Libras aren't all about peace and balance take a look at them... a good chunk would rather stay in chaotic dramatic relationships as well as abusive rather than normal ones. And when family and friends confront them about it (they hate arguments) they will quickly defend their SO and continue to have low self esteem just to keep the peace. They hardly stand up for themselves.
"Bob only beats me when he drinks but that's only during the holidays, the rest of the year he's a perfect gentleman and a good father to our kids."
"Jane isn't controlling, she makes more money than I do and I actually enjoy being a stay at home dad, no it's not belittling when she tells people every chance she gets that I'm unemployed. "
Of course other people do it too but Libras oh Libras have the best excuses for staying. (I think they secretly crave disorder and chaos.) Ask around, I bet every Libra you know has been in a controlling, dysfunctional or abusive relationship at least once in their life. Those who left, congrats. Those who stay I'm truly sad for.
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Apr 11, 2014Comments: 139 · Posts: 687 · Topics: 16
I would have to agree with some of what was said... I know a lot of libras that have been through abusive type relationships.
That doesn't mean they are the only ones, though.
Depends on the person I guess. I'm not going to say that I like abuse. Lol In my case even when things get bad I can always see the person I fell in love with. For me its being guilty of having hope. I can't deny there is a temper associated with libras, but its never towards my loved ones.
. My Aries friend told me that my last relationship was very abusive mentally. I'm still in love with the girl so its probably why I don't see it yet lol
. Maybe we love too hard, and it comes off as lovers of abuse?
. As for libras being very abusive, I don't think that trait is exclusive to one sign.
For all the people who are in abusive relationships, I hope that you find strength to get out of it. Nobody deserves to feel as if they are worthless or to be beaten because their partner can't cope with there issues. Abuse is a very serious problem, especially where lines of abuse and love are skewed by popular culture.
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Jun 21, 2015Comments: 3 · Posts: 2104 · Topics: 89
I'm a Scorpio who stayed in a psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship for three years.
Venus is one of my ruling planets in my chart. I am a Libra ascendant, but my ascendant is conjunct Venus, venus is conjunct Jupiter, Venus is conjunct Mercury.
I live for love and believe in love. there is the belief that things "will get better" to the point of delusion. I learned my lesson. I am Scorpio dominant: sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. granted I act nothing like a Scorpio so I guess take that with a grain of salt. air is my second dominant element. Aquarius is my second dominant sign.
one of my Libra best friends (cap moon) wouldn't take shit from anyone. of course she wanted to be loved, but she axed the guy who tried to control her and didn't look back.
not just a Libra thing. it is probably moreso a Venus strength thing. "blinded by love"
Of course...LOL, but no, I was saying the person who started the threat was acting like someone stuck on stupid. How do you just make a blank statement like "Do Libra's Love Abuse"?...Really? That's like asking all crack addicts if they love crack and expecting them to say yes, when they know it's not. Most people that are abused usually keep a secret anyway, which is really sad, so to ask a question like that is just senseless to me. Just poor taste of words.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
A lot of libras in a nutshell-
Love the idea of love
Will shirvel up and die if they aren't in a relationship
Hate conflict
Hate rocking the boat if they can help it
How many times have we heard of Libras waiting around in relationships until a new option comes around?
Or that they didn't speak up because of fear of conflict/rocking the boat?
Or being passive as fuck in order to avoid conflict?
You combine all these issues into a situation where there's abuse and it's really no shocker why some stick around in stupid situations. Insecure people do stupid, STUPID things. I know of a Libra who got all caught up with some terror of a chick that we all knew was a bad idea, but he insisted. He just HAD to save her!! (insecurity). Also, they fucked like rabbits (vain/shallow), and nevermind he's always on the look out for a chick, so the fact he found one to make him feel like a big ol' man because she needed rescuing, YEAH BUDDY (has to be in a relationship).
Needless to say, it was a really, really bad situatoin that ended with cheating and stds.
Another one I know of also started off badly with a chick. Knocked her up on the second date, moved her in a week later. Despite all the red flags along the way, he decides he's going to marry her. Ends up being dysfunctional forever and I think they finally got divorced.
A female Libra that I know also openly admitted that she was whatever about her fiancé, yet she still settled/married with him because she didn't think she could do better than him (insecurity).
Of course, other placements have a lot to do with some of this shit too, and I'm not sure who had what placements where. The latter seemed to thrive off of drama, so I'm thinking he had some fixed influence. The other example I KNOW had fixed influence and he also seems to be attracted to trainwrecks. The other contributing thing could be that a lot of Libras live with their heads in the clouds when it comes to romance and the like. They are so detached from reality about it. This is why you see so many jumping in really fast in the beginning, sweeping the other person off their feet, only to turn right around and run because shit just got real.
I think you'll see this crap with anyone who has low self esteem or is insecure like no other, tbh. You just notice it with Libras a lot because it's one of the several contributing traits that they're notorious for.
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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
Some can be abusive and some do stay in sticky crazy situations not all but a few do so i agree