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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Don't know for a Libra, I never read my yearly this year but as a Horse in the chinese zodiac it's not for me. Would be interested in knowing and if it is suppose to be, how that effects that prediction.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
When your balls drop.
Not really trying to be mean, but generally, a lot of Libra guys are "unlucky" because it takes them ages to grow up and "balance" out, so to speak. Once they truly mature out, I think things get better for them.
...sometimes not.
Depends on the individual. But 20s? Eh. I think it all depends on when they get their shit together.
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
My Libra niece just stopped dating a Libra guy.
They both were trying to change the other and it ended before it really started.
She was calling him her boyfriend after 2 weeks.
She moans and groans about not having a boyfriend and asks why her friends have guys but not her.
But then when I ask her about what she wants in a relationship she says she doesn't really want to be in one.
not good time for love at all.
Venus is not in a good aspect with Jupiter, and Uranus in Aries is not helping at all (talking about love of course).
And Mars it's just about to go retrograde. I highly recommend you to calm your emotions down.
Cardinals should rest and get their minds clear.
It's time to take care of your health, especially for Libra. (lower back)
If you are a Libra and want to be in a relationship, wait until August ends.
P.D. It may be a very good year for cancer too, but not now. (If you want love, wait until Jupiter goes direct and with a nice speed.) (oh and Venus needs to move also, that T-Square Venus-Uranus-Jupiter it's not good for love).
Oh dude! ...and don't pay attention to Aries females. Because they never will be able to comprehend your nature.
As someone said: improve yourself! Get healthy.
Good Luck.
Ok, I think I'm done for today.
Some people are not here to help, but looking for attention.
feeling down on luck?read thru all the relationship astrology forum threds its funner than a farris wheel
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Apr 03, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1451 · Topics: 31
Nope i know we would be extra delicious with mars till june but wont guarantee a relationship.. its a great year for money and career so take advantage of it.. being a leeb you are born with charm so i therefore conclude :
Charm + money = endless amount of adoring pussy.....
So dont worry about love... it will come soon so just chill focus instead of whats infront of you and use it to your advantage.
Everybody thinks a leeb cant live without love from others but a real leeb knows that we can live without others but we cant breathe if we lose our love for self.... too much partnership can suffocate us.