Are libras loyal?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by uniqueunicorn on Sunday, January 8, 2012 and has 41 replies.
All the ones I came across were cheaters. How long does it take for a libra to settle and never cheat on their partner?
Do they ever forgive their partners if their partners cheated on them after they cheat?
libras have the grass is greener on the other side syndrome that normally gets them in trouble they can be faithful but you have to look at their whole chart and see if their are more earth and water signs that keep them stable..dated one for years but he couldnt make up his mind I loved him cause he was fun but I guess my grass was dying on my side lol!
I'm a libra and def have the grass is greener thing as well.. If a libra is truly in love I'd say they could be faithful... But my venus is in scorpio so I might be different
Posted by thehealer
Posted by libnicole84
I'm a libra and def have the grass is greener thing as well.. If a libra is truly in love I'd say they could be faithful... But my venus is in scorpio so I might be different

mere excuse, whats ur moon sign?
u dont sound like a libran.
u r being honest, thats not a typical trait, cancer moon or taurus moon?
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cappy moon
IDK but when I love someone I'm all about that one person... They are the only one I want and think about.. But if I'm in an unhappy relationship all I can think about is leaving and what it'd be like if I were single and all that stuff but its hard for me to leave unless I have a real reason. I stay there trying to make things work even tho I dont even like the person... I'm trying to get away from that and just cut strings before to many feelings get involved
hahhaha no comment?? spill it!
Loyalty is one of the most important virtues I value, if not the most important. I'd rather have a crazy gf make an attempt on my life than to cheat on me. To me, cheating is the absence of love & it's the most cowardly & selfish act a person can do because rather than be honest & break up w/ your bf/gf out of fear of hurting them, you choose to devastate them in such a disgusting manner.
If you're wondering, my chart is
Sun - Libra
Moon - Pisces
Mercury - Libra
Venus - Virgo
Your right.. I've been through that and I've put someone through that and I've learned alot about myself in the process. I didn't cheat on that guy that I stayed with even though I didnt want to be with him.. I was with him for 4 years and didnt cheat because I knew that wouldnt make anything better at all..
Libra sun
cap moon
libra merc
scorp venus
Posted by libnicole84
I'm a libra and def have the grass is greener thing as well.. If a libra is truly in love I'd say they could be faithful... But my venus is in scorpio so I might be different

I'm the same and my venue is in Scorpio as well. I wouldn't cheat if I loved someone. If I didn't love them I would leave first before finding someone new or starting a new relationship.
And the second question, I probably would not forgive a cheater, although I might still stick around if I had kids. He might get one further chance if I really cared about him. Then - out the door permanently.
Posted by thehealer
Posted by UrsaMediocre
Loyalty is one of the most important virtues I value, if not the most important. I'd rather have a crazy gf make an attempt on my life than to cheat on me. To me, cheating is the absence of love & it's the most cowardly & selfish act a person can do because rather than be honest & break up w/ your bf/gf out of fear of hurting them, you choose to devastate them in such a disgusting manner.
If you're wondering, my chart is
Sun - Libra
Moon - Pisces
Mercury - Libra
Venus - Virgo

r u lesbian?
i dont know life is different for lesbians. moon in pisces tend to cheat. most libra suns pisces moons cheat lol.
at least u can have a girlfriend i cant say am a lesbian, i love women though.
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??? I'm a guy, it clearly says "male from Chicago, Illinois, United States" under my av.
And no, I've never cheated. I might not have been really emotionally invested in some relationships & I might have fell out of love, but I've never strayed. To this day, I still love my exes (as a few of them are some of my best friends), I'm just not in love w/ them anymore.
Posted by thehealer
ursa mediocre is latin female name. its the name of a constellation, but the name of that constellation is feminine. google it if u like,
ok if u are a male then even worse lol.

