Posted by Soul
My best friend is a Libra sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising, and when he gets upset all hell breaks loose lol.
Example we were playing a video game the together the other day. He he died in game then raged, and I could hear things being thrown/broken then he left the Skype call without saying a word. I didn't hear from him for like 3 days after that lol
Posted by SingASong41
Yes! All the time! You're definitely not alone. I feel this frustration a lot. The funny thing is, I have no problem bringing balance to other people and their relationships, but my life is so unbalanced lol. Must be chiron in Libra.
Can't imagine what it must be like for you considering you have an Aries sun.
Posted by xomelindabellePosted by Soul
My best friend is a Libra sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising, and when he gets upset all hell breaks loose lol.
Example we were playing a video game the together the other day. He he died in game then raged, and I could hear things being thrown/broken then he left the Skype call without saying a word. I didn't hear from him for like 3 days after that lol
Jesus lol I think that's more his Cancer moon than anything. Libra moons don't shut people out for days. We're too passive, we give in and talk when the storm has ended lol at least, that's how I am. My fits are emotions tend to be short-lived. But I could see a Cancer maintaining distance while upset, absolutely. I'm sure all of those placements confuse him! lolclick to expand
Posted by gemguyaz34
Any advice on how to handle a Libra when their moon is in Scorpio and Ascendant in Cancer and they are mad at you? I said a few mean things yesterday and now they are ignoring me though I did apologize.
Posted by SoulPosted by xomelindabellePosted by Soul
My best friend is a Libra sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising, and when he gets upset all hell breaks loose lol.
Example we were playing a video game the together the other day. He he died in game then raged, and I could hear things being thrown/broken then he left the Skype call without saying a word. I didn't hear from him for like 3 days after that lol
Jesus lol I think that's more his Cancer moon than anything. Libra moons don't shut people out for days. We're too passive, we give in and talk when the storm has ended lol at least, that's how I am. My fits are emotions tend to be short-lived. But I could see a Cancer maintaining distance while upset, absolutely. I'm sure all of those placements confuse him! lol
Don't get me wrong 95% of the time he is awesome. Extremely funny and entertaining, in fact the only person who can actually make men laugh. But that rare 5% you will see somthing a bit to expand
Posted by xomelindabellePosted by gemguyaz34
Any advice on how to handle a Libra when their moon is in Scorpio and Ascendant in Cancer and they are mad at you? I said a few mean things yesterday and now they are ignoring me though I did apologize.
Oh holy from my experience with water moons and ascendants, they need to do things on THEIR time. Give them their process to sort out their feelings. They do appreciate apologies and recognition of wrong doings, but they're ignoring you right now because they simply don't want to deal with you after being hurt. No offense intended. I just know that water placements have a much different process emotionally. This person's air sun is not dictating how they're interacting with you now whatsoever; the Scorp moon is consuming them most likely. Just have patience, the Libra sun will allow them to come back. And eventually water signs come back if you don't hassle them to emerge when they're not ready to do to expand
Posted by gemguyaz34Posted by xomelindabellePosted by gemguyaz34
Any advice on how to handle a Libra when their moon is in Scorpio and Ascendant in Cancer and they are mad at you? I said a few mean things yesterday and now they are ignoring me though I did apologize.
Oh holy from my experience with water moons and ascendants, they need to do things on THEIR time. Give them their process to sort out their feelings. They do appreciate apologies and recognition of wrong doings, but they're ignoring you right now because they simply don't want to deal with you after being hurt. No offense intended. I just know that water placements have a much different process emotionally. This person's air sun is not dictating how they're interacting with you now whatsoever; the Scorp moon is consuming them most likely. Just have patience, the Libra sun will allow them to come back. And eventually water signs come back if you don't hassle them to emerge when they're not ready to do so.
I figured that was likely the case, guess I was just making sure it was best to do. Nothing else I can really do anyway until they are willing to come around. Thankfully I'm a Gem so in the meantime I can busy myself with other things lolclick to expand
Posted by gemguyaz34Posted by xomelindabellePosted by gemguyaz34
Any advice on how to handle a Libra when their moon is in Scorpio and Ascendant in Cancer and they are mad at you? I said a few mean things yesterday and now they are ignoring me though I did apologize.
Oh holy from my experience with water moons and ascendants, they need to do things on THEIR time. Give them their process to sort out their feelings. They do appreciate apologies and recognition of wrong doings, but they're ignoring you right now because they simply don't want to deal with you after being hurt. No offense intended. I just know that water placements have a much different process emotionally. This person's air sun is not dictating how they're interacting with you now whatsoever; the Scorp moon is consuming them most likely. Just have patience, the Libra sun will allow them to come back. And eventually water signs come back if you don't hassle them to emerge when they're not ready to do so.
