About Libra

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Sunday, March 19, 2006 and has 1 replies.
Thanks to Looneybird for the link Winking
Libra is the Sign of justice in the Zodiac, indicative of persons who balance everything to a nicety, always trying to promote good will and friendship...even if they must go to extremes to do so. This trait is accentuated by the inherent love of harmony and beauty, reflected by the beneficent glow of Venus, this Sign's Ruling Planet. Sympathy and understanding are paramount here. Libra natives will never be deaf to an appeal from family or close acquaintances and are likely to even side with total strangers if they seem to represent a deserving cause. Indeed, those who fall under the jurisdiction of Libra are inclined to champion the underdog, even against their more sound judgment. Again, this appears to be courtesy of the urge to equalize matters and produce harmony.
Considered to be one of the most charming Signs, Libra individuals are attractive, tactful, charismatic and popular. However, with a tendency to shrink from disagreements with others, Libra natives can also be regarded as evasive and indecisive as a result. These are souls who love to talk but, given the inherent value of the ability to explore and investigate all aspects of living, seldom get along well with people whose opinions are fixed. There is an inner desire here for immediate and warm relationships, coupled with a constant seeking to identify with the world around them by participating in the lives of others to the fullest extent. Libra individuals abhor loneliness and are creatures of moods...yet tend to look for companionship rather than more profound affairs. Although the intellect is highly developed, those ruled by this Sign are not necessarily scholarly. Still, a rich imagination endows their lives with the color and pace they desire, even if such is not attained in a realistic sense. There is a propensity here for Libra natives to work themselves to the point of exhaustion, often attending to irrelevant details and side-issues instead of the main task in hand, and this will be something that requires careful watching. Nonetheless, those governed by this Sign are generally inclined to take the middle course during life, veering neither to the right nor to the left, but steering a path that will please the majority of those around them.
Over and above cold reason, intuition is a better guide for Libra individuals, who experience difficulty anyway in putting their heads above their hearts when making a decision. This ability often enables them to ferret out deceit and insincerity, no matter how much it may be glossed over. However, if these natives prejudge a matter or listen to persons in whom they trust or sympathize, they can be carried far astray. Very susceptible to being influenced by those who impress them, Libra individuals will imitate the manners of such persons and may even pick up on their traits. However, since everything associated with this Sign is related to balance, the susceptibility of Libra persons will be offset somewhat by a strong-mindedness that can become firm and unflinching in purpose. Natives of Libra grow dissatisfied with anything wherein they are disregarded...even if it is to their own best interests. If they are not consulted on a matter, then they consider it unfair play and their high sense of impartiality is offended. Although these individuals are frequently imitative in conduct, they are likely to be original in ideas and quite farsighted because of their intuitive qualities. The motives of those governed by this Sign are always of the highest caliber, but they will act upon impulse when they deem it to be the correct course of action. Inherently generous, they expect that quality in those around them. Thus, they are inclined to regard the merest slight as a rank injustice, which will cause a rift between themselves and the person or persons otherwise involved.
Perhaps the worst fault of this Sign is the desire to take the easiest road. This