A bit shocking news from my Libra

This topic was created in the Libra forum by IamThis on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 and has 4 replies.

Wanted to share a weird thing that happened a few days ago. I'm still actually kind of shocked. It's so weird. I met a libra guy (we are both 28) around 9 months ago and we have been together since. We are very very happy, everything works very good and we enjoy each other company very much. However, it had a rather slow start. I mean we hanged out like 3-4 times a week like 8-16 hours each date since the beginning, but intimatelly it took very very long in my opinion. It took like 4-5 dates until he hugged me, it took like.. 1,5 months until he kissed me (we had had lots of "hugging sessions" by then) and the first kiss was very insecure.. as were the second and third. I mean insecure like it felt like it was his first kiss ever. Then another 1,5 months until we had sex and this did not go smoothly - it took like I think 10 times until it started to get smooth (it seemed very insecure again, and he had a bit of trouble staying erected etc). Anyways, overall the first 3-5 months were like.. so great and lovely and superb but at the same time so insecure and innocent (now we are very much on track and I cannot believe how insecure he used to be). I did not mind waiting, I still think it's very lovely we waited so long. Anyway, I was certain, based on his behaviour, that I was the first girlfriend he ever had and he was a virgin when we met. I was so sure about it, I could not find any other reason for such behaviour. Waiting so long is one thing, but when doing these things - the insecurity, innocense, fear etc. That is why I never asked him about his previous relationships - I was so certain that I was his first and as he had never mentioned anything I figured he might be embarassed or so and I figured it's not an issue, let it be, we are happy etc. And I never told him about my relationships either.

BUT! Then, a few days ago we randomly somehow started talking about past relationships. Well, he told me about his relationships. And I was actually shocked!! It turns out that he has had at least one relationship a year long and one relationship 4-5 years long! And some minor things perhpas too. I was shocked cause based on his behaviour with me I would have never guessed he ever had a girlfriend, moreover that he would have had a girfriend for years!

It is just so weird. It's fine be me, of course, we all have our history etcetc. But I kind of feel like I have to get to know him again and change my opinions or thoughts regarding some random stuff. There is no problem or issue, I am just wondering by myself how someone could look like and act like a virgin or like someone with a veryvery few experiences, while he is far-far away of being this someone.
What sign are you?

It could be that it just takes him a long time to warm up to partners. He definitely doesn't sound like a player and that's good news. It's nice to hear of a man with a bit of innocence these days.
The slower libras get involved with someone, the longer it seems to last. You may have struck libra gold with this one.

I am Aquarius.

I feel like I have found someone very special indeed, couldn't be happier.

However, now I feel how my insecurities kick in. Previously I felt like I was his first love and I have nothing to prove more than just being myself and enjoying him and giving him attention etc. I felt like I was his whole world.

But now, knowing his past, I feel so much more insecure. Like I have to prove myself much more, that I have to better than these previous girls, that I have 4-5 years I have to overcome until I can be sure that he really wants and likes me etc. I'm not sure I can exactly explain my feelings. I even have to carefully observe my behaviour as I feel like I became a lot more clingier after hearing his past, it's so weird Big Grin

And everytime he tells me how wonderful I am, and how beautiful I am, how he wants to spend his entire life with me, how I am exactly what he wants etc, which he does everyday and even several times a day and which I previously 100% believed - now I think that "he probably told the other girl the same things and he probably thought he would be with her his all life too and I cannot believe him until at least 5 years have passed".

Anyway, I'm sure I will get over it. Really, the isse is not that he has a past, rather it was a shock to me and now I have to get used to it and deal with it myself.

Overall yes, I think too that he is not a player and he has very good intentions. And looking at his behaviour currently, I'm pretty sure he absolutely wants to be with me and past is past. And he has told me that he was rather different person at the time, which I belive cause I was different several years back, too. And he also told that he has learned from his previous relationships that you have to notice "red flags" from early on - if there is a red flag, you should not ignore it, because it turned out to be bigger problem later. And he told me that he has not seen any red flags related to me. He even told me that a couple of weeks ago he thouroughly thought about me and tried to figure out whether I have some kind of flaws or "red flags", because "everyone has some kind of flaw" - but he figured out that there are no flaws or red flags.

Oh, he also told me that because of my reaction to his past (I just expressed my surprise, I did not analyse it like I'm doing here, I was just like "wow, oh my god, I have so many years to beat over"), he never wanted to ask about my previous relationships. I guess he would be disturbed as well, although I basically have no such relationships. I had a boyfriend of 1,5 years when I was 18-19. And then I have had some dates, maximum 2-3 months. These have ended because the men were not interested in me anymore or the other way around.