Fighting his jealousy ... is it worth it?

This topic was created in the Are Libra Men Jealous forum by southernbeauty on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 and has 3 replies.
I have been talking to this libra man for oh about a month now. We like each other alot, but me also being a libra I have alot of guy friends. But there just friends. See I will be on the phone with one and he will beep in ... I -doing the right thing- ask him If I can call him back. He asumes its a guy and makes some smart comment like "that's a guy huh" "how many boyfriends do you have" and stuff like that. Well I told him yesterday that one of my friends was coming over to look at my truck because it had been acting wierd. He of course asumes its a guy and gets kinda mad. I would have asked him, but he is out of town on a job. Anyway he told me that I am not taking this relationship seriously since I have all these guys around me and he called them "attachments." Whatever that means. They really are just my friends and I try to put myself in his situation. I know I would get jealous too I guess. I just have never had anyone be like this. I told him that they are just friends and that there is nothing there ... he just replies "how do I know that". What do I do? Does this mean I am not taking this relationship seriously? It is still very early. Any opinions? Has this ever happened to you? Do you think the more we hang out that he will learn to trust me?
Hmmmmm insecurity comes to mind!!
When I was seeing the Libra man he would get quite jealous when I mentioned other guys, even though they were JUST friends...every single time!!! Even at the 1 year mark he would always remark if it were me who saw a guy for a coffee or hang out at any made me feel as though he was serious about me, amongst other things he did.
At the end of the day though, he was meeting other women and I had no clue!!! I have found they dont want their "partner" to do the same as they do. Double standards but I also believe that once they are committed, they will remain very loyal. Mine just wasn't committed LOL.
Perhaps yours is? find out what he gets up to and whether he meets other women for lunch/coffee, etc.....I think in this day and age its unwise to show jealousy, it only makes matters worse.
He says he isn't because he used that famous line we all love --well you would do the same if I was seeing other girls-- He got really upset and told me that I couldn't get mad if he want's to go hang out with some girls. Then I asked him if he was and he said no ... that I was the only girl he talks too ... I find that hard to believe since he was talking to a girl when we met. He told me that he was talking to her for a couple of weeks but she lived so far away that it just wasn't gonna work out. Thanks for you reply ... any more suggestions feel free to suggest. ^_^