It's a play on the name of the 2 constellations Ursa Minor & Ursa Major. If I used the masculine tense of the word, the wordplay wouldn't be as effective. I don't have to Google it, you should've assumed that I knew what I was doing when I made the name. Point and laugh all you want, it's just a reflection of how much society has dictated your mind on gender roles.
Posted by thehealer
yeah i dont care what u say boy. cheating non cheating doesnt change who u really are.
claus kinski (natassja kinskis father) was libra pisces moon, he fucked several women. then he acted like a douche towards the daughter she is also a pisces moon but not a slut like the father. he also had the cheek to tell his good daughter not to date a pisces man... sad fucko oh yesssss
same as berlusconi he is some pervy guy lol.
anyways u r lying its obvious libras are dishonest. i think not hard to say that guy is a libran. just see a male slut, that must be a libra lol.
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How is it obvious? When have I lied to you? Just because one Libra did you bogus doesn't mean we all will. You have to consider other factors such as upbringing as well. You can refer to any celebrity all you want (in fact, those celebs that you've reference lived in decadence; it'd be a much biased view), you're not doing your prejudice any favors. I've only given you my views on loyalty, you don't know how much of a traditionalist I am in terms of relationships. I'd love to prove you wrong, but then again, your mindset & whole point in creating this topic won't sway you otherwise. Besides, I only said I'M loyal, I never said WE'RE loyal. I'm just giving you an example of a Libra who is loyal, but I can't speak for all of us since that would be foolish to assume that everyone who falls in that category has the exact same virtues, morals, and beliefs.
Whenever someone talks greasy about Libras, all I say is this: we got Gandhi & John Lennon. lol
....and to answer your 2nd question: I can't say that I can forgive someone for cheating on me, at least not right now at this point in my life. Maybe if I was at a point where I was ridding myself of worldly/human/petty problems and I found myself trying to purge all negativity from my life, but who knows if I'll ever truly reach that point.
Whatever wrongs Libras have done to you, I do apologize on their behalf, but I won't take responsibility for their own individual actions, as they are their own person.
To thehealer, I came into this topic w/ my own simple opinion in order to help the TC to come to grips w/ their own problems in your life and you label me a liar due to your own experience w/ Libras. To say all Libras are liars is rather foolish, as it's like saying all Asians are bad drivers, all men are dogs, etc. You're obviously worked up over things that shouldn't concern you and you shouldn't let the words of people you don't even know dictate your mood at the moment. It may not mean much to you and you already said you don't care what I have to say, but I do forgive you and I do hope you find the happiness you're looking for.
I'm Libra and I've always been loyal.
If you feel that I'm being patronizing, then I'm sorry you feel that way as that wasn't my intention. I'm showing respect for your opinion, as subjective as it may be, even though I don't have to and for anyone else reading our conversation right now, my respect would be viewed as unwarranted. You're picking a fight with me by calling me a liar, I'm just telling you it doesn't have to be that way and that calling me a liar at the moment would be inaccurate. You still haven't answered my question: when did I lie in this conversation so far?
We're deviating too far from the main topic here anyway. The TC said "All the ones I came across were cheaters. How long does it take for a libra to settle and never cheat on their partner?
Do they ever forgive their partners if their partners cheated on them after they cheat?"
My own answers:
-The time it takes for me to settle depends on how well I clique w/ the other person. It could be as fast as a week or as long as a couple years. That being said, I've never cheated on any girlfriend I've had.
-Would I forgive someone for cheating on me? Right now, I would say no, but then again, who knows. I could have experiences further down in my life that would make me more forgiving in that sense so I wouldn't put it past it.
Loyal to themselves for sure!
O that pesky grass.
Im a Libra and I just dump I don??t cheat. Not a big fan of the idea of karma, soooo um, yup smile
Ya know, the few times I've been accused of cheating on someone, I never had a feeling that we were exclusive to begin with. Like one guy, hit on every girl in sight, anytime I mention on wanting to be exclusive he would change the subject, but yet..when I went out with someone else, I had cheated on him. Another guy was my ex, we hadn't dated in over two years, but due to circumstance, I start living with him as a roommate, we would talk about shit, he'd go out on dates with other girls and talk about them, and in no way were we in a relationship UNTIL I started dating someone, then all of a sudden, I was leading him on and cheated on him. .
One guy took umbrance to the fact he found out that I went out with more than one person, but if I had met them both at the same time and they both asked, and I didn't know either one. Is it bad to date both, considering I wasn't in a relationship with either one? Is dating really that serious?
so yah, you sure that the libras that cheated on you knew you guys were exclusive? Or did you assume exclusivity?
Look cheating on a grass with another grass does not matter k? cheating with another person yes problematic. Libras do have this weird you are mine but im not yours. And if you look at someone yep you cheated on me with em. now that is about 15% of libras to be honest. They are too busy balancing life and their second personalities. smile I say that with love!
UrsaMediocre honey no wonder you are normal you have a Pisces Moon and Venus in Virgo, I bet if you cheated you would chew off your own leg off and beat yourself with it. smile
I do think people with lots of libra in their charts cheat more than the ones that dont have that.
Also venus in scorpios cheat
My libra ex was and my best gal friend is but they both have strong water placements (scorpio and cancer to be exact).
Posted by uniqueunicorn
All the ones I came across were cheaters. How long does it take for a libra to settle and never cheat on their partner?
Do they ever forgive their partners if their partners cheated on them after they cheat?

