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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
would you deeply offended if you have a lil argument with your s/o and he/she unfriends/deletes you off social media, basically burning bridges; how does that make you feel? would you care, or not really?
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Libras don't give a rat's ass about social media.
If this is you trying to manipulate someone, lol.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
I think saying that a certain sign hates social media is a very broad assumption. Almost everyone with access to a phone and a computer is addicted to social media. It's our culture now a days, especially if you are living in America like I am.
Btw, my libra friends live for social media, remember, most libras love attention. They are social butterflies, and they love compliments. What better way to get compliments than to post selfies on Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc..?
Think again rocky, and don't accuse me of manipulating anyone. I would never do that.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Also, no one ever said anything about me personally doing that to someone, rocky.
If someone did that to me, I would also feel that they are "done". So I would be hurt and offended because it's like they don't care about your life and don't want to see how you are or what your up to, after all, social media can be a huge factor in most peoples life, posting pics of vacations, births, deaths, good news, bad news.. It's a way of staying connected with close and/or distant friends.
So when you delete someone off social media, it's like a big huge 'ouch'. That's just how I see and feel about it. Don't necessarily think it's a Taurus thing, just a personal view.
But when it comes to a very sensitive sign like cancer or libra, I was curious as to how it would affect their feelings if someone did that to them. I was assumed it would hurt but I never like to assume, I like to question and find out for myself.
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
to be honest, i probably wouldn't even know if someone had blocked me.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Rocky telling me to 'stfu'? Haha, what else is new. Sorry you're still butt hurt that your libra guy left you cold and lonely. *now she wants no woman ever to have a libra guy because she cant* poor unfortunate soul. Better luck next time
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Yes it could be childish, or maybe that person is just trying to forget you because you hurt them or such.. I once had a fight with me Pisces bff and she deleted me off Facebook after like a year of not speaking. That hurt :/ because there was pictures of us on her Facebook that I could no longer look at or save bc she deleted me
I would not even realize if someone has deleted me off any network, even if its my S/o because i do not check up on his social interactions. If however i came to know about it happening by some remote i would definitely be offended. If it was on the basis of some altercation i woild let it slide. But if it happens more than once i would take it as a red flag - a 12 year old kids manipulative technhique, and all my trust and respect for him / her would be out through the window!
Agree with rocky - i would be more offended if you ignore my texts or emails. But dont do this too often as i woukd treat that as being imanipulative.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
That's funny that libras would be offended if you ignore their texts because libras are usually the ones ignoring texts and calls when they decide to disappear haha, am I wrong?
You are right - i do that too, but just to give someone a taste of their own medicine. Other than that i will respond to a text or emal within 1 to 2 hours, or let the person know that i will reply at a later time. If by chance i do forget to respond and you call me out on it, i will apologize profusely for making you feel neglected.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Sounds like not a very serious relationship.
If I deleted my Libra from facebook it would probably take him quite some time to notice, and even once he did he would laugh at me and be like "did you really delete me on facebook?"
I mean seriously are these people in question in high school?
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
clearly I interact heavily outside of social media if i just said its fun and special to documents e v e n t s as written above
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Lol you need to chill
and if your s/o and you also text/call/see eachother who cares if they deleted you on facebook? Really.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I can totally see why some couples delete each other off social media alltogether - if it causes you that much drama, you're not doing yourself any favors by keeping it up
Also, if every time my Libra and I had an argument I would go on and make passive aggressive posts about him instead of talking to him like a grown up, like many people I see doing, I wouldn't blame him for deleting me - him reading that shit is not going to help our situation.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
this isnt my s/o i am speaking of and i was talking about if there was a fight and that person deletes them afterward, youre not a libra so it doesnt matter anymore, im not getting relevant information
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
i use facebook primarily to stalk and make silent judgments about old school friends.
i also use it to keep abreast of things that interest me - new recipes, or interesting articles, maybe the occasional funny cat video. i don't need a long friends list to do that.
saying that the last thing i want is to have any of my business splashed over there. i don't want people to know what i am thinking, doing, eating. i don't see the point in sharing those details. it's the same with people who post photos of their kids. i don't care that your kids dressed up as spiderman this year. email that shit to your parents.
HA! I have a water moon, so when i get mad enough to want to call the whole thing off i'm the one that gets dramatic and deletes pictures of us, i delete them on social media, block their number the whole nine. I basically want to erase them from my life completly. It's sort of like my way of saying if you hurt me i delete your existance. Simple. However I'm also a Libra so i often change my mind, or question my decision even after i've already made the move.
I have got to work on not acting on emotion.
Like a week ago, the guy i'm dating pissed me off, i deleted and blocked him on all social media. It was so humiliating to have to explain to him why he couldn't find my page once we made up. He thought it was funny, i was embarrassed that i reacted so rationally.
And the worse part about a Leeb, is sometimes we do this without warning or even telling the other person what they did wrong.