Dumped by Libra after 2.5 years

This topic was created in the Libra forum by ToriD on Sunday, January 14, 2018 and has 2 replies.
Hello everyone I’m new here. I have a lot on my mind but I’ll try to keep it short. 2 weeks ago my now ex ( Libra) told me he needed space. It wasn’t what I wanted, but after a lot of tears I decided the best thing was to leave him alone with his thoughts. The very next day we hangout. We had along talk followed by more tears. He told me he loved me and obviously didn’t want to break up but he wanted to think. The next day he texts me twice. We text off and on the rest of the week..nothing major..just hellos and well wishes. Saturday we talk on the phone. We agreed that we missed each other so made plans to hangout Sunday. Sunday comes and it feels like us. Normal. We began to get serious again and I asked him what he wants. He told me he never got a chance to fully think things through but he didn’t want to keep me holding on because it’s not fair. He wanted to break up. He said he still had a lot on his mind. Through out the two years we argued over petty things and he said he couldn’t see it get any better, but he loves me with all his heart. I was crushed. We weren’t the best communicators but I did my best. I always checked in with him to make sure mentally we were good. Make sure I was good. I started learning. He never communicated that there was something wrong. This is someone I thought was going to be in my life forever. We did everything together. We were each other’s biggest cheerleaders. I left and he kept texting. I asked for space to mourn my relationship. I also made it clear that what he did is not how you do things. People go through ups and downs you don’t just leave when you hit a rough patch. Your suppose to open your mouth and say what’s wrong. If it’s a deal breaker tell a person and if they don’t get it together I can see leaving. I was hurt because there was never any indication that he was unhappy. I text him that night, and I dropped it. The night day he text me telling me how he had a long day at work and that he heard everything I said. He had a lot on his mind but he hears me though. We don’t text for two days then Friday he says he misses me. I told him I love him. He said he knows and he loves me too. I then made the hardest decision. I’m 32. I want a family someday. I told him it hurt to have someone go from they love me with all their heart, they need space, they don’t want to break up, their confused, they haven’t had a chance to think, to actually breaking up with me. He was suppose to be my best friend and he took that away. I feel left out. I told him I wouldn’t be contacting him anymore. I apologized for the LAST time about somethings that were done and said in the past. I let go. Yesterday he text me to thank me for the apology and said it meant a lot to him. I guess I just needed to vent because I’m confused
It sucks to walk away from someone you love but sometimes you need to. You want someone who is sure about the future they see with you. Best wishes smile