i'm a libra and i'm loyal! when i'm truly in love with someone, i won't even look at other men, let alone cheat!!
i never understood those people who cheat as a revenge. that's kinda immature.
So what does it REALLY take for a libra man to be faithful to his girlfriend especially if he says he loves her or is in love with her but his actions are displaying otherwise? also if librans are unhappy in relationships why do they stick around?
the reason i am asking is because my best male friend is a Libra Sun/Cappy Moon/Virgo Venus/Saggi Mars and his girl of 7 months is a leo. even though he appears to be happy he tells me that she is slacking in the relationship but havent exactly told me in what but i have an idea but its not sex. so he is somewhat unhappy. we text or talk every single day even if he's at home with her(they live together). he seems more excited to spend time with me then her. im also a Leo Sun/Saggi Moon/Gemini Venus/Libra Mars. we get along great and we're both honest and open and it seems we're the only ones that completely understand each other lol.
In my experience when a man's words conflict with his actions I would tend to believe the actions. I think that applies to men of any sign actually. If a Libra man is in love then he will probably not stray. However he might stick around in an unsatisfactory relationship until he finds someone else to move on to. Even then he will probably break up first before cheating. Younger men might differ in this, but more mature men usually leave first.
Sounds like he is deciding whether or not his gf is long-term material. Don't let yourself get into the situation where you are second choice or fall back girl. If he's told you he loves another then you should believe him.
Posted by LibraRose
In my experience when a man's words conflict with his actions I would tend to believe the actions. I think that applies to men of any sign actually. If a Libra man is in love then he will probably not stray. However he might stick around in an unsatisfactory relationship until he finds someone else to move on to. Even then he will probably break up first before cheating. Younger men might differ in this, but more mature men usually leave first.
Sounds like he is deciding whether or not his gf is long-term material. Don't let yourself get into the situation where you are second choice or fall back girl. If he's told you he loves another then you should believe him.

i never questioned if he loved any of his girlfriends. i only questioned if he was ever in love. i told him he needs to stop overlapping in relationships and he has agreed. before leaving the current relationship he will make the woman break up with him even in his mind he doesnt want to continue the relationship.
i'm very supportive in watever decisions he makes regardless if other ppl would see it as being wrong or not. i dont try to interfere with the relationship i just listen to the problems like a true best friend like he has done to me. i just wanted to know what will it take for him to fall in love and stay faithful. i like to help him and want him to be happy with whoever. do librans look at their partner and see if they fit the bill and when something is missing they look elsewhere? but stay in the relationship but not be in love?
are capricorns that bad? my mother is a capricorn lol.
Posted by LeoGoodyz
are capricorns that bad? my mother is a capricorn lol.

