Wounded Leo?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by MissCeefly on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 and has 17 replies.
Hey all I need some advice. This Leo man contacted me online. We've been texting and having phone calls since October. He disappeared every now and again, when he asked me to come visit and I declined, but that didn't matter because I wasn't invested. I cancelled on him a couple times once because I was scared and the other because it was a holiday and I felt bad about not celebrating with my family.
Each time he would send me irate emotional texts about not coming, which was a red flag for me, but I have him the benefit of the doubt. When I finally built up the courage to go it was great for the first 4 hours and then we got into a heated discussion after which I was ready to leave. I ended up walking out the next day after yet another argument. It seemed like I had to agree with everything he said and if I stated my own opinion he would say "oh my God". We had a discussion after and I said I wanted to be his friend, I asked him what he wanted to do, he said our personalities clashed too much so he would be my friend, but he has since not responded to my texts. What's up with that?
#1) what kind of friend do you want him as?
#2) do you seek advice every time your friends don't message you back
#3) why do you want to be friends with someone you clearly know you'll have issues getting along with long term
Some things aren't sign based, they're just human nature based. When someone isn't interested they behave so. Think of how you've acted when you've come across a guy who you weren't interested in. You didn't jump to answer his calls I'm sure. Either be seriously ok just being his friend (which means you'll be ok if he doesn't respond), or find someone who is worth your time. Someone who ignores you on purpose is not.
I thought he got married to your best friend. Straight Face
Important to note, we'd never really had an argument before. He would get upset and I apologized the first time, but the second time I ignored him because I felt he was being unreasonable. The issues were more personal to me more than him as we were talking about my culture. He brought it up and we had never spoken about it before until that day. During the argument he told me "you came to my house to be disrespectful?" When we spoke after I left, he said he was sad/angry/confused and when I asked why, he said he didn't know. He then asked me why I left and I told him to prevent either of us saying something worse that would stop us from even having a friendship. I've grown to like him and he's opened up to me about some personal stuff, but I'm not about to kiss his ass to get back in his good graces nor can I stifle my own opinions to make him feel better about himself.
#1: Just a friend. He's actually really kind and very funny. He's been supportive especially when I get stressed with school.
#2: No, I do not seek advice whenever my friends don't text back nor was your smart ass answer needed. -__-
#3: We got along GREAT before we actually met up which is why I do not want to lose his friendship. I honestly think I hurt his feelings which is why he is behaving this way.
& WRONG person!!
You guys are tough critics. I really just want to know if he was that upset to no longer want to be at least friends. I'm friends with an ex leo of mine and we literally are just friends. I enjoy having genuinely good people in my life.
& I only texted him once after our conversation where I explained my reasoning for walking out on him. But I hate it when people are mad at me (aqua/pisces cusp), so him not texting me back makes me wonder...
Ssupes I like that option. Hahaha... But unfortunately, I'm wayyyy too stubborn. I'd rather him decide he wants to speak to me and text me on his accord than me "chasing" after him. I just don't understand how it went from him rubbing my back, kissing my hand and telling me how happy he was that I was there & he wanted me to come back every weekend to us arguing and me walking out. Sad Such is life.
nor was your smart ass answer needed. -__-
I'm open to constructive criticism (the rest of your posting was constructive and I answered your questions), but I didn't see how that particular question helped in figuring out the situation with him so I didn't feel it was needed. :-) I wasn't offended or upset at all. I'm blunt. I thought it was a smart answer and wasn't needed so I said that. That is all dear. But thank you kindly for your thoughts on the matter. As far as the wrong person comment, that was to the individual below you who asked about him marrying my best friend. Hahaha... Again, wrong person. Winking
Gotcha! Well hopefully you figure things out. The only time I've ever been ignored by a Leo was when he was hurt. But it was an ex, and not just a friend so the situation was a little different. IMO....purposely ignoring is a form of manipulation, and a good one at that because it always works. But you're an Aqua. Regardless of the pisces cusp, you know how to be strong and not stand for it.
Wait for him to contact you, if he doesn't he obviously doesn't care all that much, then you move on.
Goodbye little lion.
Posted by Ssupes
This is a viable option also. If u really like him then what's the harm in letting him cool off and reaching out? Scared to be vulnerable?

Posted by MissCeefly
I asked him what he wanted to do, he said our personalities clashed too much so he would be my friend, but he has since not responded to my texts. What's up with that?

That silence speaks volumes.

If he wanted to talk to you... he would.
Posted by Montgomery
I thought he got married to your best friend. Straight Face

hahaha u are confused with my story... i was surprised to see this story...just exactly like mine..
Posted by MissCeefly
Ssupes I like that option. Hahaha... But unfortunately, I'm wayyyy too stubborn. I'd rather him decide he wants to speak to me and text me on his accord than me "chasing" after him. I just don't understand how it went from him rubbing my back, kissing my hand and telling me how happy he was that I was there & he wanted me to come back every weekend to us arguing and me walking out. Sad Such is life.

Oh god.. your story is like 100% like mine.. it's just unbelievable
OP, what's your sign?