How do libras deal with breakups?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by libraah92 on Monday, March 16, 2015 and has 9 replies.
So I'm struggling right now. My ex broke up with me on Valentine's Day after I found out that he was talking to his ex (but she's engaged so I'm just confused with that one). We really liked each other and we got along well, but we just weren't that compatible. (He never said that we weren't compatible, but I just knew this was a main reason why we broke up). The first week post breakup I was in tears. He texted me how bad he felt and how we should be friends in the future. We were supposed to meet up at the end of the first week just to talk as friends. But I couldn't see him because I was terribly hurt. The second week post breakup was a great week! I was in a great mood until the end of the week I broke down. He ended up texting me asking for his sweatshirt. I met up with him and we talked normally as friends or even how we talked when we were together. We talked for a while and he ended up seducing me. We did our thing which was really bad for me because it was really misleading. We talked about it afterwards and he told me that we just shouldn't see each other for a while because we might end up doing that again. I kind of asked him if he still had feelings for me and he replied that he's attracted to me and likes hanging out with me. He tried giving me some insight on how to get over this (meaning him) because he's been through the same situation with his ex breaking up with him. It's been two weeks since I've seen him and a month since we've been broken up and I'm still a mess. This was my first relationship. He's a Capricorn. I've accepted the fact that we're not together anymore. And as much as I want to be with him, I want to just get over him more because I know that we'll never be together again. I'm pretty sure he's already talking to other girls even though he said he wouldn't. This isn't even all of what he's done to me. This is just a short summary. But what I want to know is how some of you libras deal with breakup. What are some methods that have really helped?
The first step would be to accept that it is over and getting rid of everything around that reminds you of him (pictures, gifts, letters). Break all contact. If he is a Capricorn chances are you will suddenly hear from him just when you think you are over it. He will probably text you saying something lame like I was just think how you were, and bring all the feelings back. Capricorns are notorious for that.Trust me I have been with one. You don't want that to happen so say strong and even if he contacts you ignore it. When I was younger, I would brood a lot and think how things might have been different had I done something differently. But now, I would just advise you to not look back. This guy met with you, did not hesitate to act on the physical attraction you share and these kind of things will make it harder for you to walk away.I usually will stay busy, talk to friends when it gets bad or people who have been through a bad relationship. Try and join an activity you enjoy, meet other people, exercise if you are into it (as I am) and take each day as it comes. Keep the focus on you and neevr on "him" or why it did not work out. Time is a great healer, no matter how impossible and bad things seem today, tomorrow will be another day. Tell yourself you will meet someone better who is more compatible with you and make you happy every day till you accept it.Good luck
My Cap talks to his ex... throughout her engagement and of course now she's married. We went to her wedding! Big Grin
What exactly was the issue with your ex talking to his ex? Was he actually crossing boundaries or were you just insecure?
Posted by beautifuldiaster
Posted by wagtail
My Cap talks to his ex... throughout her engagement and of course now she's married. We went to her wedding! Big Grin
What exactly was the issue with your ex talking to his ex? Was he actually crossing boundaries or were you just insecure?

Or is she settling for less because she doesn't realize her self worth?
click to expand

Yeh, first loves and relationships are massive learning curves- especially when you are young. smile
So at the end of the day moving on is the best advice anyone can give and keeping your chin up. Things will work out after the heart ache I hope x
Posted by backtokemet
since you're a LIBRA and a woman
- spend more time in front of the mirror, rehearsing affirmations such as "his loss not yours" "he'll soon realize what he's missing" and other things 'strong' women usually tell each other
- get involved in more gossip than you usually do .. hearing about other women misfortunes in the dating arena will help you relativize your own experience
- find out which category(ies) of assclown he belonged to (=> relationships forum).. if there isn't one make up a new one
- take the battery out of your phone whenever you plan on getting drunk
- what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. even if you feel weaker in the aftermath
you're welcome smile

I'm reclusive after a break up. I stay like that for a few months to a year. It's like a part of me died and I need to mourn that part that now ceases to exist. I don't push myself to go out and be with friends. I don't even wanna talk to anybody. I just wanna be left alone.
I spend that time keeping myself busy by reading books or playing MMORPGs. Then once everyone else is asleep, I cry my eyes out. I kinda purge all emotions out to deal with it. I take it day by day because if I start thinking about what ifs at that point, I'll just break my resolve.
I also think about both good and bad times and see why it's for the best to be apart. I still weigh the pros and cons and try to accept that it is indeed over and I'd have to get used to a new routine now that the relationship ended.
Hang in there, it may seem too difficult right now but you are doing well compared to how I was with break ups. Each day will be different, just ride the waves of emotions and don't fight it or suppress it. It'd haunt you someday if you just ignore it.
We are the "Milk of human kindness." I'm a Libra and I don't take breakups or rejection well. Allow yourself plenty of time to grieve because you just lost a "part of you." You're going to want to find an activity you enjoy doing no matter what happens in your life. For me it's exercise. Drink plenty of Chamomile tea, it helps relax you. Treat yourself well, go for a weekly mani/pedi, buy something expensive you've always wanted, with-in reasonable means of course. Most importantly, don't become a hermit or you may get depressed. Enough time passes and you will be ok.
Cut off all ties with him, move on , you deserve better.
First of all, I would never mixt the love with the simple friendship ! This make you more hurt ! As you see, you go to meet him as friends and you ended up as lovers This hurt you very much and even his words to be just friends and I am sure he also told you how to pass over this, maybe he told you can, you are strong, etc.. Wow, wow, this will hurt you more and more my dear ! Just give up on him leaving him without any contact with you ! is the best advice ! You disappear, do not contact him, do not stay online, nothing ! When he will appear ( because he will ! ) you tell him directly that you don't mixt love with simple friendship and ask him to choice which variant he want to go further. In function of his answer and choice and actions, you will know if you still want be with him as love each other or just let him hurt you further ! Let him see he lose you ! Let him miss what he lose ! In this time he will know his feelings for you also, give him this space ! One month, 2 months ! Is ok, no worry ! Live your life in this time and don't cry !!! Is not worth at all !