How do you think this placement affects you? Ive heard Mars is in detriment in Libra so how do you deal with that? Your rising in Libra? let's talk lol
for me, I think my Mars in libra is very conflicted with my Capricorn sun. My Mars in libra makes me very passive aggressive and indecisive. From agreeing to plans I don't really want to be apart of to staring at menus for 20 minutes always being the last to decide. Its overwhelming sometimes. I also have a hard time saying exactly what it is that im thinking, I can never seem to articulate myself properly. not sure if this is a libra in Mars thing or me thing.
as for my Libra rising, I definitely see how it affects me and the way people view me. Everyone thinks I'm friendly and bubbly. people often say I dress nicely, people seem to be drawn to me. I get the vibe that it gives me a ditzy persona which i can't stand.. >.> ok but how does your placement affect you?
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Apr 18, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 38
It affects me greatly! I contradict myself a lot. I give off the wrong impression. People are shocked when they see the real me thanks to my opposite sign being my ascendant -_-
I definitely give off the wrong impression! lol it's so annoying. I'm trying to find the positives of having this placement and I will say it does give me the ability to socialize easily, or atleast I think it looks that way. I get that im "friendly" a lot, which it seems that way but ehh ii'm really not
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Oct 05, 2014Comments: 81 · Posts: 3016 · Topics: 49
My sister has Mars Libra. She is not at all confrontational and she is usually very reserved in pursuing what she want if it seems like it will be challenging. From my Mars Capricorn (square to hers) perspective I kind of think she's a wuss and she often thinks I'm a jerk (although I am the most Libra between us, lol.)
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Dec 11, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 90
I've got my Mars in Aquarius but my north node abs rising is in libra. It makes me all sides of a situation. I feel it enhances my Pisces sun when I want to be sympathetic or have sincere empathy.
Unfortunately I can be self deprecating and selfless. My favorite way to end an argument is to say, you're right just so they can shut up
If i get along right off the bat with someone and there's a strong connection and warm feelings, they're usually libra asc. I feel completely drawn to them and whenever i feel that way, im like i bet they have libra asc, i go to check and I'm right every time.