Are Libra's late bloomers?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by sucha_d0ll on Monday, March 23, 2009 and has 7 replies.
Especially the men... It seems that for those under this sign tend to be a little behind us all on the bl0oming side. Perhaps they've taken so much time planning life out; it's sort of got them behind?
My Libra loves (both bff's, my son, my dad, and my bf) seemed to be the last to start liking girls/guys, last to lose their virginity, last to have their first LTRs, etc. It's not that they don't have any experience - it just seems that they take time to study, so all that seems to happen is preperation.
You know they say: "Life often happens to all of us while we are busy preparing for it...."
From what I understand their masculinity tends to be suspect as they mature (the aesthetical side/essence inherent in Libra males).
I know a libra guy who is a bit of a late bloomer. But I'm a libra and I'm not. I think it depends on other aspects in the chart.
Saturn is exalted in Libra, so u can say that.
Also, relationships are where Libra struggles with this lifetime, so it makes sense that it is a lifetime learning process for them. in relationships, yeah, libras are late bloomers.. at least the saturn in libra generation that i know of.
I would completely agree that they are late my experience at least
i am a libra/scorp cusper and i am a late bloomer. the libras i know are not late bloomers, they lost virginity early and got married early.
Posted by sucha_d0ll
Especially the men... It seems that for those under this sign tend to be a little behind us all on the bl0oming side. Perhaps they've taken so much time planning life out; it's sort of got them behind?
My Libra loves (both bff's, my son, my dad, and my bf) seemed to be the last to start liking girls/guys, last to lose their virginity, last to have their first LTRs, etc. It's not that they don't have any experience - it just seems that they take time to study, so all that seems to happen is preperation.
You know they say: "Life often happens to all of us while we are busy preparing for it...."

LOL- They're prolly trying to decide on how to do it right first time! if people around them move faster than they do, then they may look like they're late... notice how when they start, they tend to do it better, all that time thinking about it smile