Posted by Gem13Ruuun. These types are the ones you avoid because it will be a total shit show. That is a big red flag because she's not chasing you out of genuine interest, she's chasing you because she has SOME interest and she's sick of being single and trying to force something to work so she won't be single. My dingbat Libra friend did this and ended up with herpes from her newly wrangled boyfriend of 3 weeks (a guy she admitted she wasn't all that into but was sick of being single).
There's a Libra girl that has been on my tail for 2 weeks now. She came on really strong. Calling and texting too much even for a Gemini's standards and my attention was on a Pisces at the time.
I started to ignore the Libra in an attempt that she would understand the communication was excessive. She has gotten the point and now the level of communication is nice.
She has a Taurus moon.
Anyway, she seems eager to date and seems keen on me. Has made it clear she wants to be courted and given ample attention and made it clear she is a relationship oriantated person and this is the longest she has ever been single.
Question is, is it easy to get a Libra woman into a relo?
Posted by Gem13Is it easy to get any woman into a relationship? Maybe she wants to explore the possibilities with you. Libra will out though if she sees no potential...if you are interested stop dangling the carrot and give her your time. She will either enjoy her time with you, where its going and chill. Or realise you ain't all that, and chill.
Sorry it's been 3 weeks now.
Posted by rockyroadicecreamI’ve done this. Very true. Ugh, hopefully never againPosted by Gem13Ruuun. These types are the ones you avoid because it will be a total shit show. That is a big red flag because she's not chasing you out of genuine interest, she's chasing you because she has SOME interest and she's sick of being single and trying to force something to work so she won't be single. My dingbat Libra friend did this and ended up with herpes from her newly wrangled boyfriend of 3 weeks (a guy she admitted she wasn't all that into but was sick of being single).
There's a Libra girl that has been on my tail for 2 weeks now. She came on really strong. Calling and texting too much even for a Gemini's standards and my attention was on a Pisces at the time.
I started to ignore the Libra in an attempt that she would understand the communication was excessive. She has gotten the point and now the level of communication is nice.
She has a Taurus moon.
Anyway, she seems eager to date and seems keen on me. Has made it clear she wants to be courted and given ample attention and made it clear she is a relationship oriantated person and this is the longest she has ever been single.
Question is, is it easy to get a Libra woman into a relo?
Beware of a woman who cries about singledom like it's a curse. They won't make smart choices in finding a relationship and just grab whoever is available. You're her, "you'll do" option. Keep your focus on someone else and keep shrugging her off. She's not that into you, just the idea of the relationship.
Never trust someone who isn't happy single and who think a relationship is the solution to to expand
Posted by Gem13Sooo, you're being a misleading fuckboy by seeing her with the intention to just fuck around and she's lying to herself about what's really going on in this situation and pretending she can handle casually seeing a dude when she wants to pair off like nobody's business?
The libra is a really great chick. She was treated really badly by her Gemini ex (I'm also a Gem). Anyway, she's been really open about it all and we've spoken almost everyday for the past 3 wks. However I have dissapeared on her twice for more than 2 days because I was too consumed with a Pisces.
I took the libra out on Thur night to a show. First time we met. She was really cute and nice. Was really thankful and appreciative and was concerned about how she looked because I gave her like 30mins to get ready and she needs "at least 2 hours".
I don't want a relationship.. I just want to date around and the Libra knows this. We're supposed to be seeing each other on Sat night.
Pisces cut me off yesterday so that's a done deal. Posted about it on Pisces forum.
Posted by Gem13Also, exhibit A of when a dude isn't that into you. Ladies, pay attention.
The libra is a really great chick. She was treated really badly by her Gemini ex (I'm also a Gem). Anyway, she's been really open about it all and we've spoken almost everyday for the past 3 wks. However I have dissapeared on her twice for more than 2 days because I was too consumed with a Pisces.
I took the libra out on Thur night to a show. First time we met. She was really cute and nice. Was really thankful and appreciative and was concerned about how she looked because I gave her like 30mins to get ready and she needs "at least 2 hours".
I don't want a relationship.. I just want to date around and the Libra knows this. We're supposed to be seeing each other on Sat night.
Pisces cut me off yesterday so that's a done deal. Posted about it on Pisces forum.