I figured that was likely the case, guess I was just making sure it was best to do. Nothing else I can really do anyway until they are willing to come around. Thankfully I'm a Gem so in the meantime I can busy myself with other things lolclick to expand
Posted by wecarealotPosted by xomelindabelle
lol I literally just went through a plethora of emotions this morning, due to the majority of my life being unmanageable. I feel so incredibly off balance and like I'm grasping at straws. My Libra moon and ascendant are the source for a lot of leisurely carelessness, which in turn works against me and I feel so chaotic and end up depressed. Any of you Libra suns, moons, ascendants, or any other placement feel this kind of crazy at times? lol
Yeah, I'm learning the hard way that carelessness doesn't work. I used to hate when my Mom would force me to do chores or practice/study things. I just hate feeling like I HAVE to do something; it doesn't help that I also have Sun and Venus square Uranus.
I remember reading an interesting article that talked about how you have to do the opposite of what you want to get what you want. If you want to have leisure and fun, you have to work and be disciplined to be able to afford that leisure and fun. If you want to be happy, you have to be willing to push through fear, depression, unhappiness, and negativity. If you want to be careless, you have to be careful and diligent enough to build a life that can support a bit of carelessness here and there. It was really interesting, especially being somewhat Libra dominant and interested in unifying to expand
Posted by utopian
So your chart is like Merc in Pisces, Pisces/Aries Venus and Gem Mars?
Pisces may bring in the depressive side. Gem the chaos and the unbalanced axis of the Sun & Venus to your moon and Asc.
Yet enough good aspects between them to recognize the organized chaos
Posted by SugarfootPosted by xomelindabellePosted by SingASong41
Yes! All the time! You're definitely not alone. I feel this frustration a lot. The funny thing is, I have no problem bringing balance to other people and their relationships, but my life is so unbalanced lol. Must be chiron in Libra.
Can't imagine what it must be like for you considering you have an Aries sun.
Exactly!! I always want to channel my good, progressive energy into helping others do well. But me? Mehh, Libra says 'do it tomorrow'! And the next day, and then the next day haha
Yes, it's really contradictory. I didn't notice it initially but it's a struggle. I do have the Arian energy and want to move forward, but my Libra moon and ascendant only allow for me to move forward with FUN plans lol nothing responsibility related. I want to kick me own butt sometimes lol
Hmm I don't know about this. Libra energy is cardinal energy too. I have sun, merc, venus, and pluto in libra and I'm a fairly active and motivated person. Even when it comes to doing stuff that's not fun. lol.
I think mars has more to with motivation and action than the other placements.
My dad had a libra mars and he was highly successful and driven in his career and anything he took on. I don't know if libra energy is the culprit to expand
Posted by SugarfootPosted by xomelindabellePosted by SugarfootPosted by xomelindabellePosted by SingASong41
Yes! All the time! You're definitely not alone. I feel this frustration a lot. The funny thing is, I have no problem bringing balance to other people and their relationships, but my life is so unbalanced lol. Must be chiron in Libra.
Can't imagine what it must be like for you considering you have an Aries sun.
Exactly!! I always want to channel my good, progressive energy into helping others do well. But me? Mehh, Libra says 'do it tomorrow'! And the next day, and then the next day haha
Yes, it's really contradictory. I didn't notice it initially but it's a struggle. I do have the Arian energy and want to move forward, but my Libra moon and ascendant only allow for me to move forward with FUN plans lol nothing responsibility related. I want to kick me own butt sometimes lol
Hmm I don't know about this. Libra energy is cardinal energy too. I have sun, merc, venus, and pluto in libra and I'm a fairly active and motivated person. Even when it comes to doing stuff that's not fun. lol.
I think mars has more to with motivation and action than the other placements.
My dad had a libra mars and he was highly successful and driven in his career and anything he took on. I don't know if libra energy is the culprit here.
That is true, but along with the good qualities of Libra, people have noted them to be a bit indulgent in leisurely activity, procrastination taking over a lot. But that does not mean everyone with Libra placements is this way. I just know I have these faults occasionally and it was described by an astrologer to me, as well as fellow Leeb moons and rising. So it honestly just depends on the individual.
I think it's pretty accurate the way Linda Goodman describes libran energy. We tend to burn the rope at both ends for awhile. Then we crash and can't even move for a while. Bothclick to expand
Posted by chita
Libra sun piscesmoon libra rising here and ohman the moods change unbalanced all the time to extreemee either really happy energetic outgoing but a second later can be very quite depressed reserved , I feel you girl with that chaos and off balance .meditation seems to helps to feel more of a balance
Posted by SugarfootPosted by gemguyaz34
Any advice on how to handle a Libra when their moon is in Scorpio and Ascendant in Cancer and they are mad at you? I said a few mean things yesterday and now they are ignoring me though I did apologize.
Yikes. I have left people without looking back for saying mean things to me. The reason for that being, I don't purposefully say things to hurt anyone. I don't except that treatment in return. Also, I never wanted future children to grow up in a household where their parents resolved conflicts with verbal or emotional abuse. So for me, it's an easy decision.
With a water moon, you may have a better chance because they are more likely to understand emotional outbursts and they are more attached than a sag moon like myself is gonna be.
You should apologize and tell her you know how inappropriate your comments were and that the next time you get upset, you'll make sure not to handle it that way ever again.
Of course, only if you mean itclick to expand