Calling all libra men!!!!!
I've read quite a bit on the libra forum and the one thing I never really see is..... How do you'll handle a break up?
Especially if you treated her wrong like cheat or lying. I read so much where you'll just walk away because of conflict and arguments since youll dont like them. Do you ever come back and apologize or keep it moving and onto the next?
Mine lied from day 1 and I caught him everytime. So it caused arguments and break ups. Then no trust and more suspicions. Which he hated who wouldn't. Even after the break up he played the victim saying I hurt him by breaking up even tho he lied over and over. Smh. But after proof came out he was cheating then he admits it but no apology
Do you'll feel remorseful or is it easier to walk away especially when you wronged someone? Cause I swear I'm having moments of wanting to call or send a nasty email but I know it's pointless. I was good to him but someone walking away like you never mattered hurts like hell.
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Agree with superseven.
The expectations are yours, what you think he should feel because that is how you would feel in the same situation.
In my experience and with my Libra ex, he walked away never to look back or feel sorry or anything...and that was the hardest thing to take, the complete ignorance of me and my feelings.
BUT in the end you have to deal with YOUR issues and learn to move on from it. You won't get answers or see him get his karma, you won't experience any glory. The longer you wait around for answers or understanding the longer it will take you to be able to move on.
Sometimes, it really is a case of not meant to be and most of the time it is for the better.
I hope you can find the strength to move on and quickly without your feelings being acknowledge by him...
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Why do you even care? You amaze me. Someone did you wrong & you're occupied with how HE is taking the breakup. What's that all about? Libra or no libra, a man will come find you if he really cares about you. Full stop.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Let me tell you something, I know all about lying libra men. I dated one for a little over 2 years. During that time he kept the fact that he was/is married away from me- his wife was in another continent, btw.
I found out & dumped him, that was in 2005. Afterwards he tried numerous times to make me understand why he lied, he said he did it because he knew I wouldn't have accepted him had I known in the beginning. True. 8 years later he is STILL trying to fix things.
My point is, he knows what he did & he'll try to fix things if he really cared about your relationship. Why are you tormenting yourself with this nonsense?
Let me say that I could careless how he's taking it but at the same time we just broke up. So my feelings are still hurting. That's not something I can just turn off. I'm angry because I feel like I deserved better period. Nothing hurts worse than knowing you put all in someone and felt like they cared about you and to find out they didn't.
I'm trying to move past it but its the "why's" that I'm left with. I don't plan to contact him and not looking for him to contact me for that matter. I'm pretty good with moving on and hold no grudges but I still have my "time to grieve". I'm sure like most females after finding out someone was cheating that you loved you will question every aspect of that relationship.
At this point and time I'm just angry about it and make no apologies because we've all been there. I'm just beginng mines.
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
You'll never find out the why's, that's what I've been will have to just deal with it!
Yes, you are going to experience anger and other emotions too, that's normal..
but be prepared to let sleep dogs lie because you are looking for answers that you'll never find.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Posted by sweethearts
You'll never find out the why's, that's what I've been will have to just deal with it!
Yes, you are going to experience anger and other emotions too, that's normal..
but be prepared to let sleep dogs lie because you are looking for answers that you'll never find.
This. What's done is done & knowing "why" will change what exactly? He cheated because he wanted to. If you got your wish & he gave you all the reasons why, in alphabetical order, would you be able to live with them? Let's say he tells you that you suck in bed & the other girl was way better than you..don't you think that'll do some damage to your self esteem? I honestly don't see why you'd want to know why he cheated. He did & the whys shouldnt matter. It's your life thou, so do your thing, lady.Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Btw, this reminds me of Betty (something-something), forgot her surname. Her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, whe she found out she went nuts & wanted to know why. He gave her a list! You're fat, she is not. You're old, she is young. She is GREAT in bed, you're not. It went on and on. She hit the gym & lost weight. Spiced up their sex life, etc, yet he kept seeing the other woman. Finally he divorced her and married his mistress. She killed them both!
My point is, it's pointless.
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
ok I get it. I need to let it go and move on. thx everyone
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
It's not just will still mourn the relationship. You just have to realise you won;t get the answers you want that you think will help you move on...and in my experience, it's probably better to NOT know the truth.
