Wtdafxup wit Yama?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by wheelhomies on Sunday, September 3, 2006 and has 52 replies.
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"No more school forever...the thought makes me all warm and tingly on the inside..."
What are you doing after school? I'm not familiar with how education goes over there.
Hey Wheels
I think he's going to the military.
I'm gonna join the army...
The prospect of war is soooo much better than school...
Sad thing is-I'm serious.
btw-why the Leo board?
How can the prospect of war POSSIBLY be better than school??? Sad
btw-why the Leo board?
Because I'm a Leo and I'm sick of the lack of action around here. hehe
Hey Lady M smile Nice to see ya on this lovely afternoon
"How can the prospect of war POSSIBLY be better than school???"
Because school sucks the life out of me, while danger makes me feel alive, sure-there's a chance of death, but I'd rather have a 1/20 chances of death than 1/1 of having to listen and learn inane material and totally waste my time.
I don't do boredom well.Tongue
YOU are one crazy Israeli.
Hahaha, and with that statement, I realize just how appropriate the title of the thread is.
How's your school treating you? Is American college all it's cracked up to be?
"YOU are one crazy Israeli."
I'm a Scorpio, I'm supposed to be crazy.
Really-check the blueprints.
*checks blueprints*
Sweet mother of Spaghetti Monster, it's true.
This American College you speak of is, so far, NOT all it's cracked up to be. I love the independence, the SWEET FREEDOM, and my amazingly crazy roommates. The classes, however, are QUITE disappointing. They're boring. I mean..like...REALLY boring. I don't consider them a step up from High School. People are just as intellectually inhibited. This frustrates me.
Also, the amount of reading is just plain ridiculous. Ridiculous, I tell ya.
Actually, I have a rough draft of a paper due on Tuesday for my literature class that I should probably be working on, but screw that. Come 2am I'll be chugging away at it.
Oh yeah, and people are obsessed with drinking and sex. While this may sound good in theory, it is quite annoying in reality. Tongue
But, overall, on a scale of 1-10, I give the experience a solid 8.
Thus far.
"The classes, however, are QUITE disappointing. They're boring. I mean..like...REALLY boring. I don't consider them a step up from High School."
Now, I've heard some bad things, but you say it's on par with high-school?!
"People are just as intellectually inhibited. This frustrates me."
Give them time, college is supposed to be a life changing experience that opens people's minds, let it do it's thing.
"Oh yeah, and people are obsessed with drinking and sex. While this may sound good in theory, it is quite annoying in reality."
I feel your pain.
Or at least I wish I'd feel your pain.Tongue
"Now, I've heard some bad things, but you say it's on par with high-school?!"
I've only had classes for like a week and a half...maybe it will get better...but yeah...it seems like everything is actually review at this point.
"Give them time, college is supposed to be a life changing experience that opens people's minds, let it do it's thing."
Then why are there still so many closed-minded assholes in the world?
"Or at least I wish I'd feel your pain."
Oh, stop.

"Then why are there still so many closed-minded assholes in the world?"
Well, that's subjective-You're just very open-minded, being an Aqua moon and all.
But seriously, I've heard about a lot of people who learned a lot from this experience, and it kinda changed their prespectives.
But maybe that happend because of people like you they met in college who opened their minds...
and btw-"Actually, I have a rough draft of a paper due on Tuesday for my literature class that I should probably be working on, but screw that. Come 2am I'll be chugging away at it."
Hah! I knew you learn english!(even though it's not your major-I was just a bit off)
"But seriously, I've heard about a lot of people who learned a lot from this experience, and it kinda changed their *perspectives."
Yama, stop trying to make me blush, dammit.
Yeah...well, I mean, it's required in high school and also in like every major in college to study English.
I am curious as to why you would say you knew I studied it, though.
"Yeah...well, I mean, it's required in high school and also in like every major in college to study English.
I am curious as to why you would say you knew I studied it, though."
Don't you remember I guessed it a while back?
Yes, I remember, I'm just wondering why you would guess that in the first place.
Just a quick exercise/test-put your hands together(I don't know how to express it any better:/) so that you'll have one finger over the other.
Now, which thumb is on top?
