Do Libras get Cranky

This topic was created in the Libra forum by benice on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 and has 33 replies.
Boy, my Libra guy friend sometimes seems cranky. Like if you ask a question or do not understand something, he has a little bit of attitude in his reply. I feel Im walking on eggshells at times.
I know thats a loaded question, everyone gets cranky. Just seem different with him. Like real jabbing. I dunno.
Only when something else is bothering them.
Oh yeah, just happened to me the other night. The two of us went on a wonderful getaway trip to the beach for a long weekend. Everything was perfect and then the night we got back he got all worked up b/c he wanted to go to bed and I wanted to have a drink. He used this to pick a fight with me that led to "maybe we should end this" to some nastiness from both of us (we're not usually like that). The next day he explained that he's not happy about where he's at in his life right now and that he took it out on me w/ his crankiness. It sucked, and I definately was hurt by it. I am going to have to follow up with him b/c this will not be acceptable to me as a pattern.
Normally, I would say he is NOT like this, however, when he lets things build out!
Well, we're not a couple - just friends on his orders. I keep giving him hints (some sexual, playful). He says he doesnt play games. eeks, my bad
Just seems he doesnt like to be wrong or something. Or questioned.
what are LIbrans like when their partner is "cranky"?....I've not seen mine cranky yet - I don't do cranky well LOL.....but I've seen him pre-occupied for 10 seconds and then he bounces back...that blank stare, and then suddenly comes out with something incredibly intelligent and Im left thinking what the?? Must take all his energy to "think" Tongue
See, we are generally positive, happy people and it takes quite a lot to upset us so when an issue presents itself it can be overwhelming because it must mean that it is a real issue. Not that much can reach us...
Well that's good then...Leos are pretty much the same...we LOVE happy people and don't tend to do too well around grumps smile
I would go as far as saying that whilst deep down we're probably serious creatures, on the surface we're not serious at all. Lighthearted non-stop. Just easier to get through life that way...
Yeah agreed.....
OH YEAH! Can be cranky but get over it quickly. Peacemakers, after all.
* Do Libras get Cranky
When you cut us do we not bleed? Tongue
NEVER, EVER come between a Libra and sleep. Ever! (slaps your hand for being bad. smile)
***NEVER, EVER come between a Libra and sleep. Ever! (slaps your hand for being bad. )*
Unless it is for pleasureable reasons :-)

exactly LOL
how do you de-crankyfy a Libra?
Hi HP!
When I am cranky/funky mood I tend to keep to myself and I expect people around me to respect my boundaries. If they pressure me in any way I will subject them to my crankiness. So, give your Libra a little space/understanding. When I have recovered all is well again.
LadyLibra is correct.
oh just wondering. the thread was about cranky libras. i was just curious. i'm a loveable person and try to cheer people up. if they say they aren't in teh mood, then i back off....but if i can make their day, i'm sure gonna try!
Shit, my dad is cranky all the time.
****NEVER, EVER come between a Libra and sleep. Ever!
So true... lol... when we say we r sleepy, it means only one thing - we are sleepy and bloody tired.
"So true... lol... when we say we r sleepy, it means only one thing - we are sleepy and bloody tired."
Understand that Libras usually "overdo it" we usually don't realize were tired until were crashing. And if you must wake us up it better be for the world ending or sex, otherwise it's going to cause you pain. A lot of pain, enough to incapacitate you so we can roll over and go back to sleep in peace.
If you must wake us up the best way to go about it is with genital stimulation. I'm serious.
LMAO aint that the truth!!!
"If you must wake us up the best way to go about it is with genital stimulation."
Good to know. I'll try to keep that in mind... Winking
hehehehe Alcheme....keep coming to the board....Im sure you'll put it all into good practice *giggles*
"Good to know. I'll try to keep that in mind..."
Oh like it's ever going to be out of your mind? smile
"hehehehe Alcheme....keep coming to the board....Im sure you'll put it all into good practice *giggles*"
LOL! What do you think I am still doing here? Winking
"Oh like it's ever going to be out of your mind?"
I certainly hope not...
I don't think we have anything to worry about.
Man, it's getting hot in here! *fanning self*
* If you must wake us up the best way to go about it is with genital stimulation. I'm serious.
If I am tired and cranky and you wake me up for sex???? You better pray your genitalia is no where near me. LMAO!
People get pissy from time to time. Usually has nothing to do with you. I agree with Sag. If someone is in a bad mood, just politely leave. Why waste your time with someone who will make you feel bad?
They will get over it. Feel bad for treating you poorly. Then make it up to you. Everyone happy.