Could use some advice for a friend

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Lionness718 on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 and has 3 replies.
Hi all

Any advice is greatly appreciated. My BFF is a cancer female who was in love with a Libra male and broke up 10 years ago. However, before going their separate ways the Libra male met his current Aquarius wife but kept trying to seduce and get the Cancer female to pay attention to him no matter how much the Cancer female rejected him. They stopped speaking for 8 years because he wouldn't stop being a jerk and she buried her feelings. Fast forward to now, Libra male reaches out to talk and all is innocent, the Cancer female thinks he wants to just be friends... until he doesn't. He gave her a sob story about not being in love with Aquarius wife and still loving cancer woman except he says sooner or later he will leave but he has kids. So my bff hangs on talking to him but his wife discovers the texts. He texts my friend that his wife found it and the lie he told his wife was that the my bff chases him but he never pays her any mind. He texted her saying I'm married and leave me alone even though he started all this. She is staying away but why go so far into the past to hurt someone? Do Libras go back to their exes only in times of need. This may not be just a libra trait but I'm a Taurus and I don't usually see this type of butter.
Is cancer better off with a more emotional sign?
In Libra's mind his relationship with his Aqua wife is on a pedestal and any extramarital activity he is doing on the side is just - SEX. He will not leave his wife for your Cancer friend. She is wasting her time.