Hey Wheels and Yama
I totally understand Wheels, i'm still waiting for my life changing experience in college (im a 2nd yr Junior)...everyone seems to be closed minded also. Yes, i totally agree, the partying and drinking/sex obsession is annoying, especially when you aren't participating.
BUT the FREEDOM is awesome!
The left.
"School sucks. Makes me wanna pull my hair out sometimes....there's ALWAYS something I haven't done or need to do, or have straightened out. NYU is the worst!"
Maybe this doesn't apply to college-but the worst thing is that they don't let people choose what they wish to learn(not fully at least), they treat everyone like irresponsible idiots and make us waste our time.:/
Lady M right on!!! I hate how EVERYONE is obsessed with the party scene...well not everyone..but so many people. I like to party, but not ALL THE EFFING TIME. It's just not the most important thing for me.
"NYU is the worst!"
You go to NYU? Smarty pants. I've actually only heard positive things about it.
Enlighten me, Yama, what does the left thumb being on top mean?
"The left."
Really? That's supposed to mean that your right lobe is more developed than your left one, which is supposed to mean your arithmetic skillz are more developed than your verbal skillz-that's what I get for getting half-arsed test's off of the internet.Tongue
Anyway, I just got the feeling that you're a "left" person, you know how to express yourself verbally quite well, but I guess self-expression is a Leo thing, right?
"Enlighten me, Yama, what does the left thumb being on top mean?"
It may take me some time to respond, since I'm doing math on the side here.Sad
Yama...I think you have it mixed up. Because I have ALWAYS heard that the right side of the brain is the creative, verbal one whereas the left side is the logical and mathematical one.
"It's okay, I guess. They always find a way to screw you over though. Or maybe they're just after ME!!"
Hmm, should I feed the Scorpio paranoia or simply chuckle to myself?
*chuckles to self*
"Yama...I think you have it mixed up. Because I have ALWAYS heard that the right side of the brain is the creative, verbal one whereas the left side is the logical and mathematical one."
You're right, I accidentally classified verbal abilty along with other more "humane" abilities that the left brain controls.
So I'm still right.
"so yama what r u thinking about specializing in-in army..."
Well, I'll do what they'd tell me to do, since I really do want to serve my country, but I reckon I'd prefer to be in the infantery, or maybe intelligence or tanks or somesuch.
Also, if someone'll offer me the chief-of-staff position I wouldn't refuse.Tongue
No you're not. Humane qualities are for the right brain. Sorry.
notso07, you did not read the first few posts. Shame on you.
"No you're not. Humane qualities are for the right brain. Sorry."

"In contrast, visual and music functions such as spatial manipulation, facial perception, and artistic ability seem to be lateralized to the right hemisphere."
(it didn't post my wikiqouteSad)
Err...RIGHT brain.
Right brain - Creativity, verbal, art, typically associated with extroverted behavior.
Left brain - Logical, mathematical, practical, typically associated with introverted behavior.
It's hard to concentrate on a discussion when you're doing a math excercise after every post.:/
So, in conclusion, if the right lobe dominates the left thumb, then you were right in your original assesment of me.
I am ambidextrous, though. So although the right dominates, if that theory is correct, it must be be by a small amount.
Geeze, Yama, with all your Math, you must be left-brained.
I may need to reconsider biology...Tongue
"Geeze, Yama, with all your Math, you must be left-brained."
Nope, not really-I'm a fellow right brain, but I have a very good control of my left hand and foot, after I practiced it a bit, it's with math, at middle-school I was always failing, now, since I started listening I've got a 90 average, even though I don't do homework and I really don't study all that much.(lately I've been studying for a special test, so I've got to practice math without a calculator)
It's probably the Saturn in my third house-with some work I can do pretty well.
Yeah, you do that. You reconsider biology. *confused*
Don't you remember how utterly and completely I suck at math? Come ON!!!
Thanks for the compliment you gave me earlier, by the way.
And now I must regretfully depart. And shop. So it's not actually regretfully. Au revoir!
"And now I must regretfully depart. And shop. So it's not actually regretfully. Au revoir!"
no calculator? you willingly subject yourself to this torture? good lord, you have issues.
deep down i knew you're a fellow right-brain. no, really, i did.
dude i really have to go. i sure we talk soon though. i mean, we do share a soul. bye-bye.
Bye(again), I'll explain myself later.