I'm so done with some Libra girls...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Scorpman on Thursday, April 6, 2006 and has 48 replies.
I just had one that "led me on" and didn't tell me she had a boyfriend of 5 Years, she certainly didn't act like she had one around me and why didn't she tell me?
I don't get it, is it all about the attention from other Males?
On a good note one of my very good friends is an awesome Libra female and we are always honest with each other and show each other a great deal of respect.
So it's NOT all of them just a few bad eggs...by yeah?...why didn't she tell me?, I feel really stupid now.
that sucks! The thing about libras sometimes is that (in addition to liking the male attention ) is that we hate so much to hurt people's feelings or say no to them that we will sometimes lie or avoid the issue completely until it eventually comes out and we are faced with it anyway, except it is ten times worse. The less-evolved libras have these tendencies...however, personally, i could never keep that from someone..i would be horrified if someone viewed me as dishonest or shady, which is kind of what she sounds like.
yeah I think so too and thanks for that, she reminds me a great deal of that psycho one I had to deal with a while back, I hear things about that girl (psycho girl) and I will never understand why she has such a passion for hating me and trying to make my good friends hate me as well.
Yes, I made a BIG mistake but so did she and I have said sorry too many times...I do miss her a little but will never understand her.
I think Libra females flatter themselves, similar to how leos do, Libras keep making this excuse that their fair and friendly with almost everyone, and then they use that excuse when their done with the person and say their getting unwanted attention, that they were just being friendly.
You know what i think it is deep down, they cant make their bloody mind up so they use various excuses and suddenly become all clueless once someone has latched onto them.
Please Libras, either choose if that is the case or leave people alone, dont flatter yourselves, we are not all falling over ourselves to impress you.
Wow, I'd be upset too. Seems like she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. There's no excuse for that, it was a low thing to do.
To me, it seems like she may have liked that attention from you and was possibly checking you out as an option should she decide to break up with the guy she's currently with.
Libras have a tendency to jump from one relationship right into another. She may have been getting bored with the 5 year relationship and was looking for something better.
It's no excuse and I'd stay away from her in the future. If she can't be trusted then she's not one to take seriously.
Too bad that this happened. Move on to better things.
How long did she lead you on for?
Sometimes there is no nice way to tell someone you aren't on the market. Plus, depending on the situation, it is pretty presumptuous for her to assume that you are romantically interested in her and that you NEED to know she has a bf. She was probably just flirting and having fun and it meant nothing.
A lot of times I flirt and am friendly with men I have no romantic interest in. A lot of times men who aren't romantically interested in me flirt and are friendly to me. C'est la vie!
yep, gotta agree with Librat, she was definitely interested in you for something more so decided to not inform you about her relationship til you were hooked enough to maybe go with it!
I bet you never asked so in her mind she didn't have to confess anything. Always ask when you meet someone that you are interested in, I don't think she would've lied if you had.
This is the message I got back from her...I asked what is there any reason you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend of 5 years?.
"I do not see why I would have had to say I had a BF earlier on - it's not like people say "Hi I'm ......, I have a BF, nice to meet you" when they 1st meet do they.
Glad you had a successful night at (bar I dj at). I actually had intended on coming down, but after drinking from 4pm, & with no dinner - hm time soon came at 9pm. haha YUK!!"

hmmmm...Balancing the scales?...really...I have not witnessed with any Libra girls yet...they are a very sensitive sign aren't they?...and get hurt easily.
That's a silly reply to your question. Good that you learned NOW instead of 5 years on like the sucker she's with now!
Good Luck
There you go! If it were you and some good looking girl came up to you, would you say Hi, I'm so and so and I have a gf that I'v been with for 5 years??? Always ask and that'll clear it up from the start, then your interests would have been directed elsewhere.
Oh and she would have weighed you up and deciced that if she came out and blurted that she had a partner then you would have bolted and she would probably not have had an enjoyable night!!! The scales come into every situation.
I have no problem with her email. That is pretty much my theory. I don't tell everyone everything about me. Why would I? Plus it is pretty presumptuous for her to assume you are romantically interested in her (thus needs to disclose status) when you haven't done anything to confirm interest.
