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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 3 · Posts: 531 · Topics: 87
Okay, long story short, there is this libra chick i was friends with for a little while in our big friendship group..
i know things about her though (so do a few people) which really made me not like her much, (she's been cheating on her boyf of 5 years with another guy and both are madly in love with her) but she acts like she doesnt do anything wrong and is really sly about this other guy.
she is extrememly friendly/bubbly etc so everyone loves her. i began to HATE how everyone thought she was this perfect girl when in reality what she was doing behind her boyfriend is pure evil in my eyes so i confronted her and told her i didnt like this about her and hate being friends with someone who i think is fake cause shes so manipulative etc. of course she denies the whole thing when i know for a fact she cheats on him (seen it with my own eyes) we also clash quite a bit coz we are both similar, we are both loud and bubbly and both enjoy having the spotlight. i will admitt sometimes i feel jealous of her, but i know she is jealous of me too in some situations. ANYWAY.. i'm sick of disliking this girl. since i confronted her we stopped being friends, i may have said to a few of our mutual friends that i dont agree with what she is doing and said mean names behind her back. afte a few months, i contacted her again and said "we should be civil" she said "i would love to be civil until u said xxx about me" that was a good 6 months ago now, and when we see eachother we just ignore eachother.
my question: next time i see her should i go up to her and just apologize for everything that has happened and tell her i will just mind my own business from now on? how would she respond do you think? would she accept if it's face to face or should i message her again? :/
her chart:
sun: libra
moon: leo
Libras do accept apologies, you just have to present them more them once sometimes but we are almost always willing to forgive disagreements. Just be be respectful and sincere when you talk to her. It probably won't work instantly and you will get our famous cold shoulder a while longer but things should get better with time IMO.
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 3 · Posts: 531 · Topics: 87
i dont want the cold shoulder.. last time i messaged her asking to be civil she agreed but it was over text, i had only seen her a couple times since then and we ignored eachother.. im seeing her this weekend though, i will be drinking but she wont be.. i dont know how that will play out.. i would obviously be sincere about it if i do it.. but yeah i dont want to be rejected completely although im not sure she will do that? hmm i dont know, she seams to be the type of person who wants to be friends with EVERYONE..
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
In my experience Libras are reluctant to waste time "playing friends" with someone who has already proven themselves a back stabber...
They usually make such good buddies, there are plenty of other people they can shower with their generosity and fairmindedness.
She may forgive, she won't forget.
You've done your bit, apologising etc but, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you...
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Agreed with SL an Wagtail...I'm Libra Sun and Leo Moon and I'll be civil to your face but don't expect me to be your friend or even the one starting the've already proved the type of person you are to me and nothing will change that in my mind! First impressions are lasting and leopards don't normally change their spots.
In fact you'll probably see the distaste in my smile...
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
Yeh, Scorp,
I don't think she will be outright awful to you,
but this whole ignoring thing you have going on between you is maybe the most you can expect... Socially.
I like it myself, Libra is unlikely to start unpleasant public scenes or even put you down in turn...
When my Libra boss and I clash it usually takes a few hours of head down bum up working before we are back on again, no nastiness or anything, I like how they handle (or tend not to handle) conflict lol
Absolutely agree with all others
There will be no screaming, outright ignoring or anything of that sort because we don't want to make the rest of the social circle uncomfortable
She'll never truly forgive you. I don't condone cheating but typically between "Friends" these things are left unspoken.
You've been deemed untrustworthy to her. But it won't be terribly awkward
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
For the sake of the group she will be civil. However, the fact you called her out (whether appropriate or not) will always be in the back of her mind. No ones likes that and in some sense she has justified this behavior to herself. You threatening that justification will put a wedge between you, because deep down it'll be too hard to face and you represent that. In her mind you have tarnished her image to mutual friends. Libras, just like everyone else are not perfect...but they do want to project that image.
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
I agree with everyone here. I would definitely not go out of my way to talk to you anymore. At the same time, if you came over (especially when I was with a group) I won't shun you completely. If it's that bad, I'll excuse myself (bathroom, drink, saw another friend) and stay away. I've had plenty of people who I downright hated and they don't know it. As you can see, she's being civil and that's the best you'll probably get.
It was be a Libra/Scorpio thing. We seem to jive very well, but then something always upsets it. The Scorpio I am friends/pursuing stood me up three times in one week. The first one I let slide, but the next two became that straw that broke me. I made it known I was ticked (which is rare for a Libra) and she knew it (actually our entire company knew it). Two weeks later, she finally "apologized", it wasn't the one I would have liked, but I also know it was huge for her because she isn't the type to apologize.
I also agree that we never forget (something Scorpio's and Libra's have in common). I will remember even the smallest of slights (or perceived slights). They'll be in the back of my head for the rest of the time I know you and honestly there is no fixing. My suggestion is to leave things as they are as a second apology I don't believe will improve things. If you had gone face to face with it the first time, things might have been different. Is what it is now.
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Starlover your story sort of hit home a bit. My leo bestfriend of 13 yes ended our friendship because she ended up knocked up by a jerk, and she got mad because when I bumped into him while out with my cousins whom he know, I didn??t basically curse him out and tell him not to speak to me since he hadn??t been there while she was preggo. She was 5 months at the time. I didn??t shoot the breeze with him either or ask him to share a beer geez. I just didn??t feel it was my place to snap at him, since she willingly opened her legs and let him knock her up, he didn??t rape her so why should I have beef with him. Plus they were always breaking up and going back together.
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Your right. Everyone says I'm better off without a person like her, because if the friendship was real she wouldn't let something so petty tarnish it. Besides she's called me the "B" word when we've argued in the past, lashed out and said "fu*k me" I've never once called her out her name no matter how mad she's made me in the past. But I didn't get the same respect. My family and outsiders say's she seemed jealous and to always be in competition with me. One time she accused her baby daddy of having a crush on me... O__0 while I was sitting there! I was offended and embarrassed for her at the same time. Anyway, I still love her but I don't think I would ever want to be her friend again, at least not best friends anyway, I simply don't trust her now.
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
Maybe it was the hormones? Known plenty of preggo women who have said some terrible things only to recant sometime later.
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Well that was a year ago last august. And her child will be one in February.
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
Ah, I stand corrected! Hindsight is always 20/20, I'm sure at this point she knows she's wrong, but just won't admit it. All the better for you, no one needs that type of crap in their lives anyway.