Am I pushing this Libra away?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by hopelesscapricorn on Sunday, January 28, 2018 and has 8 replies.
I'll try to make this brief as possible.

I'm in a fresh relationship with a libra man (approaching 6 months). I caught him in a lie some weeks ago regarding him still hanging around his ex who he swears is just a friend now. we talked about it and I made it clear that I wasn't going to deal with any more lies going forward.

Fast forward to this past week and more details rolled in about the original lie. I couldn't go forward without addressing it so I recently brought it up to him 2 days ago and he lost his shit. I mean he got so loud with me and irritated because he said he was tired of repeating himself and talking about the same thing. But in actuality, I think he was mad at himself for getting caught in a lie. He still never fessed up to it and told me that I just need to trust him and he doesn't know what else to do to make me believe him. Said he's going to block his ex because clearly it's a problem.

Only thing now is that he still seems highly irritated by me. Nothing is the same between us and I don't know how to get that "balance" back.... Seems like I'm being manipulated because now I feel bad for what HE did wrong. What to do?
I broke up with my Libra last year because of almost the same thing also. I kept gaslighting him about it and he tried to avoid talks about it and responded awkwardly. It was difficult for us to get through to each other and we were going round in circles, not really getting any answers.

I left him, gave myself some much needed healing time and left him with a few words of truths which he agreed with, and that was the best thing because a few months later, he came back with an apology and actually said I did wrong. We've stayed friends and are actually much better now than we were when in a romantic relationship.

We have a saying: when something goes wrong, give someone 9 days. Just give him time to process what's happened. He feels shame and discomfort being highlighted as a fraud and hurting you. He'll be back.
You don't trust him. You want him to fess up to something he says never happened.

You persist with your questions and it seems you won't be happy until you find something.

Either decide to trust him and let this go or draw a line in the sand and walk away.

You have nothing without trust.
Posted by hopelesscapricorn
But in actuality, I think he was mad at himself for getting caught in a lie

lol "in actuality"? How ironic that you are seeking others' opinions when you seem to think you could read his mind.

Zodiac sign aside, would you want to date someone who makes it repeatedly known that they find you untrustworthy? I wouldn't, and I'm guessing he's starting to feel the same.

Libras are generally patient, but there are few things that frustrate us more than having to constantly repeat/justify ourselves over a point we've already made. It's tedious and a waste of time. Don't trust me? Don't stick around, simple as that.

As Jeane said... take his word for it, or cut and run.
The only thing in your chart that can help you is that Aries moon. The only way that can help you is if you chill the **** out. Lighten up. Sexy it up. Chase him. Use that Aries moon of yours or you’re gonna lose him. Don’t hound the guy. If a Libra loves you he won’t cheat. He’ll still have eyes, but he won’t cheat. Unlike a Scorpio or Taurus for example. Libra will break up with you before he goes behind your back...but you’re gonna push him there hun.
Posted by hopelesscapricorn
I caught him in a lie some weeks ago regarding him still hanging around his ex who he swears is just a friend now. we talked about it and I made it clear that I wasn't going to deal with any more lies going forward.

Fast forward to this past week and more details rolled in about the original lie. I couldn't go forward without addressing it so I recently brought it up to him 2 days ago and he lost his shit. I mean he got so loud with me and irritated because he said he was tired of repeating himself and talking about the same thing. But in actuality, I think he was mad at himself for getting caught in a lie. He still never fessed up to it and told me that I just need to trust him and he doesn't know what else to do to make me believe him. Said he's going to block his ex because clearly it's a problem.
So did he block the ex? I'd be mad about that, not mad over certain details on an issue he already apologized for and you accepted said apology.

being a libra, if I were him, the reason why I do that is because I overwhelmed by you. but don't worry, this is not always because you're doing something wrong. if I love someone, and I lied, and they caught me lied, I will do what I can to make it up again. but if I don't, I would make you feel guilty so we have reasons to break up, and I'd be free from you.

My ex libra does not contact his ex because he hated his 2nd ex the most

While his lst love, he is more of like cold in reply..i am busy blar blar..he was the one

Who broke off with his 1st due to his work and i asked him why is there so much resentment in you towards yr 1st since u were the one who dumped her.

Libra is good at making friends but hard to develop a deep bond with most people.

When he is bored, one phone call, he went partying all night..everyday without failed