Hello all, I surely hope I'm in the right forum posting this information and if so, what I have to present I'm open to all feedback, whatever you feel you want to share please do, be it blunt or the latter. To begin, I'm an Aquarius male, obviously like in the topic but often times zodiac charts state I'm a Capricorn, but my personality traits most represent Aquarian characteristics, I do believe I have a Cap moon though. Anyway, I'm currently in a triangle with a female Capricorn and a Libra woman (nothing as far as going behind the girls' backs and such, we talk) to start things about the Capricorn woman, I've known her for almost a year and when we first got acquainted, we dated for a few 3 or 4 months, things were rather smooth in the beginning but I began to attend trade school in which I fell off with contact and within due time, she broke up with me. I was highly interested in this girl, from the beginning of my enrollment to my graduation of that program(I'm in another program now if the info is that relevant) at some point we regained contact, of my own initiative and since I've been trying to re-establish a relationship with this girl. The keyword here is trying. My initial call was in June and things have been precarious since, my wish since has been to get the girl to talk to me, just trying to be friends so possibly we could gain what we'd lost. But on several occasions she's not spoken to me, because of some internal feelings, what we've spoken about in the past in regards to 'us' she questions it and it frightens her. In return to her quarrels, I've been wanting to offer a shoulder, someone she could simply talk to-- like I mentioned establishing our lost kinship, but I've yet to receive that. She returns from a few days of silence with an I miss you or after we've resolved a conflict she'll vent her emotions on our 'relationship'. What's most irritating is that, I, being an Aquarius with my emotions being as complicated as they are have done the utmost to relay how I felt to her and I'm at a stance of feeling unmoved when we come into contact now. And then there's this Libra gal, we speak, I look forward to speaking to her now. So much that here recently, I've been questioning if I'm crowding her or maybe I shouldn't speak to her so often, we've been speaking since Late June early July, and we text frequently. All day, I would say. I've told her twice in the last week, I've missed her. The Capricorn, told me yesterday she missed me and I could not return it. Again with the Libra, I'm so interested in her, but to make things deeply conflicting, her and the Capricorn are associated more or less. The Libra woman, I'm not trying to establish anything with because we've yet to meet and her knowing of my situation with Miss Capricorn, but I feel a certain chemistry, we've recently started flirting and her comments I could say simply brighten my world, everyday I share words with her my attraction grows.
Now, like I mentioned I'm not planning on pursuing the girl any time soon. We have a wonderful friendship and I have no interest in ruining that, we've had our deeper talks involving fears and what we could change about things, or even our weaknesses, I feel I could tell her anything. She called me spontaneously after she'd learned I had an issue with the Capricorn girl and I could say that's what most captured me. As backward as that may seem, I'm not sure what's wrong or what's right here, my questions would lie most with "Has anyone encountered a situation like this?" Or "What would be most appropriate in this situation?" , I'm pretty sure someone is bound to say don't pursue the Libra but, she knows me and I value her in such an aspect that given our friendship I'm seeing myself giving it an attempt, but before I go into a battle of splurging emotions and such with her(I'd rather not if I know they cannot be returned, I'm sure you could relate) how could I best resolve this situation with the Capricorn. If any of this seems vague, please let me know, I don't mind answering any questions you may have. Else wise, again, your feedback of all kinds would definitely be appreciated. Thank you.
Signed Up:
Aug 25, 2016Comments: 18 · Posts: 629 · Topics: 16
You stopped contact with the cappy girl and she broke up with you. Youre not really feeling anything for her.
You talk to libra everyday all day and have the feels. Youre single and like the libra, so pursue the libra. This isn’t even really a triangle.
Retarded aquas I swear
I think you answered your own question... If the Capricorn girl gave up on you that easily, then she's not worth it. Clearly the Libra is the better choice since you guys seem to share a good relationship. You just admitted to growing an attraction to Miss Libra. You Aquarius just need to learn to follow your heart sometimes than logic haha. Snap out of your indecision and go with who sparks your interest the most.