Can A Libra and a Capricorn Be Friends?

This topic was created in the Libra and Capricorn Compatibility forum by cappysweetie on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 9 replies.
Is it possible? I'm just curious because I have a "gal-pal" relationship with an lady with whom I work with. Actaully, she's my boss but we seem to get along okay. I have had a libra boss in the past and I thought she was the complete DEVIL
Basically, I try to stay out of her way and I do my own thing ...
haha, maybe that has something to do with it smile
Any thoughts?
Why wouldn't you be able to be friends?
Yeah, you should be able to be friends. Libra does admire to a cirtain degree cap's work ethic and "slow burn" approach to life. And Cap tends to admire to a similar degree Libras ability to take things in stride and handle unexpected change. So there is usually a basis for friendship, in that regard. keep in mind you are probably pretty similar in and out of the office, where she is likely to be different. A lot of time Libras are the steryotipical personality for work and personality out of work people because like everything else, we modify what we need to to achieve a particular objective.
The only time this doesn't come in to play is if we are passed the point in our lives of figuring ourselves out, know exactly what we want to do and have the exact job we want. Then our personalities are the same in work or at home. This might be the case with her.
She will just reflect ur character. So you be good to her, she will be double good to you. You start whining, she will try to stay with harmless gossips. You start bossing her or displaying ur stubborn side, She will be a devil.
Anytime you take out a positive nature, she will display a better positive side and challenge you. If you take out your negative sides which libra dont appreciate, she will look stubborn and hard to please(since she is the boss).
Capricorns are loners and Librans are party animals, yet Capricorns live for social advance.
"She will just reflect ur character. So you be good to her, she will be double good to you. You start whining, she will try to stay with harmless gossips. You start bossing her or displaying ur stubborn side, She will be a devil."
Okay, now I see. So as long as I don't be TOO much of a capricorn, she and I should be alright? Hahaha
Libras can be friends with ANYONE!
Anyone can be friends with anyone if both people are open to it. I still don't get the point of this question.
Point misser ... points to self.
Sorry LS,
Let me clarify,
The point of this question was how to relate to my libra boss smile -- my old infamous boss was one and she was the DEVIL, after I messed up on something she asksed of me, I could do anything right since. But, now what I have another libra boss, I just wanted tips/ advice on how to keep things balanced with this libra.
That was the point