Can make it work... How??

This topic was created in the Libra forum by thelibran on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 and has 99 replies.
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//ok am gonna whine a bit.
I cant understand the fact that most human beings prefer to remain stupid and display a social stubbornness towards changing their wants to fit their actual needs.
Every forum in here I keep reading that "if you try, you can make it work!!!"... what exactly they think they can try? Change both partners whole character to match the wants of each others? For how long? And how long do they expect it to work? for few days? few months? few years?
No matter how much ever a person tries, he will remain as what he was deep inside and his actual needs from a partner will remain the same. Obviously most losers have no idea what they need from a partner but got a list of things they want from their partners. Gemini is the extreme. Their actual needs are way minimum but when they list it down, its a never ending list and no man will ever be alive who fits the description. Even if they happen to find someone who fits their requirements, since it dont match their actual needs, they get bored and frustrated.
Now developing mutual understanding and tolerance. These are social inventions not natural. When you meet the right person with whom you can really spend your whole life, you will never have to be someone else to match their requirements. It can be so smooth that both of them often fail to realize they can make good partners. And when all these things are listed perfectly somewhere, a lot of people think it all can be bend. Its ok when you find yourself lusting someone. But why waste your life and happiness chasing the man/women you lust??
Every man and women do dream of a long lasting relationship and they all walk into troubles bcoz of generic attributes of "happy couples" as explained by magazines and psychologists.
Libra goes well with gemini, aqua, Libra, Aries. Period.
Libra man can have an emotional but partially frustrating relationship with Scorpio women and Libra women can have the same with a Virgo Man.
Libra and Saggi better fit in as Platonic than lovers.
Libra Man and Leo women can get along if they spend a long time learning each other.
Libra women and Leo Man can get along smoothly but again needs a lot of learning.
Libra and Taurus has a sensual attachment and it can be happy for short term but on the long run, both will feel something is missing.
Rest of the people please stay away. You are wasting your life trying to chase a libra.
hmmm interesting Tongue
* Every forum in here I keep reading that "if you try, you can make it work!!!"... what exactly they think they can try? Change both partners whole character to match the wants of each others? For how long? And how long do they expect it to work? for few days? few months? few years?
* No matter how much ever a person tries, he will remain as what he was deep inside and his actual needs from a partner will remain the same.
* Even if they happen to find someone who fits their requirements, since it dont match their actual needs, they get bored and frustrated.
* Its ok when you find yourself lusting someone. But why waste your life and happiness chasing the man/women you lust??
Absolutely agree! This is what I keep harping on. thank you!
I don't know about your astrological comparrisons because it is based souly on sun signs. But in my own life I have had loving relationships with Aqua (though uncomfortable), Leo, Aries, and Virgo. Which is pretty much what you are saying. I have dated lots of other signs to no success.
Worst (from experience) are definitely Cancerian and Virgo, and Capricorn...all together now, YUKKKKK!!
Then why is a handsome cap so hard to resist? I know, I know, leave it...
The bad signs ive dated were the most handsome too!!
I just realised where ive been going wrong my whole life..putting the physical before the frienship and common interest...and thats why it never, ever works out for me. Im fixing it now though, or trying to change my way of approaching relationships.
Im sticking with the air signs if i can help it smile
But air signs never express their feelings that make you glow...
Anyone can lie lovie...its better to feel it than hear it.
And besides, there's always the problem of having too much of a good thing. My cancerian smothered me, then blew hot and cold every other day...who needs that? I like a cuddle as much as the next person, but if i cant breathe, then i'll just get out!!
"Anyone can lie lovie...its better to feel it than hear it."
There is no logic in this statement. Just because an air sign does not express himself that does not mean that a cappy lies when he does.
Of course there's logic...Libra's are gullible, i believe it when i hear bullshit, sad but true, its in out nature.
Huh? It must be me...
Libra and Saggi better fit in as Platonic than lovers.
That statement seems to be true because I am still in contact with a libra male I dated in 2005 we have such a deep connection I cannot explain it...but it's odd because he has not stopped asking to see me again... after all this time ...but it appears to be a game because when I was dating him he didn;t know what to with me lol...and he can't get me back now because I have my leo man which I belive is a better match for me emotionally...whoever can figure them out good luck to you because they are really sweetharts but a little to flirtatious for my taste.
This is so very true. I have found myself in a situation lately where I've finally figured this out for myself. If it's not an easy, natural flow in developing a relationship, I let it go.
