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Feb 02, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 27
Would a leeb stay in initiative contact with you if they don't want nothing to do with you? Or this is the terms of you guys being friends after any type of relationship ? Feel free express your opinions. Just curious..
It does happen to me for some reason that guys think I am hitting on them when I am really not, and I was seriously just being friendly. I definitely don't play games.
Once I realize the misunderstanding, I communicate it in a polite manner, as adjusted to the person's communication style as possible (I don't like to be blunt when I bring bad news, except to generally blunt people which is the easiest type to politely reject) and apparently I am not very good at it because it has happened on more than one occasion that they kept assuming I was hitting on them which either results in repeated attempts at resolving the issue and ultimately me having to go no contact with or avoid the person or getting accused of playing games, which is not cool, especially when the accusation comes from people who play games (in which case, it means the person is not very bright – I mean you play games but you suck at identifying others who also do?).