Would you prefer if you said hi and she said, "Hi. Look I am sure you are a great guy, but I have a boyfriend and am not interested." That isn't the way real life works. You have a conversation with someone about things.
BTW I don't think I am very sensitive or emotional. Au contraire! I am pretty logical and level headed. Seldom do my scales get out of balance, although I am the first to admit I am a mess when they do.
Update we are speaking again and she wants too meet up and I can't deny that she is incredible and sends electricity through me...do you guys know the saying about Woman and brabches?
Now you see, you're in the know that she has a bf that she is still involved with and you are still hot for her and willing to let that one thing slide!!! YOUR EYES ARE WIDE OPEN so what you do from here is your decision...one which will now pose soooooo many questions!!!
Ok let me say somethings about my experience with librans
1. They want to flirt with a mob like 100 guys at the same time, just cant have enough and would actively encourage you even if they dont have real interest in you and use this behaviour as an ego booster.
2. be careful sometimes they would like you to compete with your fellow mate for them and would reward the one who comes on top.
3. They can suggest the possibility of a future relationship to get you in their net when they will always keep an escape route open just in case you do something drastic and then you will be the foolish one, my suggestion is do that and get out its a lesser damage.
4. But actually they invariably possess physical beauty and are very loving once they actually love you, its the sign of venus afterall.
So if you want to enjoy the company and still belong to the incroud flirt with her, flirt with panache, and you might just win the jackpot cause librans know how to love( probably better than any other native) but otherwise never expect anything no matter what they suggest and if it looks too good to be true then its probably not cause they will always fall for the alpha male.
Personally, I feel that Libra will only flirt when she is available but not in love.
When Libra is in love but that person is not yet hers - she will not flirt with that person because that would be too risky. (Unless this is my virgo rising talking) she will be extremely cautious. Perhaps because she is all too aware that the way she flirts can turn someone off because it is very powerful and also very revealing. And there is too much at stake.
When in love and in a relationship with him, she will ultimately ignore EVERYBODY else around her but for the object of her affection. She is completely focused on him. COMPLETELY. She will make him very secure in her love for him. She will still not flirt with him verbally (at best she'll crack a joke at his expense though NEVER in public) but will do this with her eyes/smile occasionally and checks the response.
When not in love but looking - will just look you right in the eye as if to say 'I want to talk to you'. This will not mean you're IT.
My two cents...
I'm afraid I have to agree with Libra's post...As an involved (and evolved) Libra lady, I do not flirt once involved and have chosen to give my heart completely (and besides, my other half is a Scorpio - would NOT want to arouse his jealousy or make him feel insecure in any way) Although some might say that I am flirtatious, I disagree. I would like to think that I'm friendly. In my view there is no reason to put on a negative face to the world at large. Sadly however, other people (i.e. men who are interested) might interpret this as interest on my part.
As for Libra thinking that she may be over-cautious, I too have some Virgo influence as my Venus is in Virgo. This may mean that I am generally more cautious than most. I never approach people I am interested in, and certainly do not embark on flirting if I an definitely interested in. I guess I would be afraid of rejection. I flirt when I feel I have less (or nothing) to lose.
Hope this helps...
"When not in love but looking - will just look you right in the eye as if to say 'I want to talk to you'."

yeah but that makes your heart go a lot faster making it difficult for you to maintain your objectivity to realize:
" This will not mean you're IT"

But I think Libra(usernm) is right, and its probably very similar to what I said.
I am a pretty big flirt. The only time I wasn't a huge flirt was when I was in love. I didn't even notice other men around 'cause I just wasn't interested.
Some of his best friends did express interest in me. It wasn't my doing at all. In fact, I went way out of my way to avoid them and not speak to them.
People always assume I am much more into them than I really am.
That being said, it depends on what I can win for him by being flirtatious. Sometimes flirting can be advantageous, but my partner knew me well enough to know what was what. I am still, to this day, the only person he really trusts because even to this day, I still have his back.
By what you write you are very much in agreement with me. My venus is in Virgo too, by the way...
Kaufmanish Cappy: need to ask you a VERY SERIOUS question - if you don't mind. How does the love a Libra gives to her other half come across to you? Is it scary, suffocating or perhaps in a positive way does it 'blow you away' when they express themselves? Or something else?