Being a Gemini myself, I can see the comment about our needs becoming this long list and then trying to make someone fit into it and picking at little things becuase of a need for stimulation. What I've come to realize in my process of maturing is that I need a partner who naturally stimulates me mentally and emotionally, and then I can leave all of the little "needs" that I think are real behind.
I'm curious what people would say are their "real" needs out of a relationship.
I would say the natural stimulation, mutual interests with some separate interests (social stimulation, physical stimulation), shared spiritual values, direct and honest communication and self love/self completeness.
Surface level things that I used to think were important include someone who is neat and tidy, nice dresser, has a "real" job, wants to spend every minute with me even if I don't, compliments me verbally a LOT, buys me little things just because, etc. etc.
I've grown to see that these surface level things are all ego driven and rise from insecurity and fear rather than love and wholeness. Feels good to move past that!
The Libra that I know tried to change me and when I did not walk his walk would resort to stuff that I can not describe here on this board, probably because he could not control me. The Capricorn that I know never complained about any aspect of me and loved all of me. In theory I am not a good match with the Cap and should be a good one with the Libra. I am not convinced that this is so.
Sunsign alone will not make or break a relationship.
Any sign can become a CEO. You have to live your life in the know that you can achieve more than you think. If you cannot think big you will not make it big. And it takes a hell of a lot more than being a particular sun sign. I know though that when certain signs say they will be CEO by such and such date that this is more likely to come true than when other signs say it.
Libra men and sag women seem to be great matches. All the Libra men I have known, have previously been involved with a sag girl, very seriously. Including my ex-husband.
**That is bull, you can try to become CEO of Dupont or Pesico, that isn't going to happen.**
This is a social position and if you follow the right steps and play along, you can do whatever you want to do within the society. Anything can be bend there and some can even be broken when you know how the system works. But handling a person on a personal level is different bcoz its natural law and societies law cannot take you beyond a point. Using societies ways, you can romance someone, shag them, even get married but still you wont find what you really need in your life from a relationship.
____The Libra that I know tried to change me /// The Capricorn that I know never complained about any aspect of me_____
Did they knew anything about astrology? Or were they playing on social grounds?
***I don't know about your astrological comparrisons because it is based souly on sun signs.***
I know... It rules the major requirements of two people to get along - communication and character.
In Vedic/Indian astrology, they match moon signs mainly. I think its bcoz of this matchmaking most families(infact whole nation itself) are stupid emotional. Everything revolves around emotions out there. They hardly ever have an intellectual debate or an open discussion btween friends or even inside families. Movies, media, work atmosphere, work ethics to every other thing is revolving around emotions...
Now not all signs need emotional match. Only water and earth needs. Air needs intellectual match and smooth communication basically. We wont get that from fire or water or earth. They might be scholars. But not intellectual. So basic match has to be within air itself. Then within air, you can match other planets if you really seek more and more harmony. But if both partners are well aware of astrology and how stuffs work inside our brain, I think it hardly affects a relationship.
Sorry thelibran. I disagree. You cannot say that no water, earth or fire can be a great/compatible mate for an air sign. That has proven to be wrong daily as multiple combos live together happy and in love for a life time. On this board alone there are air, earth, water and fire mixed couples who are doing well. I know for a fact that I get along very well with Libra men, hence majority of my relationships, however they were also each different in some way or another. It is never solely on the sign, it has to do with the person who they are and where they are in their lives at that time.
***You cannot say that no water, earth or fire can be a great/compatible mate for an air sign.***
Sorry, I cannot agree with that. Thats only yet another social mistake. You think its compatible bcoz they seems to be having a happy life. Its only from outside. You dig inside, its all the same. None of them are truly happy. Socially happy may be.
And you cannot mix this societies way with natural law and expect a balance inbtween. It will be like mixing oil and water. natural law remains as it is and social laws are often contradictory and end up complicating natural law. If a gemini and libra dont get alone, 99.99% its bcoz of their social problems.
Scorpio goes with Libra for a while. How many of them you know have spend a whole life together??? Even if they have, Libra would hv never been completely happy. Bcoz Scorpio never understands the intellectual frequency of libra. She only gets the emotional part.
This is so true, Ive dated Capricorn, aqua and now a Gemini.....
Gemini's seem to be hard to deal with although they say Libra and Gemini are best together...I do have fun with my Gemini man but he is so some timey its hard to completely open up, the scales are un balanced....LOL.
Wrong again theLibran. I know of two couples, One a Scorp woman/Libra man in their 50's. He is insane about her. Will tell anyone, also I know a Sag woman and Libra man who are smitten with eachother and have been together forever and you can still see the fire in their eyes. He has said she completes him. It really depends on the people, again not solely the sign. Also a person's chart also plays a role.
