Indecision or Venus Influence ?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by VirgoLass on Saturday, January 23, 2016 and has 10 replies.
I'm curious about something Libra's. Do you think as man or woman you find it difficult to end relationships even if your not all together happy/in love anymore.

If so is it the weighing up and all that balancing out the various info needed to decide on whether to make or break that maybe just takes a really long time?
Or is it the hopeless romantic looking to slug on or being sensitive to not hurting the other party...interestingly have a friend who seems to go from relationship to the next very quickly with not alot of time in between so maybe its the desire to be in a relationship all the time? I really dont know, tell me your thoughts?😎
i don't like to end things because i realise that many of my emotions are transitory. i like to concentrate on the bigger picture and try to work things out rather than pulling the plug. and yes, things need to build up where you realise that the cracks are too large to keep trying to patch up but this happens over long periods of time.

it's not about always being in a relationship. i was single for over a decade. i was very happy being alone because i hadn't found the right person and wasn't going to get involved just for the sake of being in a couple. i know it's quite commonly said that leeb are never happy unless they are in a relationship or they are in love with love. i never felt that way. that description never resonated with me.

like tiz said, much easier if someone ends with me. i'll respect their feelings and let the thing die.
I'm Libra dominant and have never made a clean break. Either they have to end it or I fade out.

I simply can't do it. Either I don't want to hurt them, or I don't want to lose whatever I had with them even of I'm not particularly happy. I just don't like having the discussion; it gets messy.

I also have a 7th house stellium and while I like being independent within a relationship, I don't live life well without one.
7th house sun, Mercury and Neptune here, with Mars and Uranus conjunct in Libra.

If a relationship isn't working out and can't be fixed I much prefer a mutual breakup or that the person break up with me because I hate hurting people.

When I had to do the breakup, I always tried to do it very fairly and kindly (but firmly), but I felt awful about it before, during and after. But I knew it had to happen because they should be with someone who they were more compatible with - not half-in or less like I was feeling about them.

I've never had any problems ending a relationship once I've decided my heart is not in it anymore and trying to resolve problems would be futile. I will weigh the pros and cons for weeks or months, but once a decision has been made, I stick to it. There was never much guilt because I would have reasoned that my staying would make me miserable, and a miserable Libra isn't going to make the people around him/her happy.
I don't go from relationship to relationship quickly either. I take my time in between to 'recharge' and the next one has to be something really special for me to consider a relationship. I take relationships seriously. I certainly don't enter one just for the sake of 'being in love with love'. I guess I'm not at all that venusian. Scorpio venus, perhaps?
Great feedback all, thanks 😎
In my younger years.....No, never had a problem letting go and moving on once I knew that I had given it my all. I was called non caring, nonchalant, cold, unwilling to fight for love,etc., but I think in our hearts we all know when things are truly over. I Never forgot the memories or the person, but I knew once certain lines were crossed, it was no use hanging around. I think most air signs will hang in there longer in order to make a relationship work, but once all the I's have been dotted and all the T's have been crossed and there's no doubt in their mind the matter can't be fixed, then it's much easier to transition out of the relationship.

I only had one relationship where I regretted my actions and even now, 30-yrs later that relationship still bothered me. That union definitely kept me looking back until I finally found him a year ago and apologized for my actions because I knew I caused him some heart break. Of course it was more to it than me just breaking it off, but it still worked out because he went on to find the love of his life and he's been married the same amount of years as I, so it all worked out for the both of us.
I have libra sun, venus, and mars (and a couple of libra placements further out too). I have a VERY hard time leaving a relationship, especially when I really care about the other person. For me, the end of a relationship causes an inner war between sentiment, the need to be fair, emotional hurt/disappointment, and rationality. Once that is resolved, I am fine and very happy to see the other person happy.
When I'm sure about my feelings and what I want there is only one thing that can make me leave, break, forget, and believe me, my ending is not always nice: if I feel or learn that the other person doesn't love me (anymore). I can't do that to someone, and I don't want anyone to have to pretend. All the other problems can be solved and yes I strive to, because there'll always be problems, new and unexpected ones, you really never can stop fighting them, but I only fight for love. As for the need to be in a relationship, it is enough sometimes if there is a mental/emotional bond. Doesn't have to be a traditional relationship. Air signs... : ) But even that connection has to be there, and it has to be mutual. If that makes sense to you guys.. : )