Ok, this sounds shrewd, but I don't care.
I am a gemini woman totaly crazy about this libra guy, but he is dating a cancer woman.
He loves to talk and laugh with me, but he always has this barrier around him if I try and come close to him.
Even though I notice how much he loves to philosophy with me.
I found out his moon is in Taurus, I wonder if this is why he keeps so loyal to his girl...
But sometimes I have the feeling he feels so relieved to talk to me, but then again this guy can start a conversation with anyone so I can't tell for sure.
I have no idea how to describe it but he is loved by everyone he talks to...
Anyway, he told me that he never felt loved before like his current girlfriend does and that he loves her with all his heart.
Which for me is painful to hear...
All I know is that I am crazy about this guy and it makes me crazy he doesn't respond to my attempts to get his "attention".
Basically he just sees me as a friend.
What is the best way to seduce a Libra man?
(even a deep cleavage is not working...)
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
Start wirh getting a man of your own.
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Oct 11, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 1074 · Topics: 32
You ought to question why you would stoop so low as to try and manipulate a man away from a woman.
if it's possible to do, then it can be done to you as well.
Don't think you believe you're worth more than that?
If he's so fantastic doesn't he deserve better than someone who would do that?
You'll get only vitriolic hatred from these forum people with a question like this.
I actually was hoping for some astrological advise, didn't expect people would take it so personal.
I just want this guy, what is so wrong with that?
Yes but you take my question personal since you have a cancer sun...
I mentioned cleavage as a joke intend, meaning jeez-es even that doesn't work.
But ok, nevermind, I understand the way I put my question gave more hate then advise.
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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
Girl bih jk but how u get them is how u lose them why would u b so mean to do that. Personally i feel the cancer lady can keep him gemini tend to be super flighty and get bored look at urself even willing to ateal another woman man?
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Sep 07, 2011Comments: 298 · Posts: 5049 · Topics: 48
Eh forget the Libra befriend the crab chick. She could be the Thelma to your Louise.
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
You've already made the Libra not want you even if he was single.
#1 Libra men don't like easy women, they'll play with you for their amusement then once they conquer you and the excitement is gone so will he.
#2. Libra men have in mind the type of woman they want meaning they don't just commit and get into relationships with just anyone and once he makes up his mind and makes his choice, there's no going back and no one can change his mind afterward.
#3. Libra men are all about fairness and good judgment so the fact that you are trying to seduce him speaks of your lack of morals and corrupt character, something a Libra man will not tolerate and certainly doesn't want in his woman. If anything you're making him love his Cancer GF even more because your slutty behavior is making her look like a goddess.
Signed______ a Cancer woman engaged to a Libra man .
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
I suspect if you did get your "hearts desire" you'd become bored and toss him to the side.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
It sounds like he's got a quality woman, so stealing won't work. I mean, really, even if you somehow managed to wiggle your way in between them and he doesn't blame you...and instead chooses to go out with you...he's still going to be thinking about his past girl while he's with you. That's not much of a win.
If he loves her that much, the only way he's going to look at you is as a friend or an enemy. You might as well choose the high road since it's better for everyone involved.
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
it's page 7 and i think you are overdue some advice on how to get this guy.
so from a libra woman, here it is, from me to you.
* you need to tell him how much you are into him. tell him over and over that you want to take him away from his girlfriend. that he is yours. not only that, tell everyone in the office too. tell them all the time. tell your boss, tell your co-workers, tell anyone who visits. he will see that you mean business.
* we love to be embarrassed! so i think, you should show your interest in interpretive dance. one day tell everyone to come into the meeting room, start up some music and via the power of dance show him that he shouldn't be with that cancer bitch and that he belongs with you. make sure that you look very seriously in to his eyes while you are doing this. again, he'll know you mean business.
* we like loud things. loud colours, loud voices, loud personality. when you enter a room, make sure everyone knows it. you can even announce it. "I'M HERE AND I'M COMING TO GET YOU!". wear bright bright colours, neons if you have to. we are also a sporty people so something like, neon bike shorts and neon windbreaker jacket will have him turning his head. when you laugh, really laugh. as loud as you can. you'll show him you have a great sense of humour and not afraid to show it. all of this will make a real impression.
* finally, and this is what will clinch it for you, be vulgar. swear, fart in front of him, grab yourself, be obnoxious to everyone, wear skimpy clothing, rub up against him, breathe on him. we are the scales, we are an inanimate object, we need to have that animal to balance us. he will see the animal side to you and won't be able to resist.
good luck! let us know how you got on.
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Aug 26, 2015Comments: 7 · Posts: 1428 · Topics: 44
Gemini, Gemini, Gemini. LOL
Okay step one be his friend. I flirt big big time, I play for amusement, but my heart belongs to my friend.
2) Respect his relationship, Act like you are not trying to get him, and keep it light.
3) According to astrologers Gemini and Aquarius are the natural mates for Libras. ( I personally don't mess with Gemini because of their infamous cheating flirtatious ways.) There is a natural serendipitous attraction that can spontaneously lead to an abrupt marriage between the two. Notorious Indecisive Libra becomes strangely decisive with Aquarius and Gemini.
3) Act like you are not trying to get him; he is a Cardinal you must show respect for him telling you he has a girlfriend.
4) Dress really nice; sexy but conservative. Dresses are a plus, wear expensive perfume, don't overdo it. Did I mention dressing nice? Crease your pants, wear classy outfits, with matching purses and shoes. If you have braids and they look old, take them out, get your nails and toes done. Oh Did I mention to look your absolute best? (It's the Venus thing). Some Libra women and men are rendered helpless by a good-looking, well dressed, good smelling, classy appearance. HELPLESS!
5) Keep him mentally stimulated by showing off your wit, intelligence, and fast-paced mind. Use "I" statements if you argue, never whine, or point the finger it throws off the scales. Talk talk talk. I always enjoy chatty Gemini.
6) NEVER MENTION OTHER MEN! One of the attractions to the cancer is there flawless, unmatched, devotion and stubborn refusal to let go when they are in love. We love that!
7) Show off your independence.
8) But honestly Gemini, he may not be attracted to you. Usually a Libra will lightly flirt and amuse someone despite being madly in love. But if this Libra is telling you upfront that he is in love with someone there may not be any hope. Find out his placements; if he has Venus in Scorpio or Capricorn, forget about. Otherwise in my experience - Cancer's legendary moodiness, can be unbearable for happy-go-lucky Libra.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Trollin', trollin', trollin'...