Nooooo....well i'm notsmile
Posted by sharontate
what guarantee you have that he is not doing the same with you (saying the same things about you to the gf)...
sounds sick.
what if he is having sex/touching her and you at the same time, or what if he is kissing her and u at the same time, would u kiss his girlfriend, don't know what are your views on the same sex? are you bisexual or straight? because honestly i would feel quite sick if somebody did that to me, just trying to make you think about what we call truthfulness and hypocrisy.
that's all, these "moral rules" were made by us, to survive. there must be a reason why these moral codes exist, because you live better with them, don't you?
see this guy would hurt/harm someone else to make them dump him, it doesn't sound very philanthropic, does it?
i am just suggesting you that maybe this guy is lying about being a good man, he is maybe deep down mr hyde and shows his dr jeckyll indeed.
you are a leo, leos are usually intelligent, so they can just do 1+1 they don't need me saying that to them? i bet you sensed he was an arsehole ages before i told u, u are just winding us up with this post aren't you?
lol it's a silly joke isn't it? funny nice one. no thanks i don't like a man like that hahahahahahhahahaha

sounds more like the aqua i was dating. he had tons of girlfriends but at least he was honest about it. i dont judge ppl for wat they do as long as the person is honest with me that's all that matters.
that 1 libra really got u bad. i know a few libras and they are all different. i know 2 aquas born on the same day and are totally opposite. and u are just like my aqua ex. u will keep trying to prove to me how i feel and think is wrong. a trait i dislike too much. i value my own opinion and i can respect yours so leave it be.
Posted by CapSoul
Posted by LeoGoodyz
are capricorns that bad? my mother is a capricorn lol.

Nooooo....well i'm notsmile
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that's good to hear =)
Posted by sharontate
i am not saying you are wrong, you know it yourself, otherwise you wouldn't post in a forum.
you are indirectly asking for advice about why you like this libra guy.
i never cheated anyone so you obviously haven't a clue about me either.
reverse sexism, is that what you display now? lol. first you want to be single then you think women are bitches, weird for a person who does know what she wants. you are confused sort your head out. have a nice time.
you can have animalistic opinions you are right, but don't pretend people who haven't your opinions to treat you like a human.

thanks you know me so well. i love that =) lol...
i also like how you add in stuff i never said =) damn are u my ex in disguise -_-
I'm a Libra F and I have perfected the art of flirting. I've done it all my life and I just can't help it. I flirt with men I am attracted to, and once I've got them hooked I know their mine. I've never actually
"cheated" on a guy but came so close....
I'll break I've been with for two years, we're having big problems, and there's a guy at work I've been "working" on for 2 months. I told my Aries we need to separate for a while. But I've got my eye on this other guy now.
As I write this, I'm filled with self-loathing. I love my Aries, we've known each other since we were teenagers, but only started a romantic relationship two years ago. I wonder if we should go back to being friends.
Posted by sparklingdark
I'm a Libra F and I have perfected the art of flirting. I've done it all my life and I just can't help it. I flirt with men I am attracted to, and once I've got them hooked I know their mine. I've never actually
"cheated" on a guy but came so close....
I'll break I've been with for two years, we're having big problems, and there's a guy at work I've been "working" on for 2 months. I told my Aries we need to separate for a while. But I've got my eye on this other guy now.
As I write this, I'm filled with self-loathing. I love my Aries, we've known each other since we were teenagers, but only started a romantic relationship two years ago. I wonder if we should go back to being friends.

