Posted by root
I've noticed that libra women day dream a lot and even ponder at night about various things. I always tell them to relax, stop worrying so much, be a bit more in the present etc.
Posted by Chowfun92
I usually have ANXEITY hat keeps me up if ever I can't sleep. It's debilitating bc life isn't that serious but I worry and worry
Posted by LibraSid
I overanalyze everything. The only time it ever effected my sleep is if I leave something major unresolved. I've learned to seperate my productive thought from the over board stuff, or at least to identify the latter.
If there's a real problem, address it. Take the steps you need to, then take comfort knowing you did what you could. You can't stress too much about the parts you can't control.
If the sleep problems come from pure over analyzing and causing drama for yourself, stop it. Learn to notice when you've gone past a productive stage and bring it back.
There's nothing wrong with being a thinker and exploring options and possibilities. You just can't live there. Make a plan, take some steps, then enjoy the process.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Yes. I'm a serious night owl. I stay up so I can have some time to myself after my daughter goes to bed. Then when I finallly go to bed around 1am, I have trouble falling asleep. My mind is racing. Worrying about this and that. Then I fall asleep, but my sleep is spotty at best. I wake up often through the night and I wake up early. I'm never able to sleep past 7 am.
I work out 5x/week. That doesn't help me. It sucks because I think my lack of sleep is changing my hormones
I'm going to try getting to bed by 11:30 starting tonight. I had success with that before.
Geminis and libras seem to have trouble with sleep. Aquas sleep like a rock.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Yes. I'm a serious night owl. I stay up so I can have some time to myself after my daughter goes to bed. Then when I finallly go to bed around 1am, I have trouble falling asleep. My mind is racing. Worrying about this and that. Then I fall asleep, but my sleep is spotty at best. I wake up often through the night and I wake up early. I'm never able to sleep past 7 am.
I work out 5x/week. That doesn't help me. It sucks because I think my lack of sleep is changing my hormones
I'm going to try getting to bed by 11:30 starting tonight. I had success with that before.
Geminis and libras seem to have trouble with sleep. Aquas sleep like a rock.
Posted by azeru123
Does anyone of you think too much that you can't sleep anymore? I woke up at 3 am this morning to pee and can't go back to sleep because of my thinking mode.
Posted by AesmaDaevaPosted by azeru123
Does anyone of you think too much that you can't sleep anymore? I woke up at 3 am this morning to pee and can't go back to sleep because of my thinking mode.
I'm like this lately too but it's because I'm pregnant.
Normally when my conscious self becomes awake, it's hard for me to fall asleep again. I usually read something to make my eyes tired and feel sleepy again. Chamomile tea or carrot juice helps to expand
Posted by AesmaDaevaPosted by azeru123
Does anyone of you think too much that you can't sleep anymore? I woke up at 3 am this morning to pee and can't go back to sleep because of my thinking mode.
I'm like this lately too but it's because I'm to expand
Posted by SugarfootPosted by azeru123Posted by Sugarfoot
Yes. I'm a serious night owl. I stay up so I can have some time to myself after my daughter goes to bed. Then when I finallly go to bed around 1am, I have trouble falling asleep. My mind is racing. Worrying about this and that. Then I fall asleep, but my sleep is spotty at best. I wake up often through the night and I wake up early. I'm never able to sleep past 7 am.
I work out 5x/week. That doesn't help me. It sucks because I think my lack of sleep is changing my hormones
I'm going to try getting to bed by 11:30 starting tonight. I had success with that before.
Geminis and libras seem to have trouble with sleep. Aquas sleep like a rock.
Wow! Motherhood is really challenging. I too need my 'Me time' before bed. So good luck to me once I will be a mom one day.
Ohh yeah! I remember an aqua friend! She sleeps fast, even while we are still talking. lol
Lol. One time I told my Aqua father that I couldn't sleep. He said, "What do you mean? Just tell yourself to go to sleep and you'll fall asleep. That's what I do."
Awesome. Lol.
I'm gonna try melatonin to expand
Posted by Damnata
major insomnia here.
yay virgo placements -.-
Posted by Sugarfoot
azeru - Glad you had better sleep. I went to bed at 11:30 and actually stayed asleep (minus one bathroom break)! I was wide awake at 6 though. I had 6.5 hours of sleep and I'm not mad at that at all . I didn't need the melatonin. I don't usually have trouble falling asleep. It's staying asleep that's my problem.
Breathing exercises work for me too. I read in a meditation book once, try breathing in one nostril and breathing out the other. You won't be able to do it but concentrating on that clears your mind of the junk so you can fall asleep.
Posted by PastelPlum
I will be able to sleep early if I tell myself that I'll not be able to wake up or I'll feel grumpy the next day. Works well for me at least. Now I won't be able to sleep if my mind is active or agitated and this includes dxp "debates" so I try not to have any if I'm busy the whole week. Chamomile tea doesn't work for me though. What works is a full day outside and clean bedsheets.'
Congrats on the pregnancy, too AD!
Posted by root
Masturbation should work.