"Also a person's chart also plays a role."
I agree. Just going off of sun signs theLibran is right. But in practice the whole chart has to be taken into consideration.
I have a lopsided chart. I am pretty much all air and earth with a couple sag's mixed in. I have ONE water sign...scorpio in saturn (of all wretched places). So, with my libra sun and moon, going off of that my best match being a libra should be aqua, gem, or Libra. But...if I was with one of those signs who also had a lop sided chart in the emotional direction, opposed to mine being lopsided in the intillectual direction it would probably be a pretty bad relationship under the surface of just the sun signs.
The sun, in my opinion is the most important sign when it comes to compatability because it is not only your outward personality, but how you view the world and your place in it, also the WAY that you approach life. So....if you are with a sign that is very compatible in this area such, outward personality, your place in the worls, and the way you approach achieving it and life in general....those are the biggest factors.
I think because Libra has such a unique way of viewing the world and approaching their own lives is why they are one of the few signs where they are a great match with their own sign. They just get each other. Even when two Libras disagree they get the other person and there is a mutual respect between the two.
Thelibran... you're amazing as always. LOL @ "Rest of the people please stay away. You are wasting your life trying to chase a libra"
Believe me even the signs that are compatible with a libra feel like we are wasting our LIFE (the whole thing too) chasing them. Its not easy loving a libra. Especially a introverted one. WOW! ...But ..oh rewarding when things align just right. Happens once a light year.. but it does happen.
...then you are left remembering that one moment of time that was extraordinary and you live, breath, and die everyday.. wishing and wanting a repeat. They know this longing lives inside of you and this drives their choices. Woe to the man, woman, boy or girl who gives their heart to a libra.
Its always possible that the libra in question haven't yet discovered his real self and still floating around in a confused state of mind, trying to figure out things.
dear libran,
well in my opinion it might even be true, but I would put it into more general resume, libra and aquarius, aries, leo and sagi can have great love and life-long happy marriage
libra and pisces, cancer should stay away of each other as much as possible
libra and unmentioned sign can have great short to medium time relation and amazing sex
Libra_Man.. interestingly put.
TheLibran.. this is true. But in the meantime, im dying and gettin tired of the wait. But I know.. I know... shag him Winking
***Believe me even the signs that are compatible with a libra feel like we are wasting our LIFE (the whole thing too) chasing them. ***
Funny, I never have this problem. Theyy seem to find me, want me and want to possess me and I can't seem to resist. Hmmm and I'm a scorp. I guess the difference with me is I have a lot of Sag, air and fire in my chart and most of my involvements and relationships have been with Libra men, including a 6 year marriage-8 year relationship. This is one of the reasons I say these rules don't apply to all. Simple. While the compatable ones chase. I guess the so-called short term incompatable ones receive. Weird.
QS, a libra man meeting a scorp women every here and there is natural. Its an "easy to bed with" combo. Same goes with Scorp man and Saggi girl. But the point is that, it dont last. From your own experience, you know it wasn't long lasting. May be it was long lasting in a scorpios ways. but a libra always need someone to go together till death with the same intensity. Scorp women cannot provide that same intensity for ever. She cannot provide that Intellectual playground for a libra. Result - Libra gets bored - scorp finds him not anymore good for her, she dumps him.
Wysdum, On a social perspective you are right. But astrology is not just about predicting future. Its all about yourself and your innermost needs and tastes. As and when you grow up in a particular society, you acquire a lot of habits and tastes and qualities into your life. But no matter how much ever old one becomes, their innermost pattern of thinking and needs and tastes remain the same. You can always match with people on any social level but you will always feel something is missing. But when you match people on astrological level - which is natural, you will find you have what you have been always looking for in a person. Then it comes to that individuals complexes and social expectations which normally doesnt match. But if he choose to ignore this social expectations, he will remain happy with his partner. Most people are unhappy bcoz they match their social expectations and ignore their natural needs from a partner.
So being a particular sign is ones identity of his true character(and all complex planets and stuff adding to it). I dont want to have a girl of this particular race with this particular education with so and so family background. It wont work. bcoz my real needs are far different from what I think i want to be happy. So a libra and capricorn wont work. Period. There is not a single case where it has worked with both partners honestly accepting that they are happy in that relationship. Libra and cancer dies soon. Libra dont meet cancers basic, elemental requirements. I know libra-cancer happy couple. But you spend a while with the libra and have a talk with them, you will know what goes behind.
thelibran. Intensity is the root of a scorp, no one is more intense and extreme than scorps. NO SIGN can guarantee an eternal life long relationship. Librans have always stimulated me intellectually and I could relate to them on any level. Again, this does not ONLY have to do with sun signs...
