How do you reject people?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Fleshpot on Monday, November 30, 2015 and has 4 replies.
My Libra cousin and I were talking about this exact issue: She always has the problem of never being able to cut people off, thus they keep on pursuing her and she then feels guilty for leading them on. I tend to sever and run, thereby ending things abruptly and leaving the other person hurt. I've tried being gentle in the past, but noticed that it still keeps them meandering back, so I've since resorted to being a bit more harsh. This could probably explain why I don't keep many male friends. I think I am doomed to incur bad relationship karma, and she is doomed to have these people lingering in her life forever. We all suffer the consequences of our methods.

So how do you other Libras generally deal with people who are interested in you, but whom you don't feel the same way in return? Put them in their place? Blitz and run? Feign ignorance in hopes that the feelings will go away?


Hilarious question to ask a Libra.
I will friend zone them and maintain strict boundaries. The person would have to really be repulsive for me to outright say "leave me alone" because I feel there's always an opportunity for friendship.
i used to lie and say it wasn't something i was interested in and then strictly friendzone. no flirting, no mixed messages, no leading them on.