Hi ya'll! So I am a Libra. Thank you for the comments ahead of time. Let me just jump into the situation.
So I dated, lets call him Mark who is a Gemini, for almost 4 years a while back. We broke up about 5 and a half years ago. After the break up, he started dating someone who used to be my good friend about 3 days later. They have a kid now. Mark and I were young when we started dating, we dated from ages 18-21. We had a great relationship, until his mother had passed away. It was a lot for us to deal with and he had changed. After this happened, he and his older brother, who is an Aquarius, got their own apartment, that I practically lived in as well. I was always pretty close with his brother, and even a bit before the break up used to think to myself "I am dating the wrong brother." He took me bar hopping on my 21st birthday, as Mark and my other friends were still 20. One time Mark was watching a horror movie with his friends that I could not watch, so his brother went out for a cigarette, I followed and we hung out until the movie was over. Even after the break up, we would still randomly bump into each other at house parties, and I even spent the night at his place once so I would not have to drive home.
Flash forward now:
Mark's brother made his first Facebook, as he had broken up with his girlfriend and wanted to "meet girls." Of course when he requested me, I messaged him asking when we were going fishing. (Fishing is very big with us. Mark, his brother, and their father are the ones who taught me how to fish.) So we started hanging out. He told me he really likes me, apologized for his "awkwardness" and said he did not want things to be weird. I told him I really like him too, so we decided "treetrunk it, lets do this." We have not hooked up, or even kissed or anything but we decided we will keep this between just us for a while to see how things go and take things super slow.
Is this horrible? Would you be upset if you were Mark? He told me he did not think Mark would care, so I am hoping not. I know the rest of his family would be thrilled, as they always really liked me.
Any stories would help, thank you again!
Personally, I couldn't go where my brother has already been (if you get what I'm sayin) but if Mark's brother don't have a problem with it, go for it. I think Mark's brother needs to talk to Mark and make sure he's not pissed. Don't want any brother issues.
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 7
Oh hell no. I can't have sex with 2 members of the same family. Just ewww. Plus I wouldn't want them comparing notes on me sexually after the break up. Not to mention the side eyes you'll get from his family.