aries woman, with libra man troubles

This topic was created in the Aries and Libra Compatibility forum by ariesgurls06 on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 and has 11 replies.
I met a libra male. From the first day we met their was an attraction. He finally gave me his number and told me i'm beautiful and so on. In repsonse i gave him my number and told him to call me. He texted me and through that he told me he was a virgin.. The next night he calls me at around 11:40pm, we take till 12:00am, because i have to go to work the next day.
At 1:30 am i get a text that didn't wake me up. "Gnight baby on da real, i want u 2 take my virginity luv ya bye". The second text at 1:40am woke me up though, "Ah I'm serious i kinda like u to i know u think im nast but i just wanna loose my virginity and ur that special one and its on u but at least be my girl". I responded by calling him back and asking what the hell is wrong with him. and he apologized for waking me up. I let him know if he is trying to run some kind of game on me he should think again...and he said he doesn't care when but he'd just like that person to be me... He told me he wanted to talk to me till it was time to go to work, if i didn't mind.. So we had a great convo till 5:00am, and i got ready..
It's going great after that.. Then one day i visit him and he says he doesn't like to be touched... After awhile he tells me he was talkin to someone from his old school, and if I can wait and be friends till he takes care of it.. And i replied i'm not going to be friends with someone i have feelings for... And after that we didn't talk.
2 week later i heard he got injured so i've been calling him on friendly terms since.. with my friends on the phone... and he has been nothing but rude. and said that i'm crazy! What the hell is wrong with him?? lol
He isn't into you.
Just let this one go.
May i ask why?
Because if he was interested in you, he would be acting to impress you. He is being rude.
he sounds like a weirdo who just wanted to get you really believe he's a virgin? Maybe that is the line he uses.
Hi Aries Girl.
Just leave him.
The Aries & Libra combination would never work. Libra is opposite to Aries.
I'm Aries and my brother is Libra and most of the time i don't understand him. When we talk it mostly get's into arguments.
There aren't many times that we could just have a good talk about life and stuff.
Ow well, just ditch the guy !
Libra sucks in combo with Aries....
Aries and Libra works real great just bcoz they are entirely diff and opposite. But NOT ALWAYS. Different patterns create diff combinations and whenever an Aries and Libra clicks, it can go on for ever just like a libra gemini combination.
In this case, I guess this guy is pretending to be that textbook romeo by acting weird and sounding nuts. and the use of the term "Friend", I guess its to hide his heavy interest in this Aries girl and helps him stay detached at the same time. IMHO, try to explore him and see how it goes. Sounds and sms can be always convey the wrong message. Winking
Anyone who feels the need to talk or share about their "virginity" thru texts so early on in a relatinship is in serious need of counselling!!!!
"What the hell is wrong with him??" - nothing worth wasting our time and energy on Ariusgirl06......but what the hell is wrong with you???'ve got a text- nutter, an "I don't like to be touched!!" lu-la, and a down-right rudey when you call him!! just why are you still hangin' around this particular dude?????
Run for the is too short to analyze the crazies - just leave him and them be!!:-)
Alana x
hey thats not true aries and libras go great together, infact they are one of the best combinations, but it seems like your guy is just messed up, libran guys are lovely people but i guess yours is an exception leave him, you can do soooooo much better
I have never had the aries thing work out. Mars and Venus had a love hate relationship. For me, it never lasts longer than a year.
I am surrounded by Aries girls. Beautiful, innocent and a bit dumb but intelligent. Kinda forrest gump characters.I like almost everyone and sort of in love with one. But this leo girl is still creating waves in my life which distracts me from my aries girl. Sad Anyway to get an aries, first thing is to be simple and childish. They are also childish in a way since its the first sign of zodiacs. Libran and Aries are natural lovers like librans and gemini. One trouble I have seen is the shift in their life towards social work when a libran gets mixed with an aries girl. I got a bit dragged into the same situation with my Aries girl. Gandhi and his wife is a fine example.