I'm a sagittarius and this friend of mine who betrayed me was a libra man. I discovered he was already courting the girl of my dreams(Leo Woman).
Then I learned that the libra man asked her to go shopping with him and the leo woman said she also wants to shop so she might come.(it made me pissed off)
After 3 days the leo woman called me and said to come to her house and bring cookies because I always bake her cookies. That's when I learned that she's pissed off with the Libra Man saying he's clingy and needy and that's why she doesn't want to talk to him anymore. She also calls him gay for asking her to go shopping and she refused because of his clingyness always calling her on phone and asking if when they are going to shop. So she said that she already shopped her clothes so no need.
Then it's all right and me and the leo woman started hanging out. When I learned that they were talking again, I'm a paranoid sage but hey I don't want this traitor come nearing my prey right? so why is the leo woman talking to this libra man? is she fond of us? I don't know because I know she's irritated with this libra man.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
My fellow Sag, what you need to realize is that you're being played by the Leo. You're a "pride male" being used for attention when she tires of the libra. She's enjoying sitting in the middle pitting you two against each other to her own ends. If he was so bad, why continue to talk to him. What you're doing,miss refusing to accept the truth in the hopes that "she'll come around" and not losing "your dream girl." This will not win her over because a Leo female will not be with a man she can run over. That's why she won't be with the Libra either. My advice to you is to find another dream woman and then actually pursue her and not wait until "she gets it." That ain't gonna happen. Then, just maybe, the Leo will come around. You'll be better off in the long run even if she doesn't.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
She's playing you both, if she talks about him to you what makes you think shes not talking about YOU to him. Leave her be she's scum.. or her ego loves to leech and suck your blood dry.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
and I bet he's not clingy or needy, it's called compassion? interest? she will be needy/clingy though if you both leave her.
It's not that she's a religious one though a devoted christian that's maybe why she continues to talk to the libra man. I'm not sure but everyone always admires her good nature. She's mad at the Libra man because of his needy and clingy side. I proved it because the libra man was my friend for 4 years and every girl he's attached to he is clingy with them. Yes and I think that I'll try what you all said. She's gorgeous and also a model maybe that's what makes her like that. But she ain't a bad person but maybe she got that bad side of hers.
I ain't clingy if you all must know I don't even text her sometimes because I'm busy with my career right now and I already told her that. I told her I want to build a career so that someday I can prove to the one I'll marry that I can give her security and future.
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Oct 30, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 12
I think I know what you're getting at. Libra men and Sagittarius men definitely have a different way of courting. Libra men seem pretty straightforward and persistent. In general, I don't think Sagittarius men are very consistent with the things they tend to do - somewhat like Leo's. Maybe that's why she sees him as clingy bc he acts 100% interested in her.
I've dated a couple Sagittarius, we have some weird instant connection...oh and they are just as manipulative as Leo women. Most fire signs can be and are at some point, in my opinion.
BUT the short answer is yes, we can like "clingy" or "needy" men. To a point it can be annoying, but where it stems from is all that counts for me. If I'm reciprocating those feelings and the clingyness stems from care then I find it endearing and learn to love it. My bf's libra, kind of clingy but more so just completely there for me. I wasn't used to it and would talk about it to friends at first but it's actually a nice trait that I haven't always found in the Sag and Cap men I've dated. It's nice to feel like you can depend on someone. And always remember, we love to be adored so anyone complaining about how a guy is giving them too much attention is talking just to talk.