Also, no other sign can get the emotional connection a Libra man and Scorp woman share even after they break up.
Wysdom, you are so very wise.... I totally agree with that 150% ...
Face it the libran, no one person's happiness with another relies soley on zodiac sign period.
Also, thelibran, my relationships didn't last with a pisces, cancer, or a Taurus. I am supposed to be compatible with those signs, and my relationships with Libras lasted way longer and more fullfilling for both parties, even than their previous partners. You can't speak for everyone and every situation, you just can't.
With libras your relationship lasted only longer. Not for ever. Thats the point. Where as I can show libra-libra or libra-gemini or libra aqua couples living together all their life compared to libra-scorpio.
A scorpios idea that they understand a libra completely is just plain imagination. She dont understand a libra as she thinks. She only understand us in emotional level and we dont like to get into an emotional ride forever. Since we are pleasing, we will agree with a scorpio from time to time even when we know that she dont make any sense. Only bcoz libra dont want to breakup, we stay with our scorpio for long tolerating the emotional ride. Its never perfect for us and we are always in an unbalanced situation when we are with a scorpio. And we hate to be emotional and we loose interest.
***Where as I can show libra-libra or libra-gemini or libra aqua couples living together all their life compared to libra-scorpio.***
Per my previous post below... I can argue the same point with Scorp/libra and Sag/libra, again, depends on the people compatibility not the signs:
a Scorp woman/Libra man in their 50's. He is insane about her. Will tell anyone, also I know a Sag woman and Libra man who are smitten with eachother and have been together forever and you can still see the fire in their eyes. He has said she completes him. It really depends on the people, again not solely the sign. Also a person's chart also plays a role.
***Since we are pleasing, we will agree with a scorpio from time to time even when we know that she dont make any sense.***
This, I can agree with, except for the part of us not making sense, I think it is more they don't agree.
***Only bcoz libra dont want to breakup, we stay with our scorpio for long tolerating the emotional ride. Its never perfect for us and we are always in an unbalanced situation when we are with a scorpio. And we hate to be emotional and we loose interest***
WRONG (as it relates to this scorp) I have never been left by a Libra, unfortunately I have done all the leaving/ending relationships so far. In those situations, I did most of the tolerating like even the aquas and geminis do on this board... During those relationships they were very harmoneous and balanced for the time they were. In almost all occasions they never lost interest, hence, if I told my ex-hubby I was coming back to him today he would jump out of his skin with excitement... Not gonna happen though.
BTW, I know of a Gem woman/Libra man couple who lasted a couple months and he (my brother) said she just didn't get him.
I did think the Aqua girl/Libra guy couple I knew was a match made in heaven, but she couldn't stop cheating on him... He didn't fullfill so many aspects in the relationship she desired. So there you have it.
Again, it depends on the individuals not the signs.

* no other sign can get the emotional connection a Libra man and Scorp woman share even after they break up.
Well, to be honest, you can't judge that Queen because you are a Scorp woman. You don't know what other signs, including the Libra experience.
I get what thelibran is saying. I find a lot of Scorps assume things about me and will speak for me, regardless of what my truth is. It actually drives a wedge because I know I am misunderstood and plus, blame me Leo moon but I don't like being spoken for.
***Well, to be honest, you can't judge that Queen because you are a Scorp woman. You don't know what other signs, including the Libra experience. ***
You are right, that is why the only reason I can make this statement, is because a numerous amount of Libra men have told me this, not just my assumption. Actually, I had no idea this was the case until then... Even thelibran agrees with the emotional part and Nic... However I shouldn't say no other sign, because I do believe it depends on the person more than the zodiac sign.
*** get what thelibran is saying. I find a lot of Scorps assume things about me and will speak for me, regardless of what my truth is. ***
Actually LS, I am more of a factual scorp than an assumer, especially when it comes to Libra guys, as I have stated numerous times before I go by what they tell me and most times their actions follow. As you can see, I have provided actual facts to support what I have stated in several posts. I never just assume. Believe that whatever my experience is, those things actually happened and I was told what I am relying.
I just doubt that they all got together and decided to just tell me the same thing. I speak from experience rather than assumption, period.
LS, thelibran, I can agree that there can sometimes be a misunderstanding barrier between the Scorp/Libra, this is true. However, compatibility can not be based on sun sign alone...
