don't think Leo 1 needs any more dramas. At least I know what I think I want Tongue but really I have to find someone else.
Flingy/ flighty Leo's might not make the grade relationship-wise but my goodness are they good at flings!