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Mar 03, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 244 · Topics: 29
Especially the men... It seems that for those under this sign tend to be a little behind us all on the bl0oming side. Perhaps they've taken so much time planning life out; it's sort of got them behind?
My Libra loves (both bff's, my son, my dad, and my bf) seemed to be the last to start liking girls/guys, last to lose their virginity, last to have their first LTRs, etc. It's not that they don't have any experience - it just seems that they take time to study, so all that seems to happen is preperation.
You know they say: "Life often happens to all of us while we are busy preparing for it...."
From what I understand their masculinity tends to be suspect as they mature (the aesthetical side/essence inherent in Libra males).
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Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
I know a libra guy who is a bit of a late bloomer. But I'm a libra and I'm not. I think it depends on other aspects in the chart.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Saturn is exalted in Libra, so u can say that.
Also, relationships are where Libra struggles with this lifetime, so it makes sense that it is a lifetime learning process for them. in relationships, yeah, libras are late bloomers.. at least the saturn in libra generation that i know of.
I would completely agree that they are late my experience at least
i am a libra/scorp cusper and i am a late bloomer. the libras i know are not late bloomers, they lost virginity early and got married early.