In a rut

This topic was created in the Libra forum by bellz on Thursday, January 12, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Hello there, new here, first time posting.

Yeah sorry if my first post is a bit of a downer, but it is how I've been feeling lately. I'm usually an optimistic person, always seeing the positives, glass is half-full, I'm awesome, you're awesome, everyone's awesome! But not in the last few months...

Been feeling shitty about my career (or lack-of), about my life, about myself. I dunno why I find it so fecking hard to even just move... I mean I move, I'm moving, but I'm not getting anywhere...

Not sure what's going on in the cosmos right now... but I hope things change soon... please...

Posted by DickButt
Everyone has transitions in their lives (and i'm not talking about some retrograde BS). Some last longer than others, but in the in they help us grow. Embrace the shit, because accepting is the first step to recovery.
Funny, I don't see your post in my thread. I had to go to the notifications page to see it, and quote through your profile page. It kinda makes me feel like a stalker.

Anyway, I get what you mean. I know everyone goes through these transitions...

I'm trying to "embrace" it, but I don't think it likes me all that much. I keep getting kicked in the head. Oh well.

Thanks for the wise words, though, appreciate it.
I know it sucks..but hey this too shall pass n you're gonna be okay. Just hold on really.

Posted by sagsagsag
Well.. out of any signs until october this year, your sign is the luckiest one.. you have jupiter in your sign right now, the planet of expansion, abundance and luck.. But maybe the nature of this transit feels a bit weird because it clashes your need of balance and comfort while jupiter is all about expanding and stretching out boundaries...

If you dont like it maybe we can switch sign for a year.. so you know how saturn transit feels like ?
I hope you're right. I love Jupiter (and Sags Winking ) ... if it's supposed to feel weird, I'm all for weird, as long as it doesn't do my head in. Right now, my world seems to be shrinking as opposed to expanding, so I dunno... maybe there's sth else at play here...

yikes, saturn transit huh? All the best with that!