The truth cuts more than you know and it's better if you can deal without knowing it all.
Remember the saying "curiosity killed the cat" 9 times out of 10 this is true!!!
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
The name is Betty Broderick. A scorpio. LOL!
Wrong ! I know what she means, to know the truth is much less painful than to live wtth a lie otr to end up a relation with a lie from his side ! I also wan to find the real truth always . Even I go so far in searching for it, but when I get it, for example, as someone say here she was cheated with his marriage hided, when I would find out that he is marriied andunderstand then why our relationship was so bad, then I can really stop even remember the first kiss of that relationship ! Is not my case, but is an example.
About saying "sorry", instead to say sorry to you when you find he is lie , he will continue try making you believe him ! Yes, this is Libra , but when you break up his head with the proofs, then he will say sorry...sorry... I am sorry... even crying in the front of you ! Mine did this and I just followed the door ! My mistake was that I was back to him again .. now again I have no peace in my soul, because I want to know the truth again about why he disappeared. The reason " he is not interested in you" , it is ony to cover a real situation that he may hide . When they have something serious to hide, they just walk away because they are afraid you find they lie and they are afraid of conflict, if they walk away, is easy for them , no need attent the conflict, no need give details , nothing. It is the faint-hearted way !
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Do you seriously want to be like this OP ^^^^^^^
I understand where she's coming from. She's very heartbroken and I feel her pain, but in my case he can kiss my ass, I just want to why. I know i'm not going to get it doesnt mean I still dont want it. Hell after two years and talking to my ex libra made me realize that asking him to say sorry was like putting a whole in my head.
i just have this big thing about closure and I've always gotten it in the past, but I have to come to a point where I know I wont get it. I have to deal with my anger with this.
but I do hope you can move on from it. I seen a lot of postand you seem really hurt by this guy, but you always answered your own question about how he is. It's not going to change, even if my ex walked in right now and say sorry a million times it wouldnt change anything.
you're NEVER gonna trust him or respect him because of how he left. I have forgiven ex's in the past that have cheated on me and it didnt work out in the end but they also (at least at the time) seemed remorseful about what they did after beeing caught. Most libra's don't and I can't respect someone who cant admit they fucked up. Would you really want that back especially how long its been??
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Posted by WaterCup
Btw, this reminds me of Betty (something-something), forgot her surname. Her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, whe she found out she went nuts & wanted to know why. He gave her a list! You're fat, she is not. You're old, she is young. She is GREAT in bed, you're not. It went on and on. She hit the gym & lost weight. Spiced up their sex life, etc, yet he kept seeing the other woman. Finally he divorced her and married his mistress. She killed them both!
My point is, it's pointless.
That was awesomeSigned Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I'm sorry Alisiyaa
But u can't be serious, u kept taking him back when all he did was use u over and over again, and u seriously want to know why he disappears, I'll tell u why, because he can not take u seriously, you don't value your worth so why should he,mthe man is clearly telling u, ur not worth treating well and u keep letting him back in and telling him yes to treat u badly, otherwise u would have gotten yourself a real man to treat u better, but u don't want that
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Posted by TaurusNikki
Posted by WaterCup
Btw, this reminds me of Betty (something-something), forgot her surname. Her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, whe she found out she went nuts & wanted to know why. He gave her a list! You're fat, she is not. You're old, she is young. She is GREAT in bed, you're not. It went on and on. She hit the gym & lost weight. Spiced up their sex life, etc, yet he kept seeing the other woman. Finally he divorced her and married his mistress. She killed them both!
My point is, it's pointless.
That was awesome
click to expand
I hope you mean the killing part
LOL just joking.Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by TaurusNikki
Posted by WaterCup
Btw, this reminds me of Betty (something-something), forgot her surname. Her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, whe she found out she went nuts & wanted to know why. He gave her a list! You're fat, she is not. You're old, she is young. She is GREAT in bed, you're not. It went on and on. She hit the gym & lost weight. Spiced up their sex life, etc, yet he kept seeing the other woman. Finally he divorced her and married his mistress. She killed them both!
My point is, it's pointless.
That was awesome
I hope you mean the killing part
LOL just joking.
click to expand
ROTFL, dam that was goodAny man should know if he's seeing you..he's not seeing anyone else. I don't stand for that shit and you shouldn't either. Generally if you worship the ground he walks on, he will feel he can cheat. He should prove his worth to you, not the other way around.