Thanks in advance
Well I am cappy who has had more than my fair share of libran fickleness in my life, It has always left me high and dry, while they would go off with total prats.
lol but I dont habor any grudge cos they would know better ( venus trumps saturn in love lol)
so yes the love ( which they give to other ppl) it has always made me jealous, cause there is always too much of it and that too with such flair. I am further more jealous cos they stop even the healthy flirtations with you once they find the IT guy.
Suffocation is something which goes the other way, if the mate is not spontaneous/understanding/free enough then librans could feel suffocated.
I think am not the right person for a lot of the questions that you asked but i wont believe someone could get enough of love in their lives.
Thanks for your response. For what it is worth - I have never been attracted to anyone in my life as much as to that one Cap. Your aloofness is a complete turn on!
Notice the one that is not flirting with you but time after time cannot stay away either. That's your IT girl...
Oh yeah?
I happen to know such a gal, but why are you guys doing this to me though?( telling that she might actually fancy me)
I was just able to (painfully) talk myself out of, falling for her,
ok we keep going back and forth, again and again ..this time when she comes I will sweep her off her feet!
Although you guys should read why its very hard to work things out with a capri unless he understands why a libra does the things that they do. I think they make for really good friends in a group though, both are compulsive people pleaser!
what says?
Hi Guys,
Speaking for myself, when I fall for someone, I get consumed. Period. I don't like feeling that way because it kind of "takes over." Maybe because I have Scorp in Mercury, don't know.
But aside from emotions, when I discover something I like, hobby, business idea, etc. It "takes over" as well. I get carried away and tend to completely focus on what's at hand, whether it was a love interest or otherwise, and loose track of almost everything else.
The only man I have ever loved was an earth sign Kauf.
He was dependable, reliable, stable, and good. He treated me very, very well.
Thanks for the encouragement,
I guess we cant deny the tremendous mutual attraction that exists between them, spsly during the first encounters, however there are really fundamental reasons why it becomes difficult.
In my case it was someting to do with librans indecisiveness and capries pessimism.
I enjoy the company though, and stupid mind games , and the love-hate arguments. who cares where it ultimately moves, platonic friendships are good enough for me.
take care.
Typical LIBRA has to have all the attention and yeah she will most likely have a boyfriend or someone serious she is dating...its not a bad thing when a Libra seeks other males she may be seeking someone to see if she could find something better than the current relationship she is in ..it can work out for you ......so dont end the friendship.......
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Sorry guys I have in no way evolved I flirt like mad......just can't help myself.
Plain and simple Scorpmon...always do your homework on the intrcate workings of every sign...Libra females...psh libras PERIOD...are known to be THE most unfaithful of the zodiac signs, so dont' really be surprised...you were just the wamrer flame that she was moving on to
Evo Fish:
Can you prove this? On what basis do you make this statement?
Message posted by: Evo Fish on 6/1/2006 12:31:50 AM
libras PERIOD...are known to be THE most unfaithful of the zodiac signs
I said flirt not s**g. What every Libra in the world?
Yow...I GREW up with Libras...its not that they do it to hurt anybody, or of sexual nature, just being restless, but they have spent soo much time designing themselves, that they find it hard to give themself to ANYone person.Doa get me wrong, they will appear to be this most loving and faithful, but you are just one of their many prospects for a future marriage, they like to have options, and they will lead THE most secret life, not even their friends might know about it
It may not surface, for every libra, but those who are more attractive in appear and personality and know themselves VERY well.Unless the other sign is a gemini or an aries, ODds are they are going to eventually cheat on the partner, GAUNRENTEED
Message posted by: Evo Fish on 6/2/2006 12:38:26 AM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.208
but they have spent soo much time designing themselves, that they find it hard to give themself to ANYone person.
There is so much more to this really, so many other factors. If we are in a relationship, particularly where there are kids then fully commit to being faithful. Even when the other person does not, it is only when you neglect us in some way then you may see the manifestation of this personality, but even then, if we have much too lose then we will fight against it.
They will appear to be this most loving and faithful, but you are just one of their many prospects for a future marriage, they like to have options.
