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May 03, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 552 · Topics: 43
So this libra guy and I(pisces)just got done with freshmen and have been good friends since the start of college.Then we got closer and started spending more time together after class.Most of these meets were unplanned and just a co-incidence.He has taken me out for dinner,long walks(once at 4am),to his favorite concert and as my date on a ball party held on my birthday.However,everything changed when one of my classmates asked me out.I told him that and he asked me what I would reply to that guy."I'll tell him that I like someone." Boom!!He suddenly behaved all weird that night.We walked to the library and for the first time he left without me.He got all quiet and weird and I messed up by saying that I'm the only girl he talks to.That punched his male ego and he got defensive.He grew distant each day and sort of started avoiding me.He wouldn't reply me properly or answer my calls.This followed the whole april.I decided to tell him that I like him(mid april)so I told him that I had to tell him something important.He ignored me even more and stopped all contacts.Then one day(April end),we bumped into each other again at Starbucks and he said,"I changed after spring break because I realized that I can't just stick to one person and I need to make more friends.We can be very good friends but I don't want you to wait for me after all my classes.I needed more space because I thought that I have been seeing you too much lately.Be honest,you knew I was at Starbucks,right?" I felt offended and angry but I just said no and explained that it was just a co-incidence since all our class timings were same.He apologized,said"I just wana focus on academics.Dont let it get to your heart" and left.He still sort of ignored after that but he would give me that guilty smile when he saw me ignore him too.We always met after exams,got dinner and spent time together.So,he came to me at the end of 1st exam but he got totally pissed when I asked one of our good mutual guy friends to join us.He ignored me again but he again came to me after our last exam but I ignored him too much hoping he would realize his fault but that backfired me.He did not reply my texts or calls.Few days later,he came to me on the last day of our freshmen year and asked me about my summer plan.We both decided to do maymester together,months ago.However,I had to go back home on the last minute.He later learnt that I was at home and he did maymester alone.
Any advise on how I could make things work again?
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May 03, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 552 · Topics: 43
Oh and I just saw he was online now. A part of me was stopping me from messaging him anything because he was rude to me and why should I talk all the time if he doesn't care enough to talk first? But then I felt that it's nothing but just a hugee misunderstanding and besides I ignored him too. So I thought I should talk to him and see if he's still mad at me.So,I casually messaged him on chat asking him how is his maymester going.He replied back after 10min saying,"Pretty good.Just few more days to go.How's home?" I replied back saying,"Great.Home? Now look who calls me a stalker."
He read my message half an hour later and he did not reply me back and he went offline.He returned back again several times but he didn't talk to me again. ~Duhh. My friends say that he's confused about his feelings for me. Besides,he's also never been in a relationship before.
I am really hurt with the way things are between us.Everyone who saw us thought we were in a relationship until I told them that we weren't. Any idea how I could get things to normal like before?
Signed Up:
May 03, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 552 · Topics: 43
Thank you for your response Julya! I'm sorry to hear about that. In my case,as I stated above,he hasn't been in a relationship before. He told me he's been close to many girls before but never been in a relationship with any of them. However,he did mention that he really liked this one girl and asked her out during the 6th grade and she rejected him in public.She has a boyfriend now and they're going pretty strong. I asked him if he still likes her but he said that he had feelings for her that entire year but then he moved on. They're still good friends though but I don't think that has anything much to do with this.
He isn't a guy who would upload a picture of him with girls all around on facebook.However, today when i spokee to him on facebook,exactly few minutes later he updated a new profile picture of him semi hugging two girls(with guys in the background). He was trying to be the ladies man. He never uploads such pics but today he did just after he saw me message him. Maybe I am reading too much into things but it's getting weirder.
I know your fear and at this moment, believe me, he is just at the point of playing games with you . Is painful to hear this, I know, but mine was doing the same with me in that year I mentioned above. He wants makes you jealous or makes you leave him alone now , as he told you, he asked you to be good friends for now and you can find other bf.... He was not jocking about this, mine done the same. I am afraid he may hide something to you about that girl, but there is a way you can descover things about this and about him more : make another id for yahoo or facebook, add a sexy picture there ( not yours, find one in google to same real) and contact him ! You will be surprised, he will respond and try to be happy and warm with him, send him many kisses and things like this. He will get soon close by you in conversation ! I did this and mine told me a lot of things and I knew from him even from that time about his ex relationship with that woman. He told "me" ( to the new used id) that he suffer so much and loved a woman who married other man and he is very hurt... Then he told "me" where he is working and many other things about him. I understood then to give him space, but I never think he will go so far now... Now he is still hopes about that woman she will divorce and she will be his woman again, but this is only in his crazy mind and my aunt told me about this things, she is a clear vision woman , she see things with her brain, I don't know how, but she told me he is in big danger now because he try to separate this woman of her husband and the man wants to make him big problems. He may be accussed of harashment at least , he don;t think what he do now, but maybe he just want to destroy her life how she destroyed his life I think , because anyway this woamn will never back to him. He is waiting the answer from her at the question " why???" and he will never got it. I sent him an message and told him just to stay away of that peoples , I felt to do this to protect him. He will don;t really understand how I know this things about him, but I preffered not to give much explanation , just to protect him now because it is the most important thing .
Give him space now and do not contact him, or keep a contact with him, but you always better express your feelings, never accept be his good friend . Even talk rare with him, you keep the same way . This is good to make him understand that you want all or nothing. And he will not accept nothing..
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Julya, you're one sick puppy. Cyber stalking!? No wonder the guy is running away, you're too much.
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I bet if the libra guy knew that u did this to him, he would get a restraining order on you, because it's not that serious, the man is not ur boyfriend or your husband.....he doesn't owe u anything yet, why the hell would u go that far when it's suppose to be just casual.......and u immature females wonder why males test u and play games......I'll tell u avoid psycho females that do stupid shit like this when they aren't even in a relationship with them yet
WaterCup you and your mother are sick puppies ! And you are a son/daughter of bitch or a real bitch ! of bitch ! Kiss me somewhere ! You know where !
WaterCup you and your mother are sick puppies ! And you are a son/daughter of bitch or a real bitch ! of bitch ! Kiss me somewhere ! You know where ! And if you want to know, he came back to me today, so don't think you are so clever when you are so stupid idiot ! And the user who posted this post here, really don't need to read your idiot mind's comments about others !
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Your libra didn't come back, and if he did, it's just a rest stop, quit playing urself honey
First and foremost that libra male is not your man period
Your the only one that seems to believe the stuff that u write, when the proof is in your face the whole dam time, now u mad cause other users are telling u the truth, plus the user name switch is getting old fast, if u can't even be real about who u are and what u represent, no wonder that libra ran away from u, and clearly doesn't want u, ur chasing a dream and failing fast, and if he really is back which I know is false then why are u even here, paying attention to ppl that know ur full of s***.
You clearly don't have the balls to deal with a libra, and he isn't even around u, and has u f***** up,please for ur own self worth which don't seem like much, get some professional help
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
This julya22 is fucking stupid low self worth lil girl, how many dam times are u gonna change ur name