I guess you do cheat. You're in a two year relationship with an Aries, while you are "working" on some guy at work for 2 months. If "working" on him means flirting with him and so forth, you have already entered cheating. LOL. Self-loathing is the right emotion. Get a backbone and break up with the Aries if you truly LOVE him. Loving someone is to set them free if you do more harm to them by staying with them. Cheating on someone does not equal to love! It's selfish to secure a relationship before leaving the present one. Some libras have a twisted definition of love or maybe it's just a lack of backbone.
I agree with every word of aquarius09
Why are you cheating on him if you love him? that means u dont love him enough, let him go and find true love more than you could give him. If you love someone let them free. Just admit it that youre bored with the relationship and u want something new
After he finds out you were planning to cheat on him, he will never come to you.Aries are just like that.
Why would you jeopardize a beautiful relationship youve had since teenage years for this?
Whats your moon sign?
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Libras flirt that's for sure. Outside of that it's one at a time. smile

LOL. I think that's a contradiction, no? Flirting with others while in a relationship with someone goes in cheating. So if "libras flirt that's for sure", then they cheat for sure smile haha.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Libras flirt that's for sure. Outside of that it's one at a time. smile

LOL. I think that's a contradiction, no? Flirting with others while in a relationship with someone goes in cheating. So if "libras flirt that's for sure", then they cheat for sure smile haha.

No, it isn't smile
"Libras flirt that's for sure."
"Outside of that it's one at a time" as in one person smile
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Outside of that is referring to "other than flirting", no? So meaning other than flirting, it's one person.
I think I know where the problem is. I'm assuming you don't probably associate flirting with emotional cheating because "flirting" is a subjective term to most people. Good to know that wikipedia (lol) has the same idea as me in regards to what flirting is. Personally I've always associated flirting with flattering another person, which makes it unacceptable and emotional cheating if you are in a relationship.
"Flirting (or coquetry) is a playful romantic or sexual overture by one person to another subtly indicating an interest in a deeper relationship with the other person, and can involve verbal communication as well as body language." (
So you can be in a relationship with one person all you want, but if you are flirting, then you are emotionally cheating. That's all I'm saying and how I interpreted your comment.
Check the scale. Has your libra been getting enough attention from you? If not... Sombody else may balance that scale for u. Also... Don't play games with us. Libras dream of being your "one and only". So if your doing anything at all that takes that illusion away from your libra. They will be waiting for sombody to take your place.... Who knows they may even be "working" on sombody behind the scenes if you've been neglecting them for a while now. U have to show us that we're all u want. If u get to proud and make us think you have like 20 other options, it won't make us feel good that u chose us over the 20 others... It'll make us think "ok if I do anything wrong theres 20 guys ready to replace me. What's the fucking point anymore if she's that easy to loose". We mirror our partners remember? If you act 2 casual about the relationship then so will we. And a casual relationship is called a friendship.. And there's no sexual loyalty in a friendship.
Posted by SrgntLeebz
Check the scale. Has your libra been getting enough attention from you? If not... Sombody else may balance that scale for u. Also... Don't play games with us. Libras dream of being your "one and only". So if your doing anything at all that takes that illusion away from your libra. They will be waiting for sombody to take your place.... Who knows they may even be "working" on sombody behind the scenes if you've been neglecting them for a while now. U have to show us that we're all u want. If u get to proud and make us think you have like 20 other options, it won't make us feel good that u chose us over the 20 others... It'll make us think "ok if I do anything wrong theres 20 guys ready to replace me. What's the fucking point anymore if she's that easy to loose". We mirror our partners remember? If you act 2 casual about the relationship then so will we. And a casual relationship is called a friendship.. And there's no sexual loyalty in a friendship.

why can't Libras just approach the situation? when something is wrong or missing how come they cant just say babe u aren't doing xyz or xyz has been missing in our relationship, what's up instead of just handling it in the way u just described? i thought relationships included communication not just saying someone is their bf or gf.
not saying u are wrong for doing things ur way but how long can this last? wouldn't u get tired of jumping from person to person? instead of working on someone else secretly, y not work on the relationship u are in IF you truly love that person.