Alpha Males

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Thursday, May 25, 2006 and has 20 replies.
I've heard the term "alpha male" quite a lot as being the dish most preferable to Libra women. I think the definition would be relative, don't know. But what comes to mind, atleast for me, when I hear Alpha Male is something akin to a "Real Man"
Ok, here are my thoughts, as a "mature" Libra woman on what I consider to be a "real man" who I would find totally irresistable (personality wise):
Self Confidence: without this, you're out of the game for good. No turning back I will not try to seek you out again years later if we break up. Forget it, you've just turned in to more of a liability than a romantic interest.
I am not implying arrogance here. Self condidence is also the ability to recognize your weaknesses and take them either with a grain of salt, or try your best to conquer them. Men (anyone) who can admit to life's failures and view them as growing pains, and not the result of someone else's doing, are people worth knowing.
Recognizing your worth, similar to having self confidence: A man who will not stand for people mistreating him. One who takes up for himself and values himself as a human being. If the person doesn't value himself, then he/she shouldn't expect anyone else to value him. It starts within.
Having a conscious: Being the type of person who actually cares about other people's feelings; who does not cheat, lie, steal, envy or make himself look better at another one's expense.
Intelligence: This goes without saying really. Someone who can hold a conversation and have an opinion. He doesn't have to be up to date with current events, just well read on a variety of topics with a desire to keep learning.
Sense of humor: Life is too short. Being with someone who can tell a joke, and take a joke, is fantastic.
Stable emotions: Moody people are a pain in the ass. I like consistancy. I don't want to have to navigate through someone's emotions every time I see them. Been there, done that. It's like walking on eggshells.
Positive attitude: A man who doesn't feel like the world is going to end tomorrow. Someone who doesn't spend the entire evening complaining or having to debate every damn issue that we discuss.
And finally, someone who doesn't feel the need to constantly sleep around or be hooked up. Who can manage just fine on his own without a romantic interest and go on with his life. Male whores are just as disgusting as their female counterparts.
Any other comments? Little Sparrow, sure you can add some her
"And finally, someone who doesn't feel the need to constantly sleep around or be hooked up. Who can manage just fine on his own without a romantic interest and go on with his life. Male whores are just as disgusting as their female counterparts."
I belive this part is contradiction. Every male psyche in the deep level is already that kind of person. No man is designed to mate with only 1 female. Also, a high self confidece and self esteem and especially practicality, would ultimately lead to manifesation of that psyche.
Alphamales should not be confused with Macho-men.
I do NOT like Macho men. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
I talked to one on the phone last night. I felt like I needed to take a shower after. Yuck! I hate gritty men. ewwwww....
I find Macho men lack intelligence. I CANNOT respect a man I can out think easily. Generally, they think I am submissive because I am small. They generally don't like the fact that I am more intelligent then they are. Nor do they get my humour.
I do like Alpha-males as I tend to be the Alpha-female in a lot of situations.
I like men who are my equal. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Neither is any female haffo.
If women can control their sex drive, so can men.
I think you have your dream man quite figured out, good luck finding him out.
See I would agree to everything you said point blank. But if you list out the first word of each paragraph you would realize how ficticious, fantasy land character you are looking for. But they are great parameters to gauage ppl.
I would say librans would be much adept and consistant in finding such... and keeping them Winking
One more thing, just read it again and you would realize, that we have all been guilty of bieng, moody, intrusive, arrogant(or perceived to be), argumentative.... he he .
Its a colorful life !
enjoy the hunt !
" If women can control their sex drive, so can men."
Considering that men think about sex whole time (even in dreams) while women are far more relieved from that, this because a great challange for men.
So we are not same on this case.
because = become
I don't know. I know a lot of men who fit that description.
Tons of women have higher sex-drives than men. In sexless marriages, 1/3 of the time it is the man who doesn't want sex. It is one of those well-kept secrets.
Women loose attraction when they loose respect. Men just let themselves go and stop being attractive.
hhmmmmm....not sure which one i fit into...Alpha or there any Delta options?
Can we just use all letters?
Alpha, Betta, Gamma, Zetta, Delta, Lamda etc...
>>>See I would agree to everything you said point blank. But if you list out the first word of each paragraph you would realize how ficticious, fantasy land character you are looking for. But they are great parameters to gauage ppl.>>>>Enjoy the Hunt?
>>>Every male psyche in the deep level is already that kind of person. No man is designed to mate with only 1 female. Also, a high self confidece and self esteem and especially practicality, would ultimately lead to manifesation of that psyche.
Bling, I see your point.
>>>>>>but,if you deal with manipulative/over sensitive type of people,personally,when you are the person who care's about anothers feelings and maybe the outcome of it, you end up taking on the responsibility of it....for lack of a better term,your feelings for a significant other,cloud the senses,thus you end up with a feeling of false responsibility/guilt/duty....I've found that this is the case for a couple of my long term relationships,and I reinforce the point about false guilt,as I feeel I abosorbed their insecurities at the time (btw....Cancer and Pisces..... so astrology,to me,holds some weight here)......
"If I was with you and you went out and slept with another woman claiming self-confidence and a high self-esteem as your excuse.....
I would kick your ASS"
That is why people do live monogamous today. Because this is the biggest won battle of women over men. But this is against male nature, so whenever this supression dissiminated under any suitable reason, the male nature manifests again.
getting back to the whole Alpha/Beta crap....i think its just a popculture term used to simplify personality types.....people are much more complicated than that which i'm sure we all
It seems my crap works better. So don't try to change my topics ever again. Winking
I didn't change your topic, i was just adding to it....
you're a little difficult to understand....stick to being funny...
Trip fontaine, anyone?
LOL sometimes Guys are bounded by their own conscience. Should Have less compunctions.

I still think Haffo is very "Rico Suave"
I personally go for men who drag their knuckles along the ground, have hairy chests and can't string a sentence together. Are these beings classed as Alpha's?...........