I've been on and off with my libra for a few months. We are both very busy, not entirely committed to wanting a full blown relationship yet but seeing how things go..
We are long distance and he flew to see me living in Sweden in the Summer - we have seen each other a few times since
Now, he said he will pay to fly me to see him for new year. This was all his suggestion - i didn't even hint
Every day he keeps telling me he will book the flights and still 2 weeks later nothing. I'm not even bringing up the topic, he's just randomly telling me every day he's going to book them he's just not go around to it yet, each time i tell him it's fine.
He's very well off so it isn't a money thing. Wondering if he's keeping me at bay for some reason (he's a bit of a ladies man)
I'd quite like to know what I'm doing for new year and it's not far away now. Plus if I go to his city I could also plan some meetings whilst I'm there. Do i ask him to get it booked soon if he would like to see me or just sit back, keep quiet about it and see if he actually does it? Not sure if pushing them a little helps or makes libras run away
Are all libras this indecisive/flakey?!
I'm a wreck right now.
I knew a Libra man for close to 6 years. We were very good friends and our friendship was mostly platonic but we did flirt a lot. The sexual tension was high (I'm a Scorpio after all) but it was mainly talk, nothing physical. Until around the middle of this year. Prior to the that, our flirtation game had definitely went up a few notches too high than we normally did.
I had my issues (all known to him, he's been the only guy I go to when I have man problems for the past 6 years) and I raised my concerns about us possibly ruining our friendship if we decided to sleep with each other. He said he felt the same way too. So we figured, we just let nature take its course.
I have to say, intimacy with him was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. After our first time, there was absolutely no worries on my part like I normally would have with other men. There were no worries that he wouldn't call me the next day. There were no worries that I might have left the wrong impression. Even the act itself was so natural, I was comfortable in my own skin, something I do not always feel with other men when I first have sex with them (but I hide the insecurities very well). There was no need to pretend that I was confident because I was. I truly was. I felt safe, and oh God, that felt so good.
And he didn't show any sign like he's gonna bail either. I always knew that a guy would ditch me after sex even before the night is through, but this wasn't the case. In fact, our first time together, we had sex only once and actually spent a huge chunk of that time being very close together, very intimate without getting overtly sexual. It was different for me and I liked it a lot.
Things were good for a couple of months, we had sex a few times after that. We didn't establised a relationship and it wasn't important to me. I mean, if he wanted us together, I am willing to give us a try, I couldn't think of anyone I would want to end up with but him, but if that doesn't happen, it's cool with me too because I'd always have him as a friend and that was enough for me.
I truly have no idea what went wrong. I was cautious not to come on too strong whenever I feel besotted with him and remind myself that we're friends first above everything else and most importantly, I know his story. He has only been in love once and although it has been 3 years since they broke up, he hasn't truly recovered although he has moved on from her. He went through a string of women since they broke up, I saw all that as it happened and that's why I made sure not to make the mistake of wanting to bring our friendship to a romantic one.
We did not fight or had an argument, but he just ghosted on me. Even if we did argue, it makes no sense for him to do this, we've had our differences before, and he has absolutely no qualms in calling me out on my bullshit if he sees it, so I cannot think of anything that I could or might have done that offended him to a point he thinks it's better to bail than confront it. 6 years of friendship and a few months of sexual relationship and he just ghosted. He blocked me from every channel of communication with him. I feel like a pariah. It is unfair that he didn't have the decency to tell me why, given the dynamic that we've had all these years where we can talk about anything and everything.
I cannot help but feel like he just wanted to use me. Like, our 6 years friendship was one long game he had planned. I know that doesn't make sense either, but how else am I to feel? I'm not hurt that I was not given a chance to prove that I am romantic relationship material. I'm hurt because I thought we were friends. In the past, he's the reason that I stay hopeful in men when my love life goes wrong. He made me believe good guys still exist. I don't anymore.
I've read libra males are notorious for 'ghosting'. Mine did for a month, he just suddenly stopped replying one day. Like you, I wasn't being intense or pushing a relationship - I just left him to it and he came back (libras are also known to keep coming back so I hear!) so just leave it be, date other people & if he comes back - great, if not then forget him!