Hey there,
its true that libras are very charming and its hard not falling for them. They are naturally nice people so how do you know when he's not just being nice and he really likes you?
We work together he opens doors for me, he keeps calling my name, makes me laugh my guts off i mean he's got it all. the charm, the looks, funny, fun to be around, great job yet he says he's single though it doesn't seem so to me. why would a guy like that still be single? is he playing with my emotions ? and if not how could a relationship between a cap and libra work out?
no negative caps and libras don't match just postive feedbacks please
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Libras do have charm. They are polite, and fair. They have ways of making each of the people they come in contact with feel special & on a pedestal of their own.
And even though this about them often puts up radar antennas to others who have been hurt mainly by those who started off as smooth talkers, Libras still usually win that battle b/c although there is something very suspicious about charmers, there is also something irresistible about them too!
So I get it. For someone more cautious like Capricorn, it's hard navigating your way when trying to figure out if you're getting such good treatment b/c it's reflective of how much they like you VS. them just naturally being that way with everybody! I get it. Who wants to fall for someone based on things that they are technically doing/giving to everyone!?!
This is where your logical mind needs to come in. This is where your wisdom & street smarts about men/women come in. This is when you need to measure interest based on "Action" the most.
Typically, if you remember these few things, you'll have a better chance at knowing where you stand:
1. If they are interested in you, they will tell you
2. Their words AND action will match. If you're getting all charm, but no action, they haven't done enough to prove themselves to you, therefore they haven't earned their right to your emotions/heart
3. People often decide to commit to those they truly cherish the most over others. If they want to commit to you, it's b/c they are willing to take a risk on choosing you over all of the other millions of people they could've chosen.
4. When a person is truly interested in you, yes they'll say/do sweet things, but they'll ALSO be consistent, put in the effort to communicate with you, etc.
Libras are human. They have the ability to charm someone in their sleep lol, BUT it's a helluva lot harder for them (or anybody) to fake "action" if the interest isn't really there. Also, watch how they talk to & interact with others. If you pay close enough attention, you'll be able to tell how differently they treat you vs. them even if what you notice is something small. When a Libra is truly into you, there will always be that 1 thing they do/say with you that they aren't doing with others. You've just gotta figure out what that "something" is lol
This is why paying more attention to what they do (and not just what they say) is the most important.
why do libras think caps are boring people ? we enjoy having fun like any one else work work work really people make us seem as if we're not human and we have no emotions which is totally wrong. and why do libras shoulders shrug when their partners are facing problems?
Signed Up:
Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
Yes we are very charming. I can honestly say that there is probably only ten people on this world that hate me and most of the time it is work people. I agree with tiz in that I don't have a ton of secrets and I tend to treat everyone the same. It's a double edge sword though because it can often lead to people believing there is something there when there isn't or thinking we're not interested because it doesn't appear that we treat them any different. If you honestly look though, you'll see those subtle things (seems obvious to us) that we do that make you special. I have a head for details and if I'm interested I'll recall those little things a woman has said or done. Where as when I'm not interested, I'll pretend not to remember such things (though I do). Have the conversation and just get it out of the way. If you keep just trying to guess you'll likely never know.
As for the idea of you wondering how could he be single, I can definitely answer that. I tend to believe that most women assume one of three things about me. Either I am lying and not single. I'm a player and she will just be another notch on the belt or a name in a list. Or there is something super wrong with me that has kept me single. None of the above is actually true about me. I am single to a degree by choice, but mostly to bad timing or not reading signals properly. Ask me to read a person in a non-romantic way and I am rarely wrong. But if I have a romantic interest forget about it I'll be wrong. I had a friend at an old job once ask me who I slept with at the office. I laughed and said no one. It honestly didn't believe me. He couldn't believe that in all the times I was out and about with various groups that nothing had happened. On the flip side, I had a friend recently ask who I was dating and when I said no one she scoffed asking how that could be?
So in a wordy answer, ask and you will know.