A blast from the past!

This topic was created in the Libra forum by twinflame2 on Thursday, November 22, 2007 and has 11 replies.
OMG I can hardly believe it myself, but I was there so I know it is real. There was this boy that I had a crush on in the sixth grade that I thought felt fairly neutral about me. Well come to find out my sister and her husband know this man who I had my first heart throb over and what was related back to me was a real surprise. It seems that he also had a crush on me but was warned to stay away because two other boys liked me and ran him off. And I did not let him know how I felt because my best girlfriend was crazy about him and said she would beat the hell out of me if I let him know.
So we were both held back by circumstances at that time. I know being twelve is a tender age and that the attraction was not true love or so I thought. I have been told that this man has carried a torch for me all these years and still does. We have had our separate lives and partners that we had children with but it is still very real for him. I would run into him here and there throughout the years and never knew of his feelings.
He is a musician (and a darn good one from what I am told) and he wrote a couple of songs about me. He told me that I have always been the perfect woman in every way to him and that he has never forgotten me. I guess he was real nervous about seeing me again so he had not called even though he had my number.
Well my sister called me last night and said he was stopping by and that I should just be there, so I did. First I ran home to change and make sure my makeup was ok and so I went. He still has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen and is still the sweet gentle person I remember him to be. He said he is making something for me but it is not quite done yet. There was a minor mess up during the process of creating the item but it will be done soon. He did mention something about sanding wood so I am curious and excited about what it could be.
I could tell by the way that he looked at me that he does still carry a torch for me, boy what a change that is regarding my past love relationships. I seem to have not done such a good job choosing partners for some time now. This has resulted in allot of heart ache for me. I don't want to see this situation for more than it is by seeing him like a Cinderella fairytale, but it is kind of hard not to feel like I am in a dream.
I have waited all my life for my soul mate and have never come close to finding him, could this be him? What do you think
Hello twinflame2!I'm happy to know that there is still someone believes soulmate or Cinderella fairytale smile I can imagine a wonderful and romantic soul you have there ...I hope you find your first crush is your last and forever love ! Though just a little silly reminder is that we live in real life (I think you know quite well now as you said that you already have children and such , so you surely must have quite alot of experience)hence prepare for "uncomfortable" moments without fairymother appeared to support Tongue
Only time can tell, but it sounds beautiful. Are you a gem and he a libra? This is supposed to be a good combo.
Thanks for the kind words and not to worry I have my feet firmly planted in the real world believe me. It's just is quite a change to be around someone who has carried a torch for me for so long. He is truly smitten it's all over him poor man! His children are all grown and my son is seventeen and lives with me. My son and the man seem to have a comfortable and positive interaction between them so far and my son says he likes him so far.
To answer the question about our signs, I am a Libra and he is a Scorpio. Not one of my most favorable signs to be partnered with but we will see. He is kind and gentle but there is a fire in his eyes that reflects a very passionate soul beneath. He is very intense but then again all scorpios are. My sister is a scorp so I have some experience with the female side of that sign.
This is the first time I have ever been involved with a scorpio though so any advise about this kind of union would be helpful. Can Libra's and Scorpio's make it work? Or is this kind of union simply to difficult to work through? Our charts were not very compataible regarding a few areas when I had it done.
Anyway it's very early in the process of getting to know each other better so we will have to see.
Thanks for helping out with my questions.
Bye TW2
That is such a sweet story - I never tire of reading that one Tongue
Hello Chatz you are new to me!
And hey there Atlantic Myst, long time no hear right. I still stop in from time to time to see what 's happening on the message boards. Thanks for the support it is appreciated.
And kennyg my old friend hows every little thing? Hope your Christmas is going well this year. In fact I hope everyone's Christmas is simply wonderful.
I agree with you regarding the age thing though. I truly don't believe that this man and I would be where we are right now if we had connected earlier in life. I had some experiences that life needed to teach me about before I was ready to accept or be able to appreciate this person. You are so right about being totally ready for a relationship because this scorpio is certainly is. He has a hard time remembering that I am just getting to know him with the idea of even having a union in mind. He has carried this torch for me for so many years that he feels like this is his dream finding reality. I need to get to know him and if love is to develop it needs to happen over a period of time for me.
You see he was my first crush like I had said, and I was in the sixth grade at the time. That made me twelve years old and I pointed out to him that twelve year olds don't usually decide on what person is going to be their life long mate. I certainly was not mature enough to make such a choice and I am amazed that he could have. We did not have any further contact except for three occasions at different times in our lives after we went on to junior high. I soon forgot about him as a possible romantic partner partly because I never knew he even had feelings for me like that.
