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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
I just had to pull one my exs chart just to see the difference because not all.sun signs act alike. So libra sun moon virgo 16 degree mercury scorpio 8, venus virgo 1, Mars scorpio 26 degree, jupitor virgo 25, saturn libra 1, Uranus scorpio 23 degree Neptune sag 20, pluto libra 21, lilth libra 20, asc node lep 18. Ok so before I started even look at what is in ppl chart and degrees i feel based on this information shows strong scorpio fire virgo and libra all close to 30 degree. What all do you get from this info? Im just trying learn degrees and chart info so i used hers lol
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Go to Caféastrology and do her chart. We can't tell you what her chart is based on this info, it's easy to asses the Sun sign but when it comes to other planets the transits to those planets/degrees is the info you want which can only be done with an actual chart being made. Which you've done but it needs to have the housing system included as well which means you need their time of birth in order to get the Ascendant which is the "sun" of the housing chart. Without that you're not going to get accurate info, however you can go to Cafeastrolgy and see what description they give you based on the info you have. You can also do the couples chart which you don't need the time of birth on Cafeastrology and it'll give you a general idea of the compatibility between you.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Yes the only way to know that is to do her house placements and see what transits in her chart that would trigger excessive anger, you're not going to get that info without having a birth time and being able to pull up her actual transits from planets to house.