A Question for the Libra Ladies

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Scorpiogrl62 on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 7 replies.
So I'm currently dating a Leo man, when we met he'd most recently gotten out of a relationship with a Libra gal. In the course of our casual dating he discovered that he was still pretty hung up on her even though she was (and still is) dating someone else. I stuck around (stubborn scorp that I am) as his friend and FB. Over time he worked through it and came back to me and now we're pretty damn happy with each other.
The only problem is that the Libra is like a perpetual thorn in our sides. Since we all participate in a hobby activity together it's not possible to avoid her. And from my observations it seems like she's doing her best to keep him panting after her. Just the other day she popped off that she "guessed that she was being replaced". She completely ignores me but acts the total bitch to him. It's gotten worse since he and I officially started dating and now it's to the point that they are nearly always making biting comments to each other when they are in the same area.
Now obviously I dislike her a great deal, both for her general attitude as well as what I'm perceiving as her stringing him along and putting him through emotionally. That being said I'm not one to assume that all of you undoubtedly lovely ladies are like that.
So I'm posting this in hopes that ya'll might be able to offer some insight into the situation and her mindset in general. Ways to ease the situation would also be greatly appreciated.
And if you're not a Libra lady feel free to chip in as well. Big Grin
Hmmm, well as im sure you can tell I??m a lovely libra lady. I for one would never intentionally chase after a man that??s unavailable, although I do seem to be a magnet for them lately. SMH. Personally, if I were you I would keep my focus on my man. I would continue to try to make him see how sunny life is without her, and how much more beautiful it is with me. Bunk her! She??s in the past. I would also lend him my ear. Anytime he??s feeling down about what went down between them, I??d open up the floor. This keeps him from going to her about his feelings. You are not only his girlfriend, you are his friend. Suppose to be his BEST friend. The person he talks to about anything with no judgment behind it. So hop to it missy.
Also, for yourself: You need to keep in mind that the Libra most likely only likes the attention she gets from your Leo. It??s up to you to bring that to your Leo??s attention. Tell him to ignore her, give her no energy. It??s sad but she??s feeding off of any attention he gives whether its negative or positive. It doesn??t matter. I know about Leo men, ran across a few in my day and they tend to come on very very strong. Libra loves compliments and flattery even if it??s from an ex. I have a Pisces that drops whomever he is with as soon as I say hello, thinking he will have another shot at me. O_0 I had to tell him to stop doing that. I only say hello because he was a part of my life on and off since age 13, I only care about him as a person and want to make sure he??s good every now and then, nothing more. The Libra girl you described though, with her little outburst sounds very ???immature??. I acted out once like that when I was 19. I was ironically into another Pisces. Unfortunately no one told me he was a player and got tied down to no one. So he and my cousin??s boyfriend were suite mates in college, and one day I was with my cousin visiting her boyfriend and he walked in with another girl! I was instantly pissed, we were not official and yes I had moved on but I was young and it was just the principal of the whole thing in my mind. So he actually had the audacity to introduce the bish to my cousin and her bf and skip over me. Oh hell no. I jumped up and blasted Beyonc???s hit song ???Irreplaceable?? (because I knew they were about to go to sleep.lol) I put the damn song on repeat and marched around the dorm room making all types of noise. LMBO. I??m dying laughing because I remember after that night he would
@pinklibra - That's certainly what I'm trying to do. I'm well into the habit of being there for him in regards to the situation since I did that as his friend first. I'm also stepping a bit out of my comfort zone in order to show him all the affection that I actually do feel and that I care for him (the reason that he and the Libra broke up, she wasn't open with her feelings). It's hard to be so vulnerable with him but it's turned out well worth it and he certainly seems appreciative and returns it openly. As to her desiring his attention, that's my main theory so far. If it was just dislike I'd imagine that I'd be catching part of it, but it's like I don't exist. I have called him out on giving just as good as he got though, and not only in response.
@leoliza - Hello! I've seen you around the Leo boards before as I stalked around. Big Grin. Trust me, I was pretty pissed about it, but I'm trying to be the bigger person. He needs time and I can't just throw and unltimatum at him, no matter how much I want to. That being said I would have undoubtedly said something had I been around to hear it. I don't know how he responded as he says that he doesn't recall.
I do take heart from the fact that he reassures me that I don't need to be jealous of her. Although he's admitted that he likes to sometimes tease me about it because he knows that it will make me jealous and then I usually drag him to the bedroom. Doesn't sound real healthy but before he went out of his way to not mention her name because he knew that it bothered me. So in my mind that means that if he's comfortable teasing me about it then it's losing some of it's importance to him.
@SweetLibra & @LIBRA1234 : I had figured that it wasn't typical behavior, I'm just not sure if it's a bad placement in her chart or just plain immaturity (she's only 21). I agree with what was said about the two of them, it's obvious that the negative attention is still feeding something for both of them, and I've broached the subject a time or two with him. I just don't want to push too hard since I know that it takes time to move on from someone whom you loved and felt did you wrong. I think that there's always going to be a period of anger. Hopefully with time and support though he'll be able to move past it completely.
He's tried to get me to bitch with him about her several times, and while I've relented a bit a time or two I've not really felt comfortable with it. Not that I don't have plenty to say about her, but I don't want to present that side to him.
There's a fundraiser for our hobby coming up on Thursday and she's probably going to be working it. I was torn between whether or not I'd volunteer. Mostly because as much as I want to help I don't want to be stuck with just her. He offered to go with me and I just straight up told him that I had absolutely no desire to work the event with him and her sniping at each other the entire time. He told me that I had to admit that I preferred that then if they were getting along, which I did admit. Just told him that in a pure and good world they wouldn't give a rat's ass about the other. Le sigh.
@LIBRA1234 : Ha! Trust me, I've spent many a idle moment fantasizing what I would do to her if I could get away with it. XP
Okay, this is a LIBRA we're talking about right? And you're a scorpio? You don't have to tell your man anything....the next time the chick starts talking out the side of her neck..just confront the chick. If she is trying to ignore you again, MAKE her see you..you don't need to get violent, but you do need to check her. As far as I'm concern, at least in my opinion, if a woman is coming at my man, especially if she's in front of me, she's disrespecting ME.
Despite what anyone else added to the topic, which was all good advice (btw), bottom line, we (Libras) hate confrontation, and Scorpio's are naturally scary..you probably only need to check her once.
maaaan, i was in this exact FUCKING situation just last november. my guy was a leo, she was a libra. they were never officially together, but they did see each other for a little while and he really fell for her and she totally played him. she wanted nothing to do with me when i was in the picture, and he entertained the idea of her still possibly liking him. the whole situation was so fucked and it eventually solved itself but i wish things could of happened differently. i was kind of stuck, otherwise i would have said fuck you to both of them for treating me this way and bailed.
"She's attention whoring and he's enjoying the fact that she still gets in an uproar over him. " This. Was. Exactly. My. Situation.
DO NOT put up with it. Hes still got feelings. Fuck that bitch. You deserve a guy who's going to only give his attention to you. I probably just sound bitter and im sorry, but this situation is just too too similar to the one I was just put through. Unless he is going to change, and cut his ties completely, there is no way its gonna work out. Stupid girls AAARRRRRRR