We also like our time outside of relationships, particularly as we become older we would fantasise more about having our personal space than some man who consisitently wants/needs to dominate us.

Evo Fish
What do you mean when you say that we have the most secretive lives? Can you give an example?
I think Libras in unhappy relationships probably get unbalanced which then may result in looking elsewhere. I think they unconsciously get itchy when in a relationship that is not fulfilling. Because they need fulfilment in love.
But we put up with a lot because we like the perfect picture and have a hard time admitting that something is not working anymore. I think we work very hard at keeping the relationship stable for as long as possible.
They (girls anyway) need to be in a state of worship with their other half, have complete respect for him. When the worship and respect goes - BIG PROBLEM. But it takes two to tango and the other half needs to work on deserving the respect, too. We know that we are special possibly because we have a lot of love to give and are not scared of giving it but you have to deserve it.
And whilst you are looking for that perfect partner (single people this is), why go for second best? You have one life. I never slept around and now that I am older I know this is because I wanted perfection but I did not hurt anybody in the process. That's all nonsense.
I am in an exceptionally critical stage of my marriage at the moment and when I drill deepter into my emotions what I notice is that I am very frustrated by the fact that I cannot give love to a partner (because I have decided in my head that he does not deserve me any longer). But it is that 'giving love' that I want to do in my heart (libra core perhaps). Make the other one feel great and rise in life. It makes me so aware of the fact that I have this love but no one to give it too. But then the respect comes in. Don't know if that makes any sense.
Libra in Relationships
The way to the Libran heart is through appreciation and admiration, for you, a living work of art, always present yourself in your best light. Libra is the soul of relationship; you do not feel complete unless you are in at least one (and probably several) potentially long-term and upwardly mobile involvements, centred on the sharing of good taste and the appreciation of your undeniable talents. After all, when you have perfected the art of being you,it seems such a shame to waste yourself on those who may be incapable of appreciating art for art's sake...
Libra, a masculine (yang) sign, often seems contradictory. Ruled by Venus, the soul of love and sensuality, yet the exaltation of Saturn, the planet of high seriousness and lofty ambition, flirtatious Libra is likely to be attracted to or involved with more than one partner at a time.
The more attention your mate pours upon you, the more you just lap it up. Indeed, should the attention become attenuated for any length of time, you'll quickly lose interest and gravitate towards a warmer flame.
The more attention your mate pours upon you, the more you just lap it up. Indeed, should the attention become attenuated for any length of time, you'll quickly lose interest and gravitate towards a warmer flame.

Too many men want to own us to snuff out the flame that they are initially drawn too. We get soooo frustrated with this why don't our partners allow us to be what they initially loved about us? Why must they try to supress this vital part of us, this drives us away, but most men do it.....Why?
I don't mean to bash Libras (wait, yes I do) but I have to agree with Evo Fish once again. I think that Libra women mature greatly once they settle into marriage, but the journey there is a bumpy ride consisting of jumping from one relationship to the next. Unfortunately, the non-confrontational Libra doesn't have the courtesy to tell their current partner that it's over until they have latched onto another victim, and probably not even then.
Libras need to be entertained and are always looking for someone better. And it's true, there is always someone better out there. But they don't see that it works both ways, their current mate could always find someone better as well. Which of course would be devastating to Libra's delusional ego. How could their lover do better than "The Perfect Woman"?
It must be hell growing old with someone who has so much of their self-worth tied to their appearance. Cosmetic surgery must have been invented with the aging Libran woman in mind.
The old adage is true, "No matter how good she looks, some guy, somewhere, is tiring of putting up with her bullsh*t"...
It must be hell growing old with someone who has so much of their self-worth tied to their appearance. Cosmetic surgery must have been invented with the aging Libran woman in mind.
I hate the thought of cosmetic surgery, my lines all tell of my life....
The old adage is true, "No matter how good she looks, some guy, somewhere, is tiring of putting up with her bullb*tter"...
Bring it on, we adapt well, no one will ever need to reassure us about our worth it is something we have deep in side, let them go, let them decide that we are not for them.We are survivors, made of steel.
I hope you didn't think I was talking about you specifically, just venting about a relationship gone awry. She just happened to prominently display her very Libran traits...