Posted by rockyroadicecreamTook the words right out of my mouth and said it better 👏Posted by Gem13Sooo, you're being a misleading fuckboy by seeing her with the intention to just fuck around and she's lying to herself about what's really going on in this situation and pretending she can handle casually seeing a dude when she wants to pair off like nobody's business?
The libra is a really great chick. She was treated really badly by her Gemini ex (I'm also a Gem). Anyway, she's been really open about it all and we've spoken almost everyday for the past 3 wks. However I have dissapeared on her twice for more than 2 days because I was too consumed with a Pisces.
I took the libra out on Thur night to a show. First time we met. She was really cute and nice. Was really thankful and appreciative and was concerned about how she looked because I gave her like 30mins to get ready and she needs "at least 2 hours".
I don't want a relationship.. I just want to date around and the Libra knows this. We're supposed to be seeing each other on Sat night.
Pisces cut me off yesterday so that's a done deal. Posted about it on Pisces forum.
This'll go down in a firey clusterfuck.
Have to expand
Posted by rockyroadicecreamI'm not being misleading considering I've made it clear I DIDN'T want a relationship and expressed my reasoms why. Misleading would be me telling her I wouldn't mind a relo or I was searching for one and then just fucking her over.Posted by Gem13Sooo, you're being a misleading fuckboy by seeing her with the intention to just fuck around and she's lying to herself about what's really going on in this situation and pretending she can handle casually seeing a dude when she wants to pair off like nobody's business?
The libra is a really great chick. She was treated really badly by her Gemini ex (I'm also a Gem). Anyway, she's been really open about it all and we've spoken almost everyday for the past 3 wks. However I have dissapeared on her twice for more than 2 days because I was too consumed with a Pisces.
I took the libra out on Thur night to a show. First time we met. She was really cute and nice. Was really thankful and appreciative and was concerned about how she looked because I gave her like 30mins to get ready and she needs "at least 2 hours".
I don't want a relationship.. I just want to date around and the Libra knows this. We're supposed to be seeing each other on Sat night.
Pisces cut me off yesterday so that's a done deal. Posted about it on Pisces forum.
This'll go down in a firey clusterfuck.
Have to expand
Posted by FafaI'm definitely not over the Pisces. My feelings are very strong and it will take some time to get over them. I don't want to hurt anyone. I know how it feels and how horrible it is. I've made it clear to the Libra I don't want a relo but I am open to getting to know her. I really just hope that things between the Pisces and I are finished because I don't want her to re appear in my life if I'm at a stage where things are going well between the Libra and I
Are you over your pisces? Just read your other thread. Don't play with a libras heart. Sounds like you really into this pisces. I don't feel it's the end . For some reason I see libra getting hurt
Posted by FafaYeep. This is why dating is a cluster fuck. You have self absorbed people like this who are so fixated on their wants and needs that they don't see how it affects others. The OP is just taking advantage of the Libra because she's there to help her distract from the other person.Posted by Gem13honestly you need to leave the libra alone. I get you explained to her you dont want a relationship but it seems you guys do relationship things and it seems she is into you.. She will develop feelings.. Can you not be alone/single? Get over pisces completely before moving on... Be fair because right now you are not...Posted by FafaI'm definitely not over the Pisces. My feelings are very strong and it will take some time to get over them. I don't want to hurt anyone. I know how it feels and how horrible it is. I've made it clear to the Libra I don't want a relo but I am open to getting to know her. I really just hope that things between the Pisces and I are finished because I don't want her to re appear in my life if I'm at a stage where things are going well between the Libra and I
Are you over your pisces? Just read your other thread. Don't play with a libras heart. Sounds like you really into this pisces. I don't feel it's the end . For some reason I see libra getting hurtclick to expand
Posted by Solaplaying hard to get libra style : I showed you that I REALLY like you, so now come and get me. a fair deal isn't it?
I'm just like this girl so let me give you my perspective. When I'm single, it's by choice and not because I don't have options. I like to wait and when I'm sure someone has my total attention I go for it tunnel vision! IMO, you caught her eye and she doesn't want to waste any time doing the time wasting bs that seems to be modern dating. So, she likes you, so what?! If you like her do something about it because trust me she'll get bored and you'll be dead to her like a flash of a light.