Need advice regarding a Libra man

This topic was created in the Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility forum by Losingmymindoveralibraman on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and has 2 replies.
Here is the story. I am a 40 year old married sagitarrius woman. Met online with a divorced 39 year old libra man. Connected so fast so deep at a very friendly plane. Have been texting everyday. It turns out that He did not see the part on my profile where i said i was married. Right before our first date when we were texting, it came up and he said he felt like he was punched in the gut. I made the mistake of setting boundaries so i dont hurt my family and said you cant fall in love with me and i cant fall innlove with you. He met me anyway as he said he likes me a lot and willing to be friends. I tried to end it saying i am too attrached to you to be just friends. We had back and forth texts about not labeling it, just taking it one day at a time etc. we had two more dates. Strong chemistry. No physical contact other than hugs. He clearly struggles with me being married. He told me that he thinks he will be collateral damage etc. on our third date, he took me to the movies, gave me a hug at the end of the night and send me home. Everytime we had a date, he would go radio silent but if i texted him, he would respond instantly. He tols me he is not a home wrecker etc. he was acting ambivelant. Then, i dont know why and how i turned to crazy sagittarius rage on him. Texted him one day after he went silent in a exloding text message. He called me immediately, we had an hour long call and decided to just be and see where it goes. He asked me to plan a date for friday night and then texted me on friday morning canceling with what i thought at the time to be a lame excuse. I texted him saturday morning after getting wasted on friday night and told him that "he is an immature, game playing ass and he should not contact me again. He kept responding saying everytime i dont get my way, i have these outbursts (typical sag) and he doesnt find them charming. I am selfish and it's all about me and what i want at this moment in time and he will get burned if he gets into this and i have nothing to offer the minute i told him we cant fall in love. To make the long story short, this was a week ago, we ended up talking on the phone and he said i am not emotionally ready to have a relationship with him, he likes me a lot but until i am in a place with my marriage where i know whatbi want to do, and ready to have a relationship with him, we should do our own thing and if down the line if he is still single and i am in a better place, we can try again. I said he is right, thanked him for being the sound of reason, told him to be good. We hung up. I called him back 5 seconds later 3 times he wouldnt pick up. I texted him to call
Me back, he didnt and i send him a text saying "wow just wow". This was a week ago. I have some self respect left so i did not text or call him since then, neither has he. I cant stop thinking about him. He is a nice guy, instead of trying to get in my pants and enjoy some no strings attached thing with a martied woman, he excesized incredib
He excercised incredible restraint. I cant stop thinking about him. I want him back in my life as a friend, lover, confidant. I dont know how to do it. Not contacting him and giving him space is the only sane thing to do it seems like but i dont wnat him to think thatbi didnt get my way and moved on. What shouldni do? Would he ever contact me again if i dont contact him? Any advice especially from libra man is greatly appreciated. And please i dont need any moral jusgements about being married for. 14 years and still wanting this new man. Life is complicated and things happen!