So true Softcookie...they say you must have ALOT of patience to put up with a Libra girl, because their Ego's are soooo fragile, and they need CONSTANT reassurance...and that is my mother right there to a T
Now really I think you two chaps are now trying to wind me up.......
a Leo and an Aqua I think......
It surprises me that you find us Librian girls soooo difficult to handle....
Never mind I'm sure you will both find a nice little clingy sign who will submit to you both and stay with you forever and ever.
Best wishes
sorry Mr Evo Fish my apologies it appears you are pisces/aries. Yes that does explain it............
LOLOL , Loudlibra your funny...I thought I was supposed to be a Leo or an Aqua !?!?! - hhmmmm I wonder what that explains Tongue
1stly I never said they are hard to handle, they are quiet easy to handle, they are great actually, their ONLY flaw is they need constant ressurance and have wweak egos, othre than that, spending time with them is great.
2ndly The whole, "Never mind I'm sure you will both find a nice little clingy sign who will submit to you both and stay with you forever and ever "...thats ESPECIALLY amusing to me, cause I'm quite the opposite, as much as I harbour the sensitive triats of a pisces....I hate ANY form of emotional dependancy on me....I maybe me sensitive, but I DEFINTELY dont' want a clingy girl, who is a yes man....so to speak
While we on the topic, I'm actully creating a list of traits I looking for a girl, persoanlity wise
***** I think Libras in unhappy relationships probably get unbalanced which then may result in looking elsewhere. I think they unconsciously get itchy when in a relationship that is not fulfilling. Because they need fulfilment in love.
**** But we put up with a lot because we like the perfect picture and have a hard time admitting that something is not working anymore. I think we work very hard at keeping the relationship stable for as long as possible.

**** They (girls anyway) need to be in a state of worship with their other half, have complete respect for him. When the worship and respect goes - BIG PROBLEM. But it takes two to tango and the other half needs to work on deserving the respect, too. We know that we are special possibly because we have a lot of love to give and are not scared of giving it but you have to deserve it.
**** And whilst you are looking for that perfect partner (single people this is), why go for second best? You have one life. I never slept around and now that I am older I know this is because I wanted perfection but I did not hurt anybody in the process. That's all nonsense.
Great Post Libra!
I don't sleep around because I don't want to embarrass my past partners or my future partner.
*** flirtatious Libra is likely to be attracted to or involved with more than one partner at a time.
Libra at play is different than Libra in love.
*** I think that Libra women mature greatly once they settle into marriage, but the journey there is a bumpy ride consisting of jumping from one relationship to the next. Unfortunately, the non-confrontational Libra doesn't have the courtesy to tell their current partner that it's over until they have latched onto another victim, and probably not even then
I have never in my life done this. I have actually been relationship free for almost a year.
Remember Libra does not come into play until a person reaches very late twenties, early thirties. Libra is a late blooming sign.
I think that Libra women mature greatly once they settle into marriage, but the journey there is a bumpy ride consisting of jumping from one relationship to the next. Unfortunately, the non-confrontational Libra doesn't have the courtesy to tell their current partner that it's over until they have latched onto another victim, and probably not even then
**** Too many men want to own us to snuff out the flame that they are initially drawn too. We get soooo frustrated with this why don't our partners allow us to be what they initially loved about us? Why must they try to suppress this vital part of us, this drives us away, but most men do it.....Why?
I actually read a very interesting article about this. Libra women, more so than other signs, have a tendency to become a symbol for people rather than a person. People assign great status and responsibility to a Libra. They used Gwyneth Paltrow as an example.
BTW when a Libra leaves you cold, they didn't. The signs were there. They told you numerous times that they needed more, you simply didn't take them seriously because you didn't think they had it in them to pull up ship.
I just found this article. I find it very interesting. One thing that intrigues me...I understand about Libra being all fair and not likeing to hurt ones feelings, BUT how can they expect us to be honest with them, but then turn around and not be honest with them. Is it if something unjust is done to them that all hell breaks loose and their is no justifying it? But if they do something to us then they can justify it with every imaginable excuse? Honesty is a two way street. If Libras are so up onto being fair and not being lied too then they should practice what they preach correct?

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