Afraid of commitment?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by crudemood on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 7 replies.
Libra's do you find yourselves running away from relationships as soon as they start to get serious?
Ive been seing this cancer lady for a while and I thought I wanted a relationship with her but as soon as she laidout her feelings on the table, I ran..
This is a libra thing?
I'm interested in hearing feedback on this, too.
I run away from commitments with the wrong people. If I know I cannot be loyal to that person because I know we would not ultimately make each other happy, I will run from the commitment. I simply won't commit.
When men have asked me if I wanted to be their gf and I knew I could not commit because I didn't feel it, I have said no. Of course, because I am a Libra and no one believes us when we say this stuff ... there are a few men who think I was in a relationship with them and I never was. It actually makes me pissy because they tell people I was their gf and I wasn't. I said it point blank that I was not interested in being exclusive with them.
So instead of going through that again, I just end it completely.
I use to keep dating them because I had hoped my feelings would change. They never do. So when they get that attached and I am not ... I just walk away.
Crudemood, Libra men will do that when, like LS said, they are not interested, but they will also do it when they think they are but are not sure, or secure in making that move at the moment, also when they want to be, but just can't. So yeah, definitely, however, once they FINALLY make up their minds and if they decide to they will finally let you know... If they don't decide to they wll walk away without a word, not wanting to hurt your feelings....
This has been the case for most of the Libra men I have been involved with.
or in my case he knows how I feel and won't let ME walk away LOL.....he keeps seeing me but tells me he's not ready for a r/ship at this point....what the?? Its all on his terms - grrrrrrrrrr
It depends a lot on the person situation. I have ran from a cancer too....they are really emotionally intense and.....suffocating. I get this feeling around cancer women that I am going to be held in such a high regard that it is actually stifleing.
Now the opposite has been true too, with really free spirited and open signs like the Sag girl, we never even really talked about being exclusive and we were, there was no demanding or expectations, but we were both comfortable and liked each other so we were committed. I think a cancers need for constant reminder of how much you love them and all that can seem a bit overbearing and needy. A lot of times it's because it is overbearing and needy.