I have quite limited experiences of libra men - but they are flirts, right? I recently started a new job with a small company, and my manager is a very lovely and charming libra. We get on incredibly well - I wouldn't enjoy the job half as much if it wasn't for him - but I'm finding the flirting a bit hard to navigate. He is married (happily, as far as I can gather) so nothing could ever happen, but I get the sense that if he wasn't he'd ask me out on a date.
So, I'm assuming that libras like to flirt, as do us Aries, but I don't want it to become something I read too much into or overstep. I'm a bit naive and can easily do/say things before thinking them through properly (oh hi Sagittarius moon).
Realising this is not much of a question, I guess I'm more after some general input on libras as my experience is limited. Go with the flirting or try to rein it in?
I am a Libra and yes we flirt. The catch is more times than not it's simply from attraction and nothing real behind it. He can flirt with you day and night and not want anything more. We like the attention and the fact that we have you engaged.
He will step out of line if it something he really wants. DO NOT cross that line blindly. Men are men and like to be in control at the end of the day, and want the prize when it comes to pursuit, they like the hunt. So you can flirt back but don't make the first move, especially since he is married.
Let him do ALL the work ?
Ps. I don't know what kind of company you work for but make sure and Look into the boss/employee dating clause, just to have balances checked.