Lol Librans don't like to tell you anything when they are in a relationship with you, let alone after the horse has bolted. You won't get an answer and even if you did it would be lies so he doesn't come off looking bad (they hate that). If a Libran leaves you the answer you are looking for is that he was just not that into you period, accept that and then go out and be the best YOU, You can be. If you keep the same energy about you that you have now, you will just attract the same type of guy. Some people teach us lessons in life and no matter how painful there are to accept, you need to embrace the situation for what it has taught you and learn from it and move on. Once you realise that you are the better person (for real) you can feel sorry for him that he missed out on all your love.
Signed Up:
Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Oh boy, you poor girl. It??s going to be alright. I hate to admit it, but the other people are right. Libra??s absolutely hate to be the bad person, even if we are it??s really hard for us to accept it. I cheated when I was like 12 yrs old I was French kissing someone else, and got caught, I defended myself with lies he couldn??t get me to admit to it for nothing! He heard about it from a friend and even the guy I kissed told him and I still denied it and denied it, which pissed him off even more. He embarrassed the hell out of me when he called me on it in front of the whole school bus. I still didn??t admit to it, if I weren??t brown skinned you could probably see I was beat red from embarrassment. I made a vow right then that I would NEVER put myself through that again. It was just horrible. I felt like a monster when he got done going off on me. I wouldn??t even walk down the same hall way, or sit in the same room with him for months, I avoided him at all cost until one day he spoke to me, and even kissed me on my cheek shocking the hell out of me. I even started to crush on him again but I didn??t dare tell him or anyone else because I didn??t feel I was worthy of him. I was just grateful he had forgiven me. lol
The only people who can get the truth out of libra men are libra women lol. I know exactly how you feel about the need for closure but you can only get that from you anyway, and you aren't going to get a real answer from him. I've had a libra man come back and apologize to me about shitty things he had done but it was long, long after the fact and, from what our mutual friend said, very unusual for him.
Libra guys are more drama than the women. I am crushing on one but won't even answer his messages because i don't want to be another dxp statistic. lol
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Posted by ANRivas
The only people who can get the truth out of libra men are libra women lol. I know exactly how you feel about the need for closure but you can only get that from you anyway, and you aren't going to get a real answer from him. I've had a libra man come back and apologize to me about shitty things he had done but it was long, long after the fact and, from what our mutual friend said, very unusual for him.
Libra guys are more drama than the women. I am crushing on one but won't even answer his messages because i don't want to be another dxp statistic. lol
Oh! Come on now! Just date your libra crush and join the dxp party of libra heartbreakers. LOL!Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by TaurusNikki
Posted by WaterCup
Btw, this reminds me of Betty (something-something), forgot her surname. Her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, whe she found out she went nuts & wanted to know why. He gave her a list! You're fat, she is not. You're old, she is young. She is GREAT in bed, you're not. It went on and on. She hit the gym & lost weight. Spiced up their sex life, etc, yet he kept seeing the other woman. Finally he divorced her and married his mistress. She killed them both!
My point is, it's pointless.
That was awesome
I hope you mean the killing part
LOL just joking.
click to expand
WC, you're hilarious! After reading that story, I was like, "the moral of the story is that the OP should kill her ex and the girl he cheated on her with?!" LMAO. We will have murderers amongst us then.Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Will or have? :-? 
Dun dun dun. Although I do think the ex is still alive.Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
you got your answer the moment he cheated on you. isn't that a closure? do you still want cheater back. he wont change. just move on live your life. i know it easy to say that cause i don't know how you hurt. but you are driving a deeper strake into your heart if you keep analyzing why he did that and why you didn't get sorry in return. someone will come along someday and help you forget the nightmare you once had.
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
I walk away..never to be seen or heard from again. You're officially dead to me, regardless of time/years spent. Onwards and upwards because its taken me so long to leave I know its the right thing to do. When someone does that me however, i get rage!!!
Ey look. I'm libra guy and i will tell you this. If we are the one who ended the relationship we dont dwell on it to much. but if our partner is the one who ends it we are wondering what we did wrong. thats why we are always trying to convince them not to leave us.