Hello everyone,
I'm in need of advice and I'd really appreciate your help. I'm an Aries and I have a Libra acquaintance. We'd both like to become better friends, but me being a straightforward, loud, and, well, a typical Aries, I'm not really sure how to speak to her without saying something she might find distasteful or brutish. I normally have no idea what to say to Libras, because they are so different from me, but I'd really like to make an effort and try to be a good friend. So, a couple of do's and don'ts on how to treat and undestand a Libra would be awesome. Thanks in advance
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Dec 20, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 712 · Topics: 11
I will get back to you. Iam a true Libra.
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Don't date one, there my advice
My boyfriend is a libra and I wanna beat his azz
Just remember you were warned
Oh, it's not about dating! It's about befriending a Libra. I've known this Libra for years, but lately we've had the opportunity to hang out more often, and she seems nice and all. This has nothing to do with sex, love or anything like that. Same gender, totally straight, both of us.
Well not all libras have a problem with straight forward- i really appreciate it in fact- but i cannot tolerate rudeness, cruelty, and harsh criticisms of people who do not deserve them. I also dislike insincerity, so as Tiziani said, be yourself at all times, and if you still can't connect, there are plenty of other friend-fish in the sea!
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
It's not what you say, it's HOW you say it
True, Libras may be a little more sensitive to tone, but nonetheless, they appreciate honesty moreso than not.
I don't think that all Libras expect for you to act/talk just like them. They may not agree to go/speak about things in the way you do, but if what you're saying has merit, if you have good intentions & if you're just being your genuine self, they would have no choice but to respect you for that
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Apr 03, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1451 · Topics: 31
As a leeb im easy to talk to i dont mind having having conversations with anyone but the conversation itself is what matters.. i dont kind talking about stupid stuff as long the as the person i talk to knows that we are talking about stupid stuff... what i hate is a stupid person trying to convince me that he's not...
With opinions i dont care if you dont agree with what i say.. as long as you dont mess with my plans...for i do what i want when i want.. i rule my own world.
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Ha! My aries ex was super shy around me, he often didn??t know what to say to me for the very same reason. If a libra can sense that you are good person, she will bring you out of that really quickly. I started to spend more time around him and I would always on pick on him playfully or crack jokes to make him laugh, and the more I made him laugh the more comfortable he became around me. Next thing you knew he was the one that had me doubling over in laughter. No one would ever know how funny that man is, because he barley talks to people, he??s very particular. To those on the outside he comes off as laid back and quiet, but to those he??s close to he??s silly, calm, direct and cool. No matter what an Aries will always be direct and blunt. My sister is also Aries, they both take a strong like or desire to protect me for some reason because I??m so sweet, surprisingly they both wanted to protect me even from their own sharp tongue.
Whenever I texted or talked to my Aries ex about my feelings or if something was bothering me, I??d noticed he??d take his time answering back because he didn??t want to say the wrong thing. He was always very careful when choosing his words, which I know is very hard for him as an Aries, it made me appreciate our friendship that he cared enough to try. My sister says what she has to say, and she too try??s her best to always soften her approach when she talks to me; something she NEVER does for ANYONE. For some reason they both watch their tone and their choice of words. I??m very understanding I just don??t like to be ???talked at?? if you know what I mean. When communicating with a Libra be sure you are not coming off like their superior or they will surely block you out and shut down, probably not speaking to you for a while until they get over the conversation. Both my sister, and the ex have done that. I get over stuff real quick, so a simple sincere ???I??m sorry, I didn??t mean it like that.?? Will get me over it quickly, I hate to stay mad. Libra??s and Aries are opposites but this is the one pair where it works. They learn a lot from one another. Once they accept their differences these two can be the best of friends. When I was younger I thought my sister was the meanest person ever. One day she made me cry and I just told her she??s a mean sister and I couldn??t take it anymore. Ever since that day, she started opening up to me, and I did the same. Now I cant live without her. She??s one of my
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
I like TaurusNikki, she gives good insight. Thats why i responded to her. She's only a troll to those who are upset when she doesn't tell them what she wants to hear.
I like Rocky on occasion. Her comments can be a bit brash and downright harsh at times, but she's another one that tells it like it is. I can agree we all have a Rocky. Clueless is definitely one on the Cancer board --___---
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I just love ya Pinklibra
If people just keep it light and fun, a libra is a fantastic person to be around