***because I do believe it depends on the person more than the zodiac sign.***
It depends on the person only if its already within the favorable zodiac combo. Outside that, its not going to be smooth. Esp when its a libra, you will never see there is a problem with us or we are frustrated or pissed off unless the problem is too big. Normally we skip the general issues in any relationship and never blew it up and make a big thing out of it. We just dance and play dumb and act accordingly to make things work. So you will find a lot of libra-whatever couples happily married and their partner will be happy bcoz we dance to their tunes to make things going without fights. And we look all happy. But only that libra will know how pissed off we are deep inside and how much we complicate ourselves to defend our own unbalanced stage and project a balanced outlook.

This is same with scorpio or taurus or most other signs.
***We are not untouched by society, it always affects us, because we dwell within it, so it's essential for us to attempt to accommodate its rules as well.***
Yup Agree... Now when 2 people meet on a social level, they obviously expect other person to change or adapt a bit to match each others character. Most times the pressure is too high that they become someone else but still have highlights of their zodiac traits always upon their adapted character. Which works only within a controlled environment like how scientists conduct experiment. There is a limit to which both people can change their habits, nature, character to match the other person.
When you do this match astrologically, Both will have to do a lot of social adjustments. Which is far more easier than changing ones own character. Resigning a job and moving to another state to be with our partner is easy than changing our need to communicate a lot and keep our mouth shut bcoz our partner feel we talk a lot. We will talk a lot when we find the person comfortable in some ways. Bcoz we happnd to meet a pretty looking cappy girl and marry her, we cannot quit talking and she dont want to hear what we gotta say. But If I meet a gemini or libra or aqua from another state or even another country, all we hv to do is to adapt to new social environment. Drop a job and kick away that promotion in our way and find another job. We keep our personal life truly happy, career will always be good.
I have spend some time experimenting with my life and this is what I have learned. Society has build up a structure parallel to nature but in an entirely opposite direction and trying to compete with natural laws. We fall back to natural laws and ignore or bend social laws in supportive of natural laws, we become truly happy. Else we all lead a miserable life packed with insecure, dishonesty and complexes. Everyone knows something is fckd up somewhere. But no one realizes where things are going wrong. Everyday magazines come up with new "10 ways to seduce ur buddies girlfriend", "10 ways to know if its true love" kinda crap and confuse the public more and more. All these points derived out of a common pool of relationships which infact only cancels a persons character and make them all have a generic trait and slowly we will all become like robots trying to be like the ones magazines tell u what you have to be.
*** Now when 2 people meet on a social level, they obviously expect other person to change or adapt a bit to match each others character. Most times the pressure is too high that they become someone else but still have highlights of their zodiac traits always upon their adapted characte***
thelibran, I agree with this point. But why would someone want to try to change a person who is who they are. That is the first mistake. If you truly love someone, you love them for who they are, not what you can try to make them be.
***I think it's only fair to remain open to the possibility, that love, companionship, trust, a true union, and true compatibility can be found w/ any astrological identity. IMO, happiness is not a quality that can be captured***
Exactly my point Wysdum.
* is because a numerous amount of Libra men have told me this, not just my assumption.
Everytime we, meaning all of us, fall in love it is the biggest best most amazing thing ever.
I am not trying to rain on your parade at all just suggesting that maybe there are other truths. You know?
Personally, I think moon, venus, and mars play a HUGE roll in the whole thing.
***Everytime we, meaning all of us, fall in love it is the biggest best most amazing thing ever.***
No, not everytime, they are all different. Some times better than others. So no, it wasn't an infactuation... Again, what I stated was told to me was and they were mostly similar to the other...
There can always be other truths. However, the ones I was verbally told, were shown by their action, the good and the bad... These are my experiences... What actually happened.
I totally agree it also has a lot to do with the charts of those involved. Maybe they all had similar charts who knows???
***It seems that you weren't making a case that certain signs can never get along, but that based on who they truly are they can only be satisfied by a certain person for only so long, if their needs don't match, or they find it difficult to accept different parts of the others character***
This, I agree with. Again "the person" which includes various signs, charts, backgrounds and personality... Not specific sun sign relations...
***That is the first mistake. If you truly love someone, you love them for who they are, not what you can try to make them be.***
This is the issue. Most people see themselfs in love when they meet the social explanations of what love is. They live in an illusion of love. Initially its all blind and slowly it start getting bad then end up in a divorce. Divorce rate is only increasing and has never gone down in history. You can say its bcoz of women gaining more freedom. Thats only a minor contribution if you look at the whole picture. Most times its communication gap, difference in life style and so and so interpersonal mismatches.