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Dec 20, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 361 · Topics: 37
Hey guys!
I never dated a Libra Man before and I am just getting to know one. Thing is he keeps on saying how beautiful and sexy my body is among other things. Do Libras really value how beautiful a woman is? Is that very important to them?
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1923 · Posts: 17011 · Topics: 108
When dealing with libra men you are going to need google on hand to search for information they are debating is right when you know is wrong.
A google search is pretty much all it takes for them. If google says they are wrong, most will admit they are wrong and move on with life or to the next topic. Keep in mind of google says you are wrong, you should own up to it and let them feel like they thought you something.
Yes google is everything when dealing with Libra men. Most love to debate, and love to be right. But most can admit when they are wrong, which is something fire signs tend to lack. Personally I love libra, and my best friend is a libra male. They will definitely give you a good time, and somewhat make you smarter because they think they know everything, and will check you on the things you think you know.
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Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3195 · Topics: 7
Yeah, Libra men are the only men that love a beautiful body on a woman.
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Libra isn’t necessarily into beauty but they are into all that glimmers. For example, if you have an unattractive woman wears tons of make up and jewellery and wear nice clothes, mani/pedi done and is just groomed overall, Libra will find them beautiful. Actually most will find them beautiful.
They aren’t exactly into simple women who are naturally beautiful. At the same time they also like smart women. If they have to pick, they’ll pick the beautiful girl with avg to no brains vs. a natural beauty with intelligence or even sensible. Observed this narrative plenty of times with them.
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Aug 01, 2018Comments: 84 · Posts: 1361 · Topics: 0
But as a follow-up I believe Libras do have good advice what is beautiful and what is not compared to most.
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Dec 20, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 361 · Topics: 37
Today he told me he loves my hands, he can find other things as well but really loves my hands.
Libras is one of the signs under Venus, the goddess of beauty. So beauty in all its forms, especially the human body, is extremely important to them.
I would take it for what it is. A wonderful compliment enticing you to give into his charms and sleep with him lol.
And that’s ok. You have every right to be worshipped like the goddess you are. But also keep in mind that if you’re just getting to know a libra guy, they’re going to hit you with the physical first because that’s how they, and most men are programmed. Then the more personal compliments (intelligence, kindness etc) come later as the relationship progresses.
So I personally don’t look at it as vanity. As Libras value beauty you can look at it as an extra compliment.
Good luck OP! 🤗