Ok so last I left off my Libra sent me email telling me that he wanted to "part ways" and "we would never be together" and all this other crap that made me cry my eyes out lol..Some of you told me he would be back, and you sure were right. He didn't speak to me for almost three months straight, and I never contacted him, then out of the blue he calls me one day. So I went to see him and he's all affectionate like nothing ever happened!? He also brought up the last time we spoke and continued to ask me for more time as usual, which is what started the initial fight, cuz I wanted to be with him and wanted more. I really don't get him. It's like he pushes me away then when I don't contact him he's back. So now we are right back to where we started where he is calling all the shots.. I know, I'm stupid and I should just let him go. But whenever he calls me I go running cuz I want to see him so bad. But again when I call him now, he's starting to blow me off all over again like he did initially when all this crap started. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get him to just stay with me rather then take me back, push me away, take me back, push me away. It seems whenever I start to ride up his a $ $ again, is when he pushes me away again. I feel this is guy is just hopeless at times, then just when I think he's hopeless and give up, he's back in my life. What the hell?!
Signed Up:
May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
We can't help you if you want to put yourself thru this all over again
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
absolutely...you went 3 months without contact and then you let him come back (which is fine) but for him to do the same again?? not on your life!!! If my Libra were to come back and I would be insane enough to let him back into my life? I can assure you I would call ALL THE SHOTS!!! He'd have to work so hard but anyway that's not likely to happen but why would you even consider allowing this man to do what he did before which wasnt acceptable then, and obviously its not acceptable now.....what are you thinking? ditch him!!! save yourself the heartache.
When people come back together, it normally would be because things have changed but it seems NOTHING has changed with him and dont allow yourself to be the victim again. you deserve better and need to be stronger than this man.
He's come back coz he can