He has had some unfortunate relationship situations in love just as I have, but the big difference is that I had no idea that he used to pray that our paths would cross some day again. He would go sit on the street where I grew up in hopes of catching a glimpse of me at my parents house. He did this about four or five times per year he has said. I kind of found that a little unsettling but he seems genuine about his feelings for me.
I think it is hard for him to realize that all this is so new for me and that I feel like I need to catch up kind of. I am still in the early process of exploring what my feeling may become. Or even if they will grow into the love he hopes I can return to him in kind.
So my past is telling me to be very cautious and go slow, so that I can be sure that he is everything he states he is. Wish
(cont) me luck! I may need it yet. This much I do know though, he is a very sensitive and kind person who tries to help others when and where he can. He has stated that he would do anything for me that I ask him to, and that is very sweet. He has already offered to give me about $ 300.00 for Christmas shopping because I don't have any money to even have a Christmas this year. Of course I told him I could not possibly accept such a generous gift as it would not be right.
I was in a bad car accident on November 6th and they think I have a herniated disk in my neck that has compressed a nerve. I am experiencing a high level of pain that radiates from my neck, down my shoulder to my hand. It never stops hurting and life is difficult for me because of this injury. I am waiting for an MRI to be done so I can be referred to to a neuro sergeon for treatment or possible surgery. He wishes I were not hurt but has made it clear that he will be by my side all the way and help take care of me in any way I may need him to. So I figure that any man that is willing to go through something difficult like this and still be solid in his support must have something worth taking a serious look in regards to being a life partner. I do feel that he loves me, and other people tell me that they can see very clearly that he does. So maybe I can dare to dream of finally being able to believe in happy endings and that all that I have waited for is possible. All in good time the answer will reveal itself. If things continue like they have so far I can see myself developing a deep love and spiritual union with this man. Maybe I have found my Twinflame (as my name indicates) A Twinflame is more than a soul mate, its our perfect union, our twin or the second half that makes us whole. And that connection is a rare one to find indeed. I believe my parents were such a match and they were married for fifty six years before my mom passed on. Thanks everyone for letting me get all this out, I have found such joy and wisdom here from the friends I have made. And I welcome your replies now as much as ever.
AND HAVE THE BEST DARN HOLIDAY EVER OK! Maybe there is a Santa Clause, Ha Ha.
Bye for now will check back in soon, Twinflame2
Ahhh the Libran/Scorp love.... Never ends.... LMAO....
Good luckk TW2
scorp man scorp man...troublesome(for me ) but yet really passionate. I know scorp is nice but pity we just can't communicate. but sounds like scorp need someone like libra to cool down their anger & pain.good luck!
Interesting name you have picked out, may I ask just what prompted you to choose it? Curiosity comes naturally for me for some odd reason. From what I have read Scorpio is not one of the three most compatible matches for Libra as I have stated earlier. I am planing to have our personal birth charts done, as well as a relationship compatibility reading soon. I just would like to see where our challenges and strengths are regarding a relationship situation. As it has been pointed out before and is so true, everyone has various other astrology signs in their full chart that also can influence who we are.
I do have one question though if you don't mind. It's your statement about a Scorp maybe needing someone like Libra to cool down their anger and pain. Could you please elaborate on that statement. I think I could gain some valuable insight regarding the Scorpion nature. The anger and pain part is what has caught my interest. I have no experience with the male Scorpio personality being referred to in quite that way.
This can vary quite allot from person to person depending on their rising and ascendant signs for example. This is one of the reasons that no two libras or scorpios will ever be exactly alike. Sure their sun sign will have the most influential effect on personality but you simply can not gain a complete understanding of another person unless every aspect in their chart is factored in.
I understand that astrology is to be used as a general guide and not as a meter to decide if someone is right for you or not. But is is so very interesting to learn about all the various ways we interact with each other. And there is some valuable information to be gained within the readings.
It is so uncanny how we as people can read our own personal birth chart and see so much truth about who and how we are. I know my chart pretty much hits the mark in my case.
Sorry about jumping into a totally different subject in my second paragraph. It was meant to be the last paragraph but I left the post and came back to finish it up. I guess that is when I goofed! Ah well sometimes I am not the sharpest tack in the box, lol. No harm no foul as they say!

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