just...i don't know...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by 1_fine_gem on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 and has 10 replies.
i don't even know wh i am writing. Just when i thought i got him all figured out, here i am again wondering about him and his action. I know all about those mirroring stuff, it's an old topic but it still confuse me with a question. Is it me? or him? did he just mirror me that's why he reacted that ay or he is like me.
anyway--there's this libra...same old if u remember..we've gotten close for about a year now..seen each otehr a few times as he lives miles away. but we used to talk to each other everyday and seem to really like each other. He shared stuff to me and we joke "i love you's and I like you's. I being a gemini, not too emotional and veryy changeable will sometimes love him and sometimes ignore/be mean to him...him being a libran always follows my mood. It went on and on...until i got busy and doesn't have time to talk to him much. I only have wednesdays available as my work demand a lot of time. So I thought that wednesday is for him. but when i talk to him on wednesday he always acts cold and uninteredted, always doing something nonsense and doesn't really like to talk to me anymore. A part of me saying let him go, he doesn't like u anymore...a part of me is saying do something about it cause, he is just playing hard to et cause i am always busy stuff.
I am sure as hell he did like me in the past, now i am not sure. we didn't have relationship but we did have a sort of mutual understanding and both kinda hoping for the future together as the distance is in the way..but we are both fine with it befire, he was planning on moving here and stuff. But i made it impossible(not intentionally so, because at some point, i was scared of relationship) anyway...
he's this type of person...
when i tell him for example: i don't have much time, i am going.
he would tell me, i really have to go, i am sorry..i have a lot to do today.
when--a little before that he doesn't have much to do.
I gather, that when he perceives something, he reatliates right away almost unconsiosly.
.....Could it be possible that is what he is doing now. Sort of mirroring? or he really is not interested anymore.
last wednesday, he was too lazy to answer my phone call and he admited that to me a few days after. That he was watching a movie or something. That tells me taht he would rather watch his movie than to talk to me. Is he blocking his emotions now because it's not possible between us? Or because he thinks I don't like him.
...or he doesn't really like me? but we had a thing in the past..I'm sure i am the prob. But if he likes me, how can i make it work now that he turned cold?
You better sit with him and have an open discussion. Dont let your twin side play along and screw it up. So talk to him. Tell him exactly how you feel in simple English. Or sms him and tell him you are bit confused and need his help to clear ur thoughts. Easy, safe and simple.
tell us how you really feel VirgoFun....why do you say that? Want to share your story??
Libra men are jerks? None that I've encountered. Well, OK - one, but he was weird to begin with.
I'm joyously happy with my Libra! smile
VirgoFun.... You have to understand he Libra man to appreciate him. It took me awhile, but I think I have it pretty much under my belt. It is about accepting people for who they are and that goes for all signs.
***the Libra man***
libras are jerks. the men. lol@virgofun
wow!when i came back here, there were so many answers: 1
thanks the libran.
though...i've figured it out myself..looking back and stuff..I know he likes me...i just have to let him freaking know I do too, because he's holding back...but then again..i am not sure for how long i will like him..might end up hurting him...so better not start the thing. Men! it